What people are saying about "Trail"
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about 8 years ago
The only point of playing oregon trail, (OR AMAZON TRAIL!!!) was to kill animals. and name your family funny names and laugh when they die.
about 8 years ago
@Shareazu: WHAT?! D: omg! it's.. it's... already been explained but still!!

Also last time I tried to reinstall 7 it would NOT update. I basically hsd to hsve my friend do a few tricks and then upgrade to 10. but i've had no issues with 10, i dont use cortana though.
about 8 years ago
@Bazzralic: Well, thank you :)
about 8 years ago
Josue, I love you. But im starting to think you have Ghost Writers on your team because your comics are TOO good. This throwback goes almost 20 years.
about 8 years ago
Classic Soldier 76, complains about the payload not being pushed, but stands around waiting for the support to do all the work.
about 8 years ago
Mega64: Oregon Trail
Aaaaaaaaaand that's the gist of it.
about 8 years ago
I can give you 280 reasons why you should not go from W7 to W10: that's how many dollars I've been charging people for me to repair their PC after doing so, after all of their drivers shat themselves with compatibility issues.
about 8 years ago
literal tons of animals--- and only bringing back 200 lbs at a time. Also, random poison snake bites because fuck you.
about 8 years ago
For those yougin's who've seen too few winters to have first Master PC Raced via the "edutainment" games on your school's computer lab: Oregon Trail. Multiple versions exist, but all are known by the proto-meme of "X has dysentery"/"X has died.", fording rivers, and slaughtering literal tons of anim
about 8 years ago
Isn't there a cheap version of Siege? I think that was 15 dollars.
about 8 years ago
You should try rainbow six siege jo
about 8 years ago
Shoutout to Oregon Trail!
about 8 years ago
maybe that helps with starbound https://www.reddit.com/r/starbound/comments/4u7pd5/starbound_10_wont_launch_read_this/
Simon Casteran
about 8 years ago
@Shareazu It's from an old game called The Oregon Trail in which you had to go to Oregon with your wagon and could lose part of your family or everyone including you. In this screenshot, Soldier 76 fall ill.
about 8 years ago
in any case, let me unfocus a bit on this discussion, and ask:

What's the joke on this page about, anyway? i don't think i've ever seen that game on the last panel, before... can someone please explain?
about 8 years ago
Giving the option to give up your privacy for free stuff? I can live with that. Half of all programs does that. But if it's outright lying about what updates/options/programs do, just to get you? NO. Bad dev. No do. 6/6
about 8 years ago
Fine then, disable all the tracking things in options. You're safe now right? Wrong. Have a tool by an ex-windows employee: https://www.safer-networking.org/spybot-anti-beacon/, it disables a lot of the spying that ISN'T as easy to shut off by going to the options menu's. 5/?
about 8 years ago
Add to this updates that remove incompatible programs. Seems harmless enough. Except they jsut remove programs interfering with their business. Like win7 solitaire(and the other games). Not because they didn't work, reinstalling goes fine. But so you use the literal freemium win10 versions. 4/?
about 8 years ago
Regular search then: search both your computer and then internet, saves you from starting up the browser and THEN typing it in your search bar. An actual improvement, however small. Except you can't use it unless you link to a microsoft account. Zero reason for that. 3/?
about 8 years ago
All the changes they made aren't to make things "better for the consumer". As the saying goes "if you don't have to pay for it, YOU are the product". Want Cortana active? You better give them unrestricted access to all your personal stuff. "But it needs that!" 2/?
about 8 years ago
@Olej Except that Windows 10 is evil incarnate. I tried it, and decided to write all the things I hated about it down, so I wouldn't forget.

