What people are saying about "Blanket of Modesty"
Blanket of Modesty
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almost 7 years ago
@Nos Rin: Pretty sure most of the time things like this go straight to the patreon after being introduced. That said nobody ever talks about or shows anything from behind the wall so we'll never know, and it's better to assume not until proven otherwise.
almost 7 years ago
these costumes better stick around for a while. those cheesy dresses stuck around forever.
almost 7 years ago
Also think it would be fun if some of the girls wore tiaras too.

Would love it if Jane got that blanket off of her. Perhaps with the offer of a dance? ;)
almost 7 years ago
Blanket of Modesty draped over a wet blanket.
almost 7 years ago
The pants aren't poofy enough to be Shantae cosplay.
almost 7 years ago
Thanks Anne!
almost 7 years ago
I hope Jane just shows up and stuns Morgan (with her getup) long enough for her to pull the blanket off.
almost 7 years ago
God. These outfits... this looks bad :/
almost 7 years ago
Please tell me That Morgan is has her outfit in the style of Shantae Egypt outfit... along with her hair.
almost 7 years ago
Nice touch there, drawing them in Shantae's outfit. I can't wait to see what Morgan looks like...When she's ready. ^^;; Keep up the good work, Jo!
almost 7 years ago
Alright, that does it! Call in the Alola version of Morgan!
almost 7 years ago
Okay, I'm with you on that. If it's not for an objective, hacking is almost never worth the risk.

Also, how dare you delay us seeing Morgan in a Shantae outfit.
almost 7 years ago
I think the word you're aiming for is "modicum" (implying you want as much as you can get), not "minimum" (implying she doesn't want decency)
almost 7 years ago
More reason why Morgan is the worst.
almost 7 years ago
Boi with that Shantae outfit! Joe my man
almost 7 years ago
Someone forgot to take into account that Jane isn't going to be happy having to clean up the bar from all the customers getting nosebleeds.
almost 7 years ago
Anne needs a haircut.
almost 7 years ago
Hey Jo, ever play Persona?
almost 7 years ago
Count me in the group that wants to see this to the end. The question is can the others pull off the Shantae hair style, or will we be disappointed.

As for Morgan I think we can lure her out with the right bait. Maybe a nice shiny new bullet hell with pixel graphics.
almost 7 years ago
"Happy ending?" Jane knows about uniform. Jane would see Morgan in that outfit anyway. Jane will have some reaction to what she'll see. So there are still things to draw before the happy ending.
almost 7 years ago
i miss alek... and am weirdly excited to see her in the new uniform. lol
almost 7 years ago
the whole series has always been using a reverse difficulty curve, where you struggle against the threat at the beginning but you become more powerful and able to destroy them so you take the fight back to their HQ.

This design decision makes sense for long games due to hours loss if you lose.
almost 7 years ago
@Marcello Faria: on a couple occasions when I saw belly dancing here in Russia it didn't look all that foreign. Probably because some of the more southern regions do hold some cultural presence over the country.
almost 7 years ago
I'm curious how Alek will look in this outfit. She has big boobs and all, but that's not what you expect a Russian girl to wear.
almost 7 years ago
I can't wait to see Jane and Alec. Anne's reaction to the latter will be hilarious.
almost 7 years ago
Hey Jo!

I Love Morgan,she is so cute-grump!

In the XCOM 2 War of Chosen, I play in third dificult, and I love the game, until I try play in the last dificult level. Skirmish and Templar are my favorite new unit, but Reaper is so OP...