What people are saying about "New Doom"
New Doom
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over 8 years ago
It gets pretty mediocre after a while.
over 8 years ago
Secondly if the multiplayer does play like halo I'm okay with that. I hate COD but I love halo, especially 2-3. although I liked the health system in 1 best.
over 8 years ago
I find it funny that everyone complains about the glory kill (which I think SS3 BFE may have givent hem the idea) And I dont even own it yet but I know you can TURN IT OFF IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!!! wow! amazing!
over 8 years ago
1. I never fucking knew that! And it isn't because I always always always had IDDQD on. >_> Nope.
And I can NOT wait to try it! But I need to wait until the summer sale before I can buy it.
over 8 years ago
@Kuraido Why can't a modern shooter do classic elements right? All I wished from doom is non-linear level design and the map 2 and 3 nailed it perfectly. If they would have extended it a bit in the further level instead of going full-linear I would have enjoyed it much more.
Doom is a good game tho
over 8 years ago
@Lampenpam: To say that it "can't live up to the classics" is a fallacy simply because classics are just that: classic. They have a fixed nostalgia in our minds that gives us overwhelming bias. Objectively, DOOM is a solid FPS that does the things it does well, VERY well. I've enjoyed every minute.
over 8 years ago
To those who hate glory kills: think of it this way - cover based shooters have you hide behind a rock to regen health, also breaking the flow of the game. DOOM has you continuing your rampage with lots of violent death to regen health. It's far less disruptive than hiding behind a rock for 10 secs.
over 8 years ago
@Mattias Berntson: Glory kills are there as a gameplay mechanic, and to give gory eye candy. What's not to love about beating an Imp to death with its own arm, and getting health back in return?
over 8 years ago
Its a good shooter but cant live up to the classics. especially in level design, waay too linear except level 2 and 3, those were awesome
over 8 years ago
DIRTY BOMB has better matchmaking than Doom, and we don't even HAVE matchmaking. (Teams are determined by total time played, not skill.)
over 8 years ago
Also, of note is the fact that multiplayer has new guns that you will never see in single player campaign. I've seen at least 3 or 4 new weapons in there. Matchmaking is more of a "shove your hand into the pool, grab a handful of players and randomly toss into teams". Ends up really bad oftentimes.
over 8 years ago
Well, an update since I tried the multiplayer today for the first time. It's... It's like Halo, really. It's surprisingly similar in pace, but nonetheless still fun to frag others. Just... A moment of silence for the Rocket Launcher. It's awful now because of the loadouts having to be balanced.
over 8 years ago
It's fine; well polished and extremely fast-paced... which is probably the reason I'm personally not interested in it that much. Was never that big of a fan of the original, and I always found a more horror-like approach (a.k.a. Doom 3, Prey inspired) more suitable for the "Hell from Mars" setting.
over 8 years ago
@Daniel Frost: I think Aleksey means the New Doom and its outsourced multiplayer.
over 8 years ago
@Алексей Туровский: Son, are you on drugs? Multiplayer co-op was the SOUL of Doom/Doom2!
over 8 years ago
For all the people discussing the "new doom", both here and pretty much anywhere... you guys remember there were 2 other games after the original Doom, right? I myself was a big fan of Doom 3. People are acting like Doom had NO sequels 'till now...
over 8 years ago
Single player is fucking awesome. Multiplayer is meh.
over 8 years ago
I was doing multi-player co-op Doom lan parties up until 2001. Man, loved that.
over 8 years ago
@MetaL556: Yeah, multiplayer is shit. Limited maps, LOADOUTS, seriously?! There's always some cyka camping the worst spots or right behind you. And I swear I've already seen people in the level 40+ range. Plus, matchmaking is tits. Them: Aimbotting cyborgs Yours: Ragequitting brats.
over 8 years ago
@Jack Suyuthie: The collectible and power up hunt will drive you crazy though, I guarantee it.
over 8 years ago
@Matthias Görgens: i think everyone agree that doom 3 never exist.
Matthias Görgens
over 8 years ago
What do you mean by `Old Doom'? Weren't there at least three old Dooms by now?
over 8 years ago
so far both Totalbiscuits and Jim Sterling give a positive respons. Both said pleasently surprise, And me my self have to said that the new doom is quite catch the doom spirit while make it a new up to date 3D shooter. Yes you will not get the same game but that is the point of reboot right?
over 8 years ago
@MetaL556: Good to know. Too bad Bethesda doesn't give two f***** to Brazil. Doom costs 250R$ digitally, which weights kinda like 100 US dollars to us. The conversion is right, but our economy is a bit screwed here. For comparison, Street Fighter V costs 100R$...
TL;DR Not gonna buy either way...
over 8 years ago
@Raxyz From what I understand, multiplayer was outsourced to someone else. As for the single player, it's probably the best I've seen in months, if not years. Plenty of fast-paced and brutal combat that also lets you explore at your own pace, finding secrets on the sprawling, multilayered maps.
over 8 years ago
The beta multiplayer sucked. Terribly. I hope the single-player is better.
over 8 years ago
@kripto: Plus, you can set up some neat combos with it. Use the Glory Kill dash to get to a better position while getting a refill. Win-win!
over 8 years ago
I totally need to print one of those out for my buddy who just got it.
over 8 years ago
I didn't know that about blood pools, and I've been playing Doom since I was 7 or so, when (or shortly after) it first came out, and I still load it up in Chocolate Doom sometimes.
over 8 years ago
(2/2)The main point that some people bring up that damages the gameplay is the "Glory Kill" system (Melee finnisher) and that it hurts the flow of the game... But it doesn't. It locks you in a ~1 second animation but it rewards you with health(!) and sometimes ammo.

TL;DR -- Great FPS 9/10
over 8 years ago
(1/2)I'm currently playing it on Nightmare difficulty, and I have to say that it might be one of the best modern shooters. It's fastpaced, brutal and there are buckets of demon gore. There are some differences compared to the original Doom, like quickmelee and grenades but they enhance the gameplay.
over 8 years ago
It's a solid 5/7, a perfect score.
over 8 years ago
They weren't in the original. The new doom takes inspiration from brutal doom which was a mod for doom that had glory kills and the like.
over 8 years ago
I have played the game (on ultraviolence, I think I'm about 70% through it) and it's excellent. The people complaining about it being different are clowns, of course it's different, it's been 20 years. It's an excellent transfer to the modern era for the series, and I recommend it to non-clowns.
over 8 years ago
I haven't played the new Doom yet, but from what I've seen I think there's too much focus on executions/glory kills. They seem to disrupt the flow of the game and I'm not sure why they're there to begin with if they want the game to be reminiscent of the originals.

Still seems fun, though.