The Basic gist of it though: it went full freemium. Of course they offer it for free, and you're a fool for thinking they'll stop doing that. 1/?
about 8 years ago
Windows 10 sucks - there's WAY too many games and programs that don't work with it. Further, windows 8 sucks even more... seriously, who thought it was a good idea to turn your DESKTOP into a fucking tablet?!?!? I'm hanging on to 7 for as long as I can.
about 8 years ago
Just upgrade to Windows 10, the offer is only avaible for a few more days now. There's really no reason not to have upgraded by now.
about 8 years ago
a 76 comic, what are the odds
when my first box of the today was commando 76
fate is truely active today
about 8 years ago
@Nos Rin And that is why I wont buy Starbound. I really think it has more to offer compared to Terraria, but that Fish Chuckle way too much about money people gave them. I can stand lack of polish (1.0 after all), or toxic community. But I wont support unfair development.
about 8 years ago
There's just no damn excuse for what the present game is when you look at the big picture. I've seen far more done with far less.
Maybe I'm so annoyed cause I actually wanted to play. But now I won't even touch the game even if you payed me 100 bucks and a free copy.
about 8 years ago
I ended up getting invited to a forum where we had very long discussions about all these issues.
Like how they moved to england and fired anyone who couldn't do it.
They made MILLIONS off kickstarter alone. And this is what they have to show for it?! Where did all the money go?
about 8 years ago
and I got banned for "getting into it with other players" because someone said in a year the best they got was pets and I said that wasnt very good.
The moderator kept closing my threads before I could get my question answered and then perma banned me because I wasn't praising them.
about 8 years ago
It's the toxic and delusional community that kills me the most. The game is heavily flawed and according to people who played it they changed all the wrong things.
about 8 years ago
It took FOUR YEARS for them to "Finish" a TWO DIMENSIONAL GAME" Meanwhile Terraria in that time has unleashed SEVERAL new updates FULL of content. At no charge. And Terraria has had several dollar sales.
You cant not compare them. Starbound is made by an ex-artist for terraria.
about 8 years ago
{cont} In summary, Terraria's had more time for content and polish, but Starbound is so much more fun and interesting to me, and feels like the sky's the limit. Also, let's not pretend Terria's combat was anything other than painfully basic when criticising Starbound's combat mechanics.
about 8 years ago
{cont}...the bottom of the sea in Terraria. And there's other things to do - farming! Building colonies that don't have pre-set NPCs! An actual storyline! Upgrading your ship, filling it with a crew and going on space adventures! Monster catching! And so on. It's just so much more fun.
about 8 years ago
{cont} certain race stuff showing up, but it's extremely difficult to predict what exactly you might run into. You might find a settlement or some random person's house or a various other things above and below ground. You'll never find an entire abandoned pagoda-town below...{cont}
about 8 years ago
{cont} the biggest thing for me was that exploring and mining is so, so much less of a chore. I'd argue that Starbound doesn't have less biomes than Terraria, but the big thing is the generated structures and 'mini-dungeons' that can appear - some system types have a greater chance of... {cont}
about 8 years ago
For the record, I did play a lot of Terraria back in the day, pretty much all the vanilla content, and also played a lot of Minecraft as well. And I also played the original Starbound beta. Starbound 1.0 is leaps and bounds better than the beta (though the beta was fun in its own right), but {cont}
about 8 years ago
Starbound's concept is great; personally, i prefer it over Terraria's... however, i admit terraria is, of course, much more polished than starbound.
about 8 years ago
So overall, I like Terraria, and I like Starbound, even though I think Starbound does need a lot more polish, it has things that appeal to me more, now that I feel I've exhausted everything Terraria has to offer.

Also, fuck corruption spread. For real.
about 8 years ago
{cont}...don't have to worry about wrecking your main world. The community I can't speak much of, I know there's been some drama early in the game's development, but whenever I asked on the forums, people have been fairly helpful.
about 8 years ago
{cont} ...Starbound does seem to have a lot more content, especially for exploration and NPC wrangling. For those of us who aren't all about combat, having the ability to have housing for more than a few preset NPCs is a huge bonus, and being able to seamlessly jump between worlds means you...{cont}
about 8 years ago
As someone who's played Terraria quite a bit {and liked it} and tried Starbound when it came out on GOG and yesterday, they both have their pros and cons. Terraria's interface is way more polished, something Starbound needs to improve on. On the other hand... {cont}
about 8 years ago
@Censuur: They got hooked after I let them die to the Eye of Cthulhu. I closed them off in my arena, made entirely out of obsidian, with a one way teleporter. It was fun.
about 8 years ago
@Censuur: Well, are those fanboys worth all that trouble? Leave the fools to their own device. Now if it's your friend or someone you care about, that's a different story. I had friends who thought Terraria was stupid just because it's a 2d game, and I forced them to play multiplayer with me.
about 8 years ago
@Undying3132: Just sick of people pretending Starbound isn't Terraria's ugly cousin. Terraria is by far the golden standard for the genre.

