What people are saying about "Patch Day"
Patch Day
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over 7 years ago
In fact, the only issue I encountered is that for 2 days after the official release in my country the servers were overloaded most of the time.
over 7 years ago
There's a lot of misguided comments here about Pokemon Go: I downloaded the official APK through a safe site, played the game in my country (the Netherlands) for a week before the official release with my Google account, didn't get reset, and obviously there were gyms and pokestops already.
over 7 years ago
@Shadowfury: ...Would it even matter if he got it? Are there even gyms and pokestops before it's released in your region? And pokemon spawns? And how would the gyms, if they existed, be 2000+ CP if no one has the game yet?
Paweł Marek Michał Czerwiński
over 7 years ago
I like how some forgot that this patch nerfed not only arrows but ALL projectiles. ALL - that includes Zenyatta, Bjorn and everyone else with projectiles.
over 7 years ago
I find it interesting that you made both Pharah and Tracer's breasts visible when you drew them. In reality, you can't see their breasts at all with the clothes they are wearing.
over 7 years ago
Don't even bother using the APK to play Pokemon Go early. They'll reset most of those accounts when the game launches in your country.
over 7 years ago
Not mentioned: Mei getting buffed like mad thanks to the self-heal ulti buff. Yes, despite going through others like Roadhog and 76, they kind of "forgot" Mei can ice block heal. XD
over 7 years ago
So I just got an email from google telling me to review sign-in from a less secure app, from the state of minas gerais, brazil.
Jo Pereira, what did you do?
over 7 years ago
So with Ana in the game, are other characters like Winston still saying stuff like "Your mother was a hero to me. To all of us" to Pharah, instead of "Your mother is a hero to me"? I mean, they know she's alive now.
over 7 years ago
May have partially been my lack of games at the time....
over 7 years ago
The only thing I was ever willing to try a work around with was PSO 2 cause I played the HELL out of PSO on the lowly GameCube and somehow LOVED IT!!!
over 7 years ago
@A Really Stupid Foreigner: I like your version. We need more smug mercy
over 7 years ago
Ha! nice one A
over 7 years ago
Fixed it.
over 7 years ago
zenyetta with his new ult and shields is fucking insane
tried three games as zen, never lost once.

i believe he was buffed to the point of OP
yet MCcree is still under-powered/nerfed garbage
and the new Dva shields are so sad... she can barely block damage
such a shitty patch...
over 7 years ago
@Kaleb Eskridge: True dat
over 7 years ago
Well spoken my cephalopod friend! XD
Kaleb Eskridge
over 7 years ago
@Shadowfury: If a game is harder to play because you picked it up later then more likely then not, it's not worth playing in the first place. =/
over 7 years ago
@kripto their hitbox was resized. They're not scud missiles anymore.
over 7 years ago
@kripto: They can't hit people behind walls anymore
over 7 years ago
wait what? Hanzo's arrows got nerfed? I don't see that in the patch notes. What am I missing?
over 7 years ago
@Shadowfury: There is no way for me to know a non-legit way to play will be the same as a "legit" copy. My PERSONAL experience is, more often than not, you play an inferior version.
over 7 years ago
Except the pokemon go experience wouldn't be inferior, but literally the exact same one as the "legit" one. But hey, feel free to wait until every gym is already conquered by 2000+ CP pokemons before starting to play, you lazybones xD
over 7 years ago
@Marek Michał Wer, Yeah now we have more time for the Nice was not Nice comments
over 7 years ago
Good thing Bliz added Pharas mother who's a sniper, jokes abot Pharah being the only arabic character (yeah, I know she's technically Egyptian)and her favourite weapons being explosives were actually getting grousome after Nice.

(Checks Ana's skills,sees she has a grenade) - FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!
over 7 years ago
Iv had a game on PTR with 5 Ana's and 1 Pharah, we where all saying things like "did you eat you vegitables" and such, pharah actually joined by saying "shut up mom". it was good fun, i didnt know the hanzo nerf tho ill have to read up on that
over 7 years ago
@Type99: Thanks, gonna fix it.
over 7 years ago
If I were Mercy, I wouldn't be so confident. Zen looks like a top-tier competitive pick right now, and some pro's are even debating, if Mercy is essential anymore.
over 7 years ago
Have you been eating well*. Just for future comics, love your work