What people are saying about "Special Edition"
Special Edition
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over 7 years ago
EA is EA, what do you expect
over 7 years ago
Let me correct myself:

I'll admit that i and many others may have been jumping the gun a bit here, letting our opinion be so easily influenced by some selected images and gameplay footage... i guess that the game may still be awesome, and that those parts are not enough to judge the whole game.
over 7 years ago
@Gratua Cuun: Well yeah, that whole business with her being the responsible for this whole situation did sound a bit too much; i don't think she's actually the reason for it, but, without pointing fingers at anyone, the game IS looking kinda bad, based on what we've seen so far, no?
over 7 years ago
Just too bad she was only with the company for a year and joined after the game was nearly finalized - but YES! Don't focus on the company. Don't focus on the developer - let's target one woman for cosplaying too much and RUINING our animations -rolls eyes-
over 7 years ago
I liked the drama about that fake lead animator. Which people defended by saying "don't attack ONE person, even if she were lead."
Like, if we blame a CEO for a company, a prime minister for a cabinet, then YES, blame a LEAD animator for crappy animation.
over 7 years ago
@Gratua Cuun: Can't escape the truth!
over 7 years ago
@Gratua Cuun: There IS no escape. Resistance is futile.
over 7 years ago
i liked the original eyes better, its almost as if she was hiding her laughter for what she had in store for him.
over 7 years ago
Boy, I REALLY can't escape the MEA hate ANYWHERE - can I?
over 7 years ago
@Elyseon: As games focus more on the most expensive graphics, yeah gameplay is coming second.
It wouldnt have too if they just skimped on the graphics budget a bit I mean look at what we got 10 years ago and compare it to now, was that worth a couple of million of dollars?
over 7 years ago
@Zacsi: That looks incredible compared to ME2.
over 7 years ago
@Zacsi: Dude, from what i'v seen so far, the game looks absolutely disappointing... i mean, what the hell? what happened? aren't they a multimillionaire company? Coldn't they hire the best of the best?
over 7 years ago
Believe me you are missing nothing.
over 7 years ago
Triple A games were a mistake.
over 7 years ago
Hey Jo, maybe you can call back some old friends of other comics...

http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/655 ;)
over 7 years ago
I feel like I need to know, what's going on with that straw? It seems like it's going through the glass.
over 7 years ago
Shit like this is why 90% of the gaming industry these days is cancerous. Actual game design seems like a distant second priority to squeezing as much cash out as they can.
over 7 years ago
I gotta say that this comic's point would be better served as him getting a drink, saying it's a regular. hand him the special straw, and demand 20 more dollars. as it is the metaphor makes it sound like ME:A has nothing in it.
Andrea Casbarre
over 7 years ago
calling them "Collector Addon" or "Collector Merchandise Pack" instead of "Collector Edition" would solve some problems :P
over 7 years ago

I haven't seen him in years!
over 7 years ago
You know, if you want to make this comic more apt, Angie's eyes should be going in different directions. Because seriously what in the SHIT is up with the facial animation?
over 7 years ago
@Raxyz: They may be afraid of people selling the CE disc for other people I guess.
over 7 years ago
I agree on the futility of this kinda stuff. No doubt, however, that they want you to buy the digital version of the game AND the collector's edition. This way they save a lot of money by not printing the physical copies AND sell you the full price anyways.