What people are saying about "Oh My, Look At The Time."
Oh My, Look At The Time.
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over 8 years ago
Furthermore, these fallacies are exhibited by people. Shows about people will thus exhibit that behaviour. You might as well call every show with a group of friends guilty of the transitivity fallacy.
Instead, I call you guilty of using the fallacy fallacy. Except to call a show bad.(3/3)
over 8 years ago
have characters explicitly point out not to take it too far. That is not normal speech.
Look at other shows instead: 70's Show, Friends, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family. Everything has these "fallacies promoted". You need random drama, and only have 20-30 minutes to conclude. (2/?)
over 8 years ago
@BarGamer: Promotes?
The problem with all these 5 is they have two-part desctriptions
A: this is the fallacy when still healthy
B: this happens when people take it too far
The only way to simply "discuss"(and not promote) a fallacy in your eyes would be to (1/?)
over 8 years ago
People are losing their shit over an mobile game. Yay, it bears Pokemon in the name, Still a crappy mobile game no better than Angry Birds. Big devs should be making big games, not stupid cheap cash-ins...
I myself love Sega, but I cheered when I heard Sonic Mobile flopped hard.
over 8 years ago
For thos looking for the joke : McCree (the cow-boy in third pannel) says "It's High Noon" when targeting for his ult. In the Third pannel, Mei freezes to prevent him from being able to lock on her during his ult?
over 8 years ago
that make flame comments on the internet (pro or against) are serious or are trolls that like to see the flames? It´s like playing on line and be a brasilian, why soo much people some time ago liked to put br in their char name and be annoying? Be a something-BR and be a ks, ask for money, etc...?
over 8 years ago
to make look that some group is more strange then another, is the problem, early was people that liked anime (hey you are a adult and like cartoons?) then are people that liked hentai (WTH are you looking?), furries (you are sick, this is babs bunny naked), etc... But think about it, everyone (cont)
over 8 years ago
People, there are rule 34 from pokemon, MLP, Smurfs and near everything - and rule 35 for the rest, you watching any show, movie there isn´t for your profile (age, sex, country etc) isn´t the 'problem'. But when you go wacky on it, and I think a lot of people on interne is trolling (cont)
over 8 years ago
Yeah pokemon go is shit! So and cats are terrible pets! And overwatched is Overhyped!
Okay 2/3 of the points made sense, but which ones?
over 8 years ago
@Elyseon: To be fair, most bronies don't go around making crude fanart of themselves mounting (ahem) their ponies either.
over 8 years ago
Those fekking Nerf Nowers are the worst fandom
over 8 years ago
wow the sandstorm in the comments is very strong, well done Jo!
over 8 years ago
And for the record, I know that all people criticize in the brony community, also happens in the pokémon community.
over 8 years ago
@???: What do you expect people to do? Hunt down the NSFW artists and burn their houses down? Any "publicity" they have is internet people being mad at things they went after themselves. Anything inappropriate is not being shown on TV or anything. The revolted outsiders just found what they wanted.
over 8 years ago
Now look what you've done Jo!
over 8 years ago
@Humanoid Mimisippo: Except that BECAUSE they got publicity, they defined the fanbase to outsiders. And the fanbase made no sincere effort to cut them down for their actions. Fanbases are communities, and when communities don't take care of the rotten apples, all outsiders will see is the garbage.
over 8 years ago
Keep in mind that Poke'mon first launched in '96/'98 for target age 8 to 12. Those kids are now in their late 20s to 30s. Many with kids. Poke'mon is now human generational.
over 8 years ago
@Hyperstar96: honestly as long as it's not snuff or child porn or anything where real people are getting hurt for real, who cares what you watch?
over 8 years ago
@Shareazu: yup I agree
over 8 years ago
@Elyseon: you haven't seen Pokémon porn have you? Just go search up Pokémon rule 34
over 8 years ago
@Elyseon: Neither do bronies. It blows me away that people still foam at the mouth when people watch a TV show outside their demographic, especially when they've been doing it for almost six years.
over 8 years ago
To be fair, most Pokéfans don't go around making crude fanart of themselves screwing their imaginary pets. Most.
over 8 years ago
-in Pokemon fanbase either.
over 8 years ago
I've seen reports about people being warned about getting fired if they won't stop looking for Weedles during work hours. I've seen a picture of a grown up man in an Ash cosplay while on a PokGo hunt. Not to say that mlp fans are all healthy bunch, but i wouldn't deny there are some weirdos in-
over 8 years ago
Ain't nothing wrong in liking a series, as long as you:

A) Don't force it upon others;
B) Have common sense, avoiding doing...hardcore stuff (specially in public spaces!);
C) Respect others.

This applies to most things in life.
over 8 years ago
Way i see it, the problem with every popular series/games is ALWAYS the fanatics. they are always ridiculed. For example, in the past you had the hardcore trekkies and star wars fans; nowadays, it's the 'hardcore' bronies, S.U., FNaF and undertale fans. Not to mention furries.