Sick of Starbound fanboys who bought Terraria and played for 5 minutes to decide it was worse to then proclaim their folly to the world and lack any argument.
about 8 years ago
Alright guys, that's enough. I bought Terraria for 3 dollars and enjoyed the living shit out of it. Sure Starbound might not be better than Terraria, but that shouldn't be stopping you from enjoying the game.
By the way, I have never beat Super Amazing Wagon Adventure. Props to anyone who did.
about 8 years ago
@Censuur: There is also desert, "hive", and temple (where you fight golem)
about 8 years ago
@Candescence: The overall controls are still abysmal, the variety of interactions is extremely limited and the quests are droll. No but seriously what fucking content does Starbound have that Terraria doesn't exceed? Because I've yet to find any.

Literally everything is worse in Starbound.
about 8 years ago
@Candescence: Desert, forest, crimson, corruption, ice, sky, beach, dungeon, most of those with underground variants and dozens of different underground ones too. Starbound by comparison has fuck all besides generated structures.

As for content, what content? The combat is still beyond ass.
about 8 years ago
I had the same problem a few updates ago, they started using the latest Visual C library which doesn't exist on (unofficial) w7. I've solved it by installing the game on Ubuntu and it works like a charm!
about 8 years ago
Good thing I didn't buy it right away then, if it won't start. Guess I'd better wait a while longer.
about 8 years ago
@Candescence: There are more than 8 I think, but I never felt lack of biomes to be a problem. They were pretty diverse.
about 8 years ago
@Censuur: "Much smaller"? I remember Terraria having, what, five to eight biomes, give or take. You're giving Terraria way too much credit, even despite the post-1.0 updates.

Really, I find that there's just far, far more to Starbound in both substance and content than there ever was in Terraria.
about 8 years ago
@Milokot: I'm calling bullshit on you right there mate. They have 'more exploration' only in the sense that you can find a desert, go to another planet and find a desert with different colored sand. The total number of biomes in Starbound is much smaller than in Terraria.
about 8 years ago
You think they are the worst?

May I present you Double Fine and their abandonware Spacebase DF-9 ?
about 8 years ago
And don't get me wrong. The idea of starbound sounded awesome. the game looked cool and fun.
But they ban and delete anything negative. You cant grow if you dont take the bad with the good and they never once listened to their delusionioally loyal fanbase.
It's really sad.
about 8 years ago
But seriously. 4 years and millions of dollars over a 2D game. it's a fucking joke. chuckle fish (& also codehatch) are the worst. They're just as bad as EA. D:
ANd don't take my word for it there's oceans of evidence.
Also according to many reviews they removed a ton of content with 1.0. wow...
about 8 years ago
JO YOU FOOL!!! Starbound is GARBAGE!!! The the community is toxic and delusional and if you say anything that isn't super positive about their game they will flame you and call you a troll!!! (I got banned from their forums for asking questions. :P what a self absorbed mod they had. lol.)
about 8 years ago
ps : it still does have a 64x launcher and a 32x launcher in the game folders if you want to give it a shot, just right click starbound > properties > local files > browse local files > win32/win64 (idk the version of your windows) and test both launchers to see if it works for you
about 8 years ago
I was about to say to you to bring up the launcher to start the game in a different version (it used to have 32x,64x and others bullshits) on my window 7 64, it wouldn't start at 32x or the others versions I don't remember the name, but would works normally at 64x, it doesn't have the launcher .....
about 8 years ago
Yeah, i've been playing it since the (very long) beta phase, but i haven't checked the new stuff, yet... i mean, i liked the game back then, but, judging by the recent reviews, it seems it is much better!

I just hope the 'main story' has some sort of ending, now!
about 8 years ago
@Milokot: I'm ok with that. :)
about 8 years ago
I played Starbound for few updates last year. Taking changes they made into account, its better Terraria. Fun, but not groundbreaking or anything, just with much more exploring.