What people are saying about "Bar N Grill"
Bar N Grill
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over 7 years ago
@Shareazu: i found SC3's storymode massively frustrating at times. I wanted to do all fights and some were beyond difficult, maybe it was meant for only hardcore people but I was still left angry. Loved the custom fighting styles that came with the custom characters.
over 7 years ago
Angie and co. have some tough competition. Va11 Hall-A is a very highly rated video game waifu bar.

They have a shibe in sunglasses and a Haiwaiian shirt. How do you top that?
over 7 years ago
If you ask me, the bunnyangie would be nice. :v
over 7 years ago
I'll just leave this here... http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/259
over 7 years ago
@Tyler Wang: Hauhea, my bad, i should've typed the whole name... didn't even notice it.
over 7 years ago
@Shareazu: for a moment I thought you were talking about starcraft3 until I realized no such thing exists yet and the comic was about soul caliber
over 7 years ago
Aww, but I like Angel's outfit way more, Jo! Why not both?
over 7 years ago
Hey, Jo, been a while since you drew anything... 'risque'. Maybe this calls for that.
over 7 years ago
It's been a while since we had cheesecake of this caliber.
over 7 years ago
@Nos Rin: Yeah... SC3 was quite nice, with a pretty decent 'story mode', custom character creation, aaaand that new mode that had you controlling a character in a map, where you had to control some points in the map.

'tis a shame the next ones in the series weren't as good.
over 7 years ago
@Guilherme Nozaki: it's better just to dust off one of the older ones. Soul Edge for PS1, Soul Caliber for DC, Soul Caliber 2 for GC, or Soul Caliber 3 for PS2, 4&5 were lame.
over 7 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: true, SC3 was the last decent one. :( They did to do one with the classic characters.
I guess I have to go to a con to see obscure stuff. :(
over 7 years ago
Fanservice might not be easy but it's always appreciated!
over 7 years ago
Thank you Jo, for sharing about the carefully thought out decisions behind fan-service lol
over 7 years ago
Born 1985, strip 1985 and Angie's (almost) in her birthday suit. Jo just keeps giving
over 7 years ago
Why cant she make it a brothel? I mean if the aliens won all the laws will be different.
over 7 years ago
It's been a while since I saw a Soul Calibur game, I wonder where is the franchise at the moment
over 7 years ago
Thank god we voted fanserv :D
over 7 years ago
@Nos Rin: The game popularity isn't high those days.
over 7 years ago
@Joey Archamon: man, i loved that show as a kid lol.
over 7 years ago
Soul Caliber Ivy cosplay?! (surprised I don't see more of this at... hey, i almost enver see soul calber cosplays... why the fuck is that?!)
over 7 years ago
to be fair she is able to assert control in groups of women, is looking to make money, and doesn't shy away from... risque outfits. it's easy to see how someone could easily make that connection.
over 7 years ago
Angie should definitely own a whorehouse.
over 7 years ago
Why does Marie look like Bobby from Bobby's World?