What people are saying about "April Fool's"
April Fool's
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almost 8 years ago
Fighter of the night man
almost 8 years ago
You ever consider adding a date to your webcomic pages?
almost 8 years ago
Holy shit you used the right form of you're. This must be april fools.
almost 8 years ago
No continuation of last year's April fools? I am disappointed.
almost 8 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Yeeeeah, not buying it XD. Really hope I'm right tho, cause then that's just lazy ahaha, I mean, it's not even original. Better the coffee at this point U_U
almost 8 years ago
Thank you, I was getting so tired of Aprils Fool...
almost 8 years ago
I like this.

I told my boss I was considering calling up, and then showing up for work anyway.
He said he'd then pull me into the office to pretend to coach me.
would have been funny. ah well.
almost 8 years ago
@T: This guys get it. :)
almost 8 years ago
Everybody expected an April fool's prank but Jo got you all by not giving any! Or did he?
almost 8 years ago
Jo's April Fools prank? A strip without a punchline.
almost 8 years ago
There's actually a huge easter egg in this strip.
almost 8 years ago
You have my respect, tenta-jo
almost 8 years ago
My comment is more directed toward the people who are actively aggressively against April Fools.
almost 8 years ago
@hi132435: No need to go there, guy. Being this extreme is out of place. It's too much talking about cynicism for something this harmless. He expressed his point of view, we ours. Nobody is going deep or demanding, simple conversation. This is 'safe space' level of a reaction. Nobody wants that. lol
almost 8 years ago
April fools get more predictable year by year. Yet there's always some original joke somewhere that makes it worth it. This year was Stack Overflow for me. A site about technical informations and questions on programming and high-level security, did this https://youtu.be/VgC4b9K-gYU
almost 8 years ago
can't we laugh for one day of the year

can't you turn off your cynicism for one fucking day
almost 8 years ago
Yeah for me now it's not about getting pranked, it's more like "let's see how they do that".
For instance, AltShift X and Draw with Jazza videos today were awesome and I knew both were april's fools.
almost 8 years ago
Ya filthy hipster, where's my joke?! è_é lol no, real talk now: Of course they are predictable, but a lot of people want them nonetheless. It's like..mhm...a haunted house, you don't expect real terror, you go there to see how much creative it turns out to be. More fun than drinking coffee D:
almost 8 years ago
Thank you, Jo. I love you.