What people are saying about "Announcement"
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over 7 years ago
@Nos Rin: That's the idea. Keep pushing it over and over until people get tired of it and let a harmful bill through.
over 7 years ago
@Beastwolf: sigh... I'm getting tired of this shit with it. I just don't understand.
over 7 years ago
Hey, net nuetrality is on the chopping block again, maybe comment to get the word out for American readers? And/or everyone else too.
over 7 years ago
Isn't that basically the way that every card game announces new expansions?
over 7 years ago
Watch him actually do it now.
over 7 years ago
Guilty of playing Pirate Warrior here, but it's one of the few decks that are both cheap and competitive. Yarrosh Alescream is the greatest hero!
over 7 years ago
@rohebat ;n; don't remind me
over 7 years ago
Have you heard of Hiveswap, Jo? I think it has Blizz beat for taking too long.
over 7 years ago
Blizzard Time?
over 7 years ago
If two weeks later you actually introduce a stealthy set up for a Blizzard joke in one of your strip, and THEN two weeks after that you actually do a Blizzard joke, you'll get major brownie points in my book.
over 7 years ago
It's not a bad way to keep the hype up, imo.