What people are saying about "Unusual"
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Moustachio Furioso
almost 7 years ago
I'm surprised people find more subtle unusual effects like massed flies "ugly", especially with the plethora of garish and unfitting crap most effects are.

I guess unusuals are more about flauting your wealth than actually looking decent.
almost 7 years ago
Sonic has got to go, fast!
almost 7 years ago
I feel like Sonic was a bit of an odd choice, even with his memetic love of chili cheese dogs I can't see him eating that.

A scout wearing it for a hat however!
almost 7 years ago
@Mrlczer Doing that with hot dogs sounds extremely unpleasurable, on top of being kinda gross after the fact.
Like there's going to be breadcrumbs and sausage fat all over the place, and it's probably going to be a mess to clean this up.
almost 7 years ago
@Samuel Measa: I was joking about how bad reviews for Sonic Mania said Sonic was never good. You are right though.
almost 7 years ago
You know you've been online for too long when your initial thought about what she'll do with the hot dogs can't be described in public...
almost 7 years ago
@lil Joshu: agreed.
almost 7 years ago
I love how chili dogs were still a thing even in the good sonic cartoon.
almost 7 years ago
Bad unusuals: Because some gamers know that coolness value is inferior to comedy value.
almost 7 years ago
The flies I could see being decent if it were limited to some Halloween-themed items. Like, say, some of the zombie outfits.
almost 7 years ago
This is simple. Bad effect. Bad effects are cheaps. Cheap unusual so almost everyone can buy it who has some money. And who cares if the effect is bad ITS UNUSUAL OMG. So more money to valve. .-.
almost 7 years ago
@Tristan Brown: Chili Dogs are great. But like some foods they are not for every one.

@Jo: Use to work in fast food and we would have been told to waste on those it they had been in the bin for to long.
almost 7 years ago
Chili Dogs were never good.
almost 7 years ago
Thus the rise of Zombie Sonic: runs so fast his feet fall off, and back On again.
almost 7 years ago
I found that a lot of decisions are often powered by the question "why not?"