It's all a cycle!
over 8 years ago
@DarkFlare EX, don't you worry, everyone is a fool. Including everyone 8]
over 8 years ago
Oh crap, this thing bugged out on me and posted my comment twice. Great, now I look like a fool.
over 8 years ago
Really, I was of the understanding that bronies got all their hate because they used to have a bad habit of forcing their ponies into everything they could get their hands into and the particularly bad ones flamed anyone that didn't have any interest in them.
over 8 years ago
...likes of which can be found in any fanbase, it's just these ones got some publicity. The problem here is in some people, not in the TV series
over 8 years ago
@Swagner, eh, there are guys like that in every fandom. Pretty sure we'll find unemployed neckbeards in "cool" fandoms as well.

@??? Those bullies don't DEFINE fanbase. The SU fanbase as a whole is a mass of funny dorks that ships rocks and writes bad fanfiction. The creepsters are individuals...
over 8 years ago
Your comment on MLP was so random and soooooooo wrong I don't even think you were serious about it. If you actually think MLP fanboys and P:GO ones are even remotely comparable, you're completely clueless, lmao.
over 8 years ago
@Humanoid Mimisippo: Those bullies are part of the fanbase. To say that someone watches and likes SU and yet isn't part of the fanbase because they did X is a No True Scotsman fallacy. You guys made that bed, you lay in it with the creepers.
over 8 years ago
(cont...) The fact that MLP was originally meant for girls didn't help them either.
over 8 years ago
Really, I was of the understanding that bronies got all their hate because they used to have a bad habit of forcing their ponies into everything they could get their hands into and the particularly bad ones flamed anyone that didn't have any interest in them.
over 8 years ago
@Humanoid Mimisippo: You say that, but the only one I've met in real life is also the only one still living with his parents at 25, getting fired from minimum-wage jobs and loudly voicing political opinions obtained from reddit.
over 8 years ago
@???, those weren't SU fans, those were some creepsters that drowned that artist in hate mail for drawing a character slimmer than she is. The fact that those creepsters happen to watch SU doesn't make them SU fanbase. SU fanbase is busy with making trash ships and gemsonas, not bullying.
over 8 years ago
@T McCree, the guy in the cowboy hat, has an ultimate ability that one shots people, and the voice line that plays when he uses it is "It's high noon". Mei can turn into an iceblock and become immune to damage.
over 8 years ago
So what's the joke about? I never played the game.
over 8 years ago
@Humanoid Mimisippo: Well, for what it's worth, the SU fanbase DID drive an artist to attempt suicide, so it's not like their hands are clean.
over 8 years ago
Oh, right, it's all about hating on UT and SU fans now. Like I said, dweebs need to stigmatize ANYONE, so they go with the fans of the most popular and progressive thing of the moment. Because Gaben forbids they start haunting squeaky CODplaying midschoolers, since most'll be laughing at themselves.
over 8 years ago
Which MLP was I talking about, the modern one or the old one? How about both. Look up the original "Special" with Tirek. Then read or watch the fight where he returned in the S4 finale. Why yes, that is Goku-level combat taking place. Cute doesn't mean it can't kickass. Just ask the Powerpuff Girls.
over 8 years ago
Some of us are old enough to have grown up with MLP (and all the other Hasbro shows like GI Joe, Transformers, Jem, Inhumanoids, etc.), so what does that make me? If magic flying horses kicking dragons in the face and battling Satanic centaurs with energy blasts is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
over 8 years ago
Does anyone really care enough about the Bronies anymore? I thought the new group to hate was the Undertale or Steven Universe fanbases.
over 8 years ago
...that a fan of a certain cartoon is automatically "cancer" are, basically, showing off just how stone-agey they are in terms of ANYTHING not resembling the norms.
over 8 years ago
Eh, people get their noodles in a twist over bronies either because of their close-mindedness, or their need to stigmatize SOMEONE. MLP is just a nice cartoon. Anyone is allowed to enjoy a cartoon, regardless of if it's MLP, He-Man, or even Teen Titans Go (even if they're crap). People who say...
over 8 years ago
So what if there isn't nostalgia? I mean alright I see your point but I just don't get why bronies are automatically equated with the worst of their kind. Not everyone who likes MLP:FIM are the creeps that jerk off to pony porn. And I'm pretty sure there are people who want to fuck Pokémon
over 8 years ago
for MLP though, the adults who are keeping up with it, would have been adults or close enough to that age when they decided to watch it.
Alain Tremblay
over 8 years ago
You can play Pokémon GO now by creating an account in the US App store. Google how to do it without a credit card with iTunes...
over 8 years ago
@Tyler Wang: the difference between them, as others already said, is that pokemon has been long enough that those adults would have seen and played it back when they were kids, would not make it unusual for them to still think of it with fondness.
over 8 years ago
The problem I see between Bronies and Goer's, is that My Little Pony was a new fad, it wasn't popular UNTIL that show came along. Now with pokemon, you've got over 20 years of nostalgia built up, of course people are going to be obsessing over it. It's their childhood.
over 8 years ago
Initially I thought the joke was that the noodles were too hot. Then I saw McCree.
over 8 years ago
Can someone explain to me why it's bad to be a brony? I mean say what you will but in the end those who like Pokémon are just the same as bronies. Both adults that obsess over a kids cartoon about cute animals. I mean what makes Pokémon more mature? The animal cruelty?
over 8 years ago
Can someone explain what's going on in this comic? I never played Overwatch
over 8 years ago
Ostracizers Are Evil: Griffon the Brush-Off, Friends Accept Me As I Am: A LOT of Rainbow Dash's episodes, Friendship Before All: Applejack's episodes, Friendship Is Transitive: Maude Pie, Friends Do Everything Together: Given that the episodes rarely involve all the main characters, does not apply.
over 8 years ago
@barGamer - Something isn't GSF if it occassionally violates it. Sometimes riends do things together. Sometimes everyone's involved. Sometimes you put friendship first. Etc. It's only a GSF if it's all the time. To that end, some episodes that are anti-GSF.
over 8 years ago
@Anton Sojirrot You know, some of us had MLP toys and watched the MLP shows and movies when we were kids, too... there's all SORTS of nostalgia, not to mention nods back to the original stuff. Pokemon didn't come out until I was out of college, but I watched MLP when I was a little girl.
over 8 years ago
Pokemon, while aimed for kids, has the advantage of tickling the nostalgia of the audience. The same can't really be said to MLP.
over 8 years ago
You can use pokemon go outside of japan and us :D I play it from Belgium, but I have to use qooapp store to have it. After that, the game is already in french for me
over 8 years ago
@Censuur MLP *used to be* just a kids' cartoon. FIM is anything but kids-only.
over 8 years ago
OH now I get the comic!

