What people are saying about "Accessible"
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over 8 years ago
I hate how long and drawn out all the games are now. RIP Blitz decks
over 8 years ago
I just can't bring myself to care about Hearthstone anymore. Too many cookie cutter FOTM decks designed to be as cheap as possible, plus random nerfs and now excluding a bunch of older cards from standard play... All this for what? To make you buy more packs? Yawn...
over 8 years ago
C'mon, you played 500 facehunter games, shame on you.
over 8 years ago
At least people like having to think can still play Starcraft, right?
over 8 years ago
Eh, I haven't seen a lot of face shamans since the release; or at least, successful ones. As for c'thun druids being auto-pilot, I don't think so. I've played around with it every now and then and found it to be tricky at times.
over 8 years ago
If you are running two cheap removal spells like shadow word: death in your deck, you have about a 50/50 chance of having any way to remove this guy at all. Heaven help you if you want to play a deck that is light on taunts, like my favorite, midrange hunter.
over 8 years ago
My concern with this card is that it is already higher than average value for a 6 mana card (+1 attack vs. Boulderfist Ogre), that you can play on turn 4. The options your opponent has are very limited, relying on them having their removal when they have played/drawn 1/4th their deck. -cont
over 8 years ago
While Aggro may not play it, I'm seeing a lot of midrange Shaman. One of my games was particularly bad: faceless turn 4 and I have nothing but freezing trap. He plays a Charge to clear the path, 7 to face. Didn't draw removal. On his turn, Windspeaker + Rockbiter + Coin + Lightning Bolt = lethal.
over 8 years ago
(cont.) Oh yeah, I'm so scared of your single 7/7 on turn 4. (/s) Every class has one way or another to deal with it and aggro does not have time for only one card being played. You kill my Direwolf Alpha? I literally have 3-4 other minions you still haven't addressed.
over 8 years ago
I honestly believe that anybody that is using Flamewreathed Faceless in an Evolve deck is mostly doing it wrong because it is designed to be scary for a big downside (2 mana Overload is pretty intense on turn 5), and aggro decks mostly ignore it because it doesn't have taunt. (cont. in next)
over 8 years ago
...it means that they CAN'T have a deppresive or serious ending. In the end, it's a Captain America movie, meaning that however wrong both sides are, Cap is the "right" one. If only they showed how much everybody lost, CW would be MUCH better.
over 8 years ago
Civil War is better than BvS indeed, but not "waaaaay" better. The whole movie is more concise and enjoyable, but the ending is kinda meh...
In a way they're opposite, BvS tried too hard to be "edgy" and the result was cringeworthy. Civil War adresses a pretty serious theme, but being Disney...
over 8 years ago
What'd he give up his brain for at the Rokaka Tree?
over 8 years ago
Yeah, Evolve is a problematic mechanic. Just like Yogg-Saron it is (mostly) random and it can backfire.
One might argue that that is part of the fun.

I like to play it when most of my minions have already taken damage.
over 8 years ago
As for the other guy, he had a Sen'jin Shieldmasta, and he turned that into a Tundra Rