What people are saying about "Chickenless"
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almost 7 years ago
But if you try to reward players for doing kills, you miss out on replicating the part of Battle Royal/Hunger Games/Running Man, where the protagonist gets through the Death Match without killing a single person.
almost 7 years ago
@Hinamil Greyworks: Player's Unknown BattleGround
almost 7 years ago
I miss the days when I was able to comprehend what's the joke was about, even if I never played the game itself.
almost 7 years ago
Forgive my ignorance but what is PUBG?
almost 7 years ago
Maybe some people enjoy the "waiting like a sniper till you see someone in the distance and manage to kill them" part of the mid game. Who knows, all the videos that I watch from players are edited with several cuts taking out the boring/waiting parts so it's always fun to watch.
almost 7 years ago
SCAR OP, pls nerf
almost 7 years ago
I don't get it.
almost 7 years ago
I have been playing Black Survival, the battle royal game on android. I think PUBG can use the BS system of crafting items, finding food and setting traps so people will actually move around instead of camping in one place. Actually I just wish BS was a 3D game like PUBG
almost 7 years ago
I agree that they should make it more rewarding/satisfying to kill or punishing camp but permanent bufs seems too much tbh.
almost 7 years ago
You are exactly right you are in the minority with this.
The loud obnoxious minority that spams the forums when they lose a game, and every multiplayer game that has died from shitty dev balancing can be sourced back to devs bulking under the pressure of this minority.
Arma Koth is better.
almost 7 years ago
@Nick Dubrowski: From what I see, killing is only worth at the very start.

After that, letting other do the dirty work is the way for poultry, specially if you already have good gear.
almost 7 years ago
From what I saw of the game in streams (no personal experience of it) you are already rewarded greately for frag: less enemies to kill, your victim's gear. Giving some "statistical" bonus to killer could cause snowballing effect.