What people are saying about "Echo Chamber"
Echo Chamber
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about 7 years ago
@Gratua Cuun: the idea is to post bad opinions, not common sense
about 7 years ago
Bill Clinton is a rapist
about 7 years ago
I'll try to break Anne's sensibilities...

"Sonic '06 is the best Sonic game."
"The ending to Mass Effect 3 was pretty good."
"No Man's Sky wasn't a complete waste of time and money."
"No one likes fanservice and it is gratuitous and unnecessary."
"Everything should be free."
about 7 years ago
@Gratua Cuun: as it says above the comment input box "Remember, discussion and suggestions are ok, bitching is not". I think your comment is classified as bitching.
about 7 years ago
Trump is a worthless sack of shit and his supporters should be ashamed
about 7 years ago
something about the thought of paying someone to say "Everything should be free in this world" amuses me far more than it should
about 7 years ago
Anne's my favorite tf2 gal because she play's the fan-service game without succumbing to it or holding any particular resentment towards it, she's been shown to think of it as an art-form and treats it as such, I think that interesting for someone who works in that field,if not at least respectable.
about 7 years ago
"Trump is the best thing to happen to this country."
about 7 years ago
Eliza is a better waifu than Minette.
about 7 years ago
Hog needs a buff.
about 7 years ago
Nintendo Switch is overrated.
about 7 years ago
Warcraft 3 is overrated.
about 7 years ago
for the outrageous opinion... "no mans sky was a good game"
about 7 years ago
WW3 needs to start ASAP
about 7 years ago
cant tell if people are trolling or stating how they feel since they think they're safe. :S
about 7 years ago
Hitler did nothing wrong
about 7 years ago
I want to see two of the girls kissing. any two. as long as they're over 18.
about 7 years ago
I think Anne should do more fan-service.
about 7 years ago
I agree that genders are limiting. Which is why we should have none. If 2 stereotypes are constraining you won't fix it by inventing 30 more.
But that's asking people to judge others by their personality, as individuals. That something many people really don't want to do.
about 7 years ago
Pineapple belongs on Pizza
about 7 years ago
All insurance is a scam. Religion was invented to give otherwise usless humans a way to keep from starving. Race is a meaningless term outside sports. Just my opinions. If they don't upset you I have more.
about 7 years ago
So basically a monetized tumblr/reddit?
about 7 years ago
Hook 1.0 was the best one.
about 7 years ago
The Thirteenth Doctor is going to be awesome
about 7 years ago
Telltale should stop trying to make their excuses for shitty stories and calling them "games"
about 7 years ago
"League of Legends is a team oriented strategy game, your goal is to work together with your team to bring down the enemy nexus..."
about 7 years ago
@Kyle DeBona: Because so little gets made, unless everything's hiding behind the patreon paywall (maybe if older pics were released occasionally...)
about 7 years ago
Isn't this what a subscription to FauxNews and SubReddits are for?
about 7 years ago
Dark souls is badly designed but everyone's too far down the "git gud" rabbit hole to admit it
about 7 years ago
Starcraft is utter trash compared to Warzone 2100.
about 7 years ago
@Andre Swartz Mass Effect 3 is my favorite game from the series (never played Andromeda), but I find the ending to be pretty damn bad. Now for an unpopular opinion, I think Mass Effect 2 is kinda bad story-wise.
about 7 years ago
If you think this was the dumbest idea you've ever heard, something tells me you're about to hear ideas that are much dumber.
about 7 years ago
I Liked the ending to Mass Effect 3.
about 7 years ago
I outrageously opine that tentacles are unattractive.
about 7 years ago
- Wii is the best console of the world.
- Game For windows is the most awesome idea of the gaming story
- Games basead in hollywood movies are the best games
- Everyone love E.T. game from atari 2600
about 7 years ago
Angie sneakily goes over to a computer, double checks to make sure no one is looking. Anne appears out of thin air (Spy) and looks over her shoulder.

Anne: "You know, looking up porn of the comic strip is not that big of a crime."

about 7 years ago
Damnit, Anne! Do you accept paypal?
about 7 years ago
All governments should hire former professional wrestlers as their press liaisons. In this way at least the press conferences will be entertaining and probably just as informative as the stuffed shirts they have now.
about 7 years ago
Mass Effect Andromeda was actually a really good game! Quite possibly better than Mass Effect 3.

*Hands over fistful of bills*
about 7 years ago
I think all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not! And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!
about 7 years ago
i see what u did there
about 7 years ago
Hm, this sound as a good startup