What people are saying about "Tubes"
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about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_15024]@WiNGSPANTT[/url]: You're doing it right.
over 14 years ago
Actually I'm a pubber and I'm quite sure that I can destroy private players. Hell what's with the constant war between privateers and pubbers? We should just all get along.
over 14 years ago
Anyone who has to know which youtube video he jacked most of the page from, it's the Meet the Soldier video

over 14 years ago
Big truck! Long distance!
The internet is tubes!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cZC67wXUTs <_<
over 14 years ago
That's why I only post full-round Spy vids, deaths and all (+ commentary)

Guy from the present
over 14 years ago
Wait the movie was uploaded august 22 2007... we didn't have arrows at that time >_>
Deus Irae
over 14 years ago
YouTube clips: "TF2 Druidz: dr Justice demofrag movie", "Ubermensch", "Auto-Aim"... etc. Only watch videos of clan matches and such, and of people you know to be good. I mean, I hardly ever watch pub-hero movies. :)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_14997]@gfox[/url]: Ahh, thank you for clearing that up. I was afraid. ;_;
over 14 years ago
Too true mate, too true.
over 14 years ago
just yesterday i killed 5 of 6 enemies in arena with huntsman headshots, two rounds in a row. But then again sometimes i miss (a lot) [i blame the ping :P]
over 14 years ago
The only way I can see if a player is good, is if they have a long clip where they play.

I hate clips with short "OMG I OWNZ"-kills.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Jo pretty much hit the nail on the head.

I remember seeing one video of a guy who usually makes frag vids showing him failing hard.
Basically, his point was that even the best players suck sometimes.
And it's true.
over 14 years ago
Over 90% of the videos are like that: 3 minutes of owning. Not shown are the 30 minutes of being owned. If you're the 10% that hates these kinds of videos, make uncut versions! 100% guaranteed female awesome.

Also don't introduce a clan called "auto aim" to a n00b. Just pointing it out.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_14994]@Jabberwalk[/url] Oi, they are quite good bands, just because people use them for the shitty frag vids doesn't make them shit bands.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_14995]@denilsonsa[/url]: I'm pretty sure it's only env. hazards that can do any damage to Ubers, like the train. Also, [url=#user_comment_14908]@selecthumor[/url]'s BULLETPROOF!!! photonote: Don't you mean ARROWPROOF!!!
The 1 Flame
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_14995]@denilsonsa[/url]: Any trigger_hurt can damage someone who is ubered, same for bonk.
The 1 Flame
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_14995]@denilsonsa[/url]: Any trigger_hurt can still damage someone who is ubered,
over 14 years ago
regarding Westy543's photonote: That was a red demo, not a blu demo. Only blu demo has the pom-pom. Red demo does not.
over 14 years ago
Huh... Ubercharged enemies can still suffer from headshots, can't they? Or I'm confusing with backstabs or something else (like env. hazards)?
over 14 years ago
You forgot to make a reference to Pendulum or Prodigy. Its not really a frag video until you Hold Your Colour or suffer through another Propane Nightmare afterall.
over 14 years ago
poor Engy-tan 8'(
over 14 years ago
Ps, check your Twitter, Jo. I sent you mine. :3
PSS: http://youtube.com/MASTAHSNIPAH
over 14 years ago
"Man Who Lives in a Van: We get it. You hate Snipers."

Man Who Lives In A Van
over 14 years ago
We get it. You hate Snipers.
over 14 years ago
Kind of true, but you can't count the taunt kill ones, some of them are just win.
over 14 years ago
I love how a lot of the Pub insults below add the exception of THEIR server to the list of "nooby" servers.

Fun Fact,Pubs don't suck, Pub means actual maps without "for fun" rules like Roll the Dice or Mario Kart. Quit using a 32maninstaspawn24/72fort as your only idea of a Pub, it isn't true
over 14 years ago
Well, who would bother to see a video of someone constantly killed by other players before scoring few points? Of course it's a problem that someone claims himself to be a leet player and presents the edited video as an evidence. However some Uber-playing clips are still quite fun to watch.
over 14 years ago
That's what's pissed me off on TF2-fragvideos. Hours of original footage, cut together to 3 minutes and set to some techno-/hiphop/metal-tune...
I've made some uncut videos as scout some time ago:
Enjoy, if you want to :P
over 14 years ago
So true and at the same time, funny.
over 14 years ago
read the title and thought it was a Space Pirate joke.
over 14 years ago
Why is that engi licking her toolbox?
over 14 years ago
This is why I like omfgninja's Huntsman kill vid. It's just one long take. And yeah, that means there are stretches of time with no kills that are kinda boring, but it proves a point. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAAR3QPxl_s
over 14 years ago
Funny, but so true. I am guilty of this.
over 14 years ago
I like the jpeggy-ness of the youfort movie. It was a nice detail.
over 14 years ago
heh, how did that video get responses so quickly?
over 14 years ago
You know what those pyro montages? What do you think they are?
over 14 years ago
I spent a few days once heavily editing "My Embarrassing Deaths" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9og_OT5nujI&fmt=22 It's a 2 parter of things gone sideways!
over 14 years ago
that's why I don't make those videos, waste of time and money.
instead, I just post videos of some awesome times in TF2, like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27BRILDBJ44
over 14 years ago

am i doin it rite
over 14 years ago
Noooo! Engy-tan!
over 14 years ago
I never play on pubs.
Just because it's usually more of a deathmatch than a game of TF2.
over 14 years ago
LOL... Btw.. nice new interfase!
Two word wonder
over 14 years ago
So true!
over 14 years ago
Nice one, only miss youtube commentary as : "u see! hunstman are op!" and other cry. ;)
over 14 years ago
Ugh, I hate people who insult pubs.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_14908]@selecthumor[/url]'s Uber Heavy photonote: I beleive you mean ARROWPROOF!!! Also, that Meet the Soldier video response is sneaky. Also also, Nerf now eatin' mah comments.
over 14 years ago
Competitive players, you know one when you see one. Their the people who rage at silly little mistakes pubers make, but they think its the biggest deal in the world, or maybe a griefer... Well, competitive players always fall for them.
over 14 years ago
unless you play a clan serv or a forum serv dont expect much. Usually servers with clan names in em are not "pubby" servs. XD
over 14 years ago
Ouch, that had to hurt.
over 14 years ago
It's true that most pub servers suck though, with the only acception being the FPSBanana pub. Those guys can whip some ass. I was in a Korean server at 3am and got a 33 kill streak as a demo, which I rarely even play as. My ping was 380ms.
over 14 years ago