What people are saying about "Cheers"
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Teddy Roosvelt
almost 13 years ago
OH SHIT I JUST RELIZED WHAT THIS COMIC MEANT the bar is called Ye Olde Server and MW2 dosent have dedicated servers so he couldent get in :O
Teddy Roosevelt
almost 13 years ago
Poor COD i had a good time playing it for the first month when it came out then i relized i problems......and i quit.. mostly cause of no dedicated servers.
about 13 years ago
The counter strike guy is just looking at the COD guy like "Thats right you bastard, you dominate now. But when a sequel for me comes out im going to make you my bitch."
almost 14 years ago
I love that place, I go there every day.
Mr. Lolz
almost 14 years ago
meh, Cod MW2 was just not meant for pc, more for xbox 360 >.>
old Cod games were more like it! >:P
over 14 years ago
Looks like hes not allowed inside :(
Poor MW2.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_16539]@grimskin[/url] Green is the default non team color for some of the human armors
almost 15 years ago
D'awww@Mini-Medic sitting on the bar. :P
Crass Spektakel
almost 15 years ago
You can list and select servers pretty nice in external game server browsers. I prefer QTracker which nicely displays all L4D servers with lots of details. Double-Click and play.
almost 15 years ago
ahh... i remember the days, unfortunatly all of my favourites were put down, so don't see the reason to play
almost 15 years ago
and right next to them is the Mecha dad from the causal arc.
almost 15 years ago
So much photo notes! i can't breath!
almost 15 years ago
Does I smell a reference to heavy/baby team arc?
almost 15 years ago
Pretty much, Microsoft wants to make more money off of gaming. What's the easiest way to do that? Make every gamer own a 360 and make them pay to play online. No PC gamer is gonna pay 50 bucks to play online when he can simply use the same internet connection that he uses for everything else to play
almost 15 years ago
Nobby, I wholeheartedly agree.
I would also like to point out that a server choice option in L4Ds party system would have been ideal.
Or at least an option to just friggin join a server.
Thank god for that console command.
mr flibbles
almost 15 years ago
Matchmaking can kiss my arse. Microsoft have gone too far in their efforts to "consolize" the PC gaming market with their Windows Live technology. Keep that crap on the Xbox, we dont want it here >:(
almost 15 years ago
I was chatting to my local netcafe owner about this and how it is mainly because they're trying to stop the pc community around CoD. We then turned to the full netcafe full of people playing nothing but one giant cod4 LAN. IW are idiots for cutting down on their biggest market.
almost 15 years ago
wait didn't the wife had some small green tint to her dress in the coming to age arc and blue when she first appeared?
almost 15 years ago
Ah, I love the Cheers theme. One of my top favorite songs.

Also, matchmaking sucks. Still, I guess it makes things easier to people new to computers.
almost 15 years ago
Too true, such a dumb*** manuever not letting dedicated servers into play. Prepare for the onslaught of games being ended by their hosts.

On another note, I love the picture. Its literally worth a thousand words.
almost 15 years ago
Oh god, you put a label on him. Now this is a political cartoon.
almost 15 years ago
MW2: Now with the same connection setup on PC that MW1 had on consoles! Watch as the game plays fine until someone calls in an airstrike and half the players lag out because the host who has the best connection (according to matchmaking) is on the other side of the freaking planet!
almost 15 years ago
Cue barfight!
almost 15 years ago
CUTE: the heavy and medic are always together! aWwWw <3
[CA] Dirka
almost 15 years ago
Cheers to you sir
almost 15 years ago
Cheers to Couch and Voogru, they both have good servers.
almost 15 years ago
Anybody notice that tomorrow is Jo's 200th comic?
almost 15 years ago
The Couch Athletics server is good, but now that I've started using skins and models and such, I can't go on the server without weapons and characters becoming invisible because of SV_Pure. It's a shame.
almost 15 years ago
I always think that in games that try to 'match player skillz', some skilled player could always exploit it by making a new 'Beginner' account and beat the crap out of all the players of 'similiar skill' for a couple of laughs. Rinse and Repeat. (Yay Exploits!)
almost 15 years ago
P2P fails because you never have any connection with the people you play with, it's different each time and players are just a list of faceless names.

Servers fail because the majority of the admins cannot resist adding mods to "improve" the game.

New system anyone?
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_16535]@2033[/url]: the one you marked as "Dawn of War ?" seems to be similar to the green one. Also I'm not sure that they are from UT. There was Blue and Red teams, but not green.
almost 15 years ago
Haha Good! Mw2 isnt here >:) mhuahaahahahaha fuck you IW and your matchmaking PC!
Zak Canard
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_16535]@2033[/url]: Chibi Medic's definitely sitting on the bar, it's just th edge of it is obscured by photo notes.
almost 15 years ago
Where's Chibi Medic Tan sitting on?
almost 15 years ago
The TFC pub server I used to haunt back in the day used to play that song... *gets all nostalgic*
almost 15 years ago
so this is where mecha dad was during the bondage arc.
drinking him self under and avoiding the miss and her crazy bondage fetish.

ye old server "selling booze to hairless chaps since 67'"
almost 15 years ago
Nick Mangiaracina
almost 15 years ago
Thanks for the plug, Nerf! We love having you on OUR dedicated servers that WE manage JUST FINE!
Tonight's Entertainment
almost 15 years ago
What IW doesn't realize is that there's so many more people between hardcore and newbie, who don't want to play in tournaments but also don't want to play on shitty P2P.
almost 15 years ago
Oh, and I really really really want to put photonote on this one, but I'm out of town job related and I don't want to put my email on some random internet cafe computers :(

oh well......
almost 15 years ago
Love this scene, back when I still have cable tv Cheers always been one of the very few shows I watch.

Lot of cable channels and almost nothing to watch, I disconnect my cable tv (but not my cable internet) after tech tv closed down. But I miss mythbusters though :(
almost 15 years ago
This theme song was the best. It's on my iPod
almost 15 years ago
The guy who wrote that gameinformer article is a wanker. Don't waste your time reading it if you don't feel like raging at his stupidity.
almost 15 years ago

Read that, guys.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
In hindsight, I see the bubbles withing the beverage, but I am a stubborn SOB, so I say it is a delicious amber beer. Mmmmm. Beer.
almost 15 years ago
Iz dat sum beer I seez?! UNDERAGE DRINKING! ... like we don't all do it. :D
almost 15 years ago
Chibi-Medic: makes me go DAWWWWWWWW each time.
almost 15 years ago
Loc, get out of this thr-- erm, comment board.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago

No dedi servers for COD MW2!
almost 15 years ago
Don't get it :p