What people are saying about "Praise The..."
Praise The...
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almost 7 years ago
@Bazzralic: <3
almost 7 years ago
my sun... my very own sun... is so dark...
almost 7 years ago
I am laughing so damn hard at this you don't even know!
almost 7 years ago
Actually happens in the game btw.
almost 7 years ago
Play sonic adventure :P
almost 7 years ago
Over here in the states Summer is in full swing - you should slide over to the south it hasn't been under the 90s during the day for the past month lol
almost 7 years ago
I'm on a diet too (diabeetus), so I'm making do with hot (unsweetened) tea while the cold last. It sucks. Love the comic.
almost 7 years ago
I love you Jo. You are the muse of the gaming community and your humor is unique in its power.
almost 7 years ago
DS3 story short.
almost 7 years ago
"A solar eclipse is like a woman breastfeeding in a restaurant: It's free, it's beautiful, but under no circumstances should you look at it." -Kent Brockman
almost 7 years ago
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almost 7 years ago