PS: you are goddam right, no one should be able to critizise someone if you are already that stereotype.
over 8 years ago
Honestly the difference between pokemon and MLP is that pokemon has a long standing series of at least decent RPG games that by themselves are good entertainment and has a fairly mature competitive scene. MLP is just a kids' cartoon.
over 8 years ago
@KabutoYuushaZX wow rude
over 8 years ago
Calling Bronies autistic is an insult to autistic people. They're way more normal and dignified compared to Bronies.
over 8 years ago
@hi132435: I didn't but sometimes while browsing other porn you run into it.
over 8 years ago
@Tyler Wang: Why'd you look for pokemon porn?
over 8 years ago
@Dave Warren: not like there aren't pokephiles on the Internet too. -_- I mean have you seen the amount of human on Pokémon porn on the Internet? I have.
over 8 years ago
Pokemon isn't really stigmatized by a gender bias the way MLP is. An adult man who likes Pokemon is just enjoying a harmless game. Adult men who like MLP are lumped in with... well, this: http://www.cringingface.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/brony-love.jpg
over 8 years ago
The problem with bronies is that the series promotes every single one of the Geek Social Fallacies. Go on, look it up. The problem with Pokemon is that it promotes slavery. On average, Americans are WAY more comfortable dealing with slavery than dealing with your average geek. :/
over 8 years ago
@Exhausted Detsuahxe: both include grown men and women obessing over a show aimed at kids that also includes merchandise and toys. Both fan bases also have their own in jokes and people who cosplays as cute animals. Kinda hypocritical that a grown man can like Pokémon but not MLP.
over 8 years ago
@Andy Janson: expect there are literally people playing Pokémon go while driving. That's adults acting like a fucking retard and endangering the life and well being of others. Say what you will about bronies, but at least their obession doesn't endanger others.
over 8 years ago
@Exhausted Detsuahxe: i'd certainly rather be apart of the fan base for the show that teaches you life lessons than the one that promotes animal cruelty.
over 8 years ago
@Exhausted Detsuahxe: Yeah, sure. It's not like both are incredibly popular series about collectibles, tied in with cartoons and movies that are (for the most part) targeted at kids and yet are enjoyed by adults as well, have large online communities, and are occasionally harassed for liking it.
over 8 years ago
@Exhausted Detsuahxe: They are both for kids. It's cool to enjoy kid's stuff but doesn't change the fact they are both made targeting a young demographic.
over 8 years ago
@Exhausted Detsuahxe: Didn't you know? A problematic subset of a fandom (because when anyone complains about Bronies they mean the problem people obviously) is the same as playing a video game as designed. Video Games are the true evil here.
over 8 years ago
Yes you can. Pokemon and bronies have basically nothing in common. Like, I don't understand what prompted that comparison in the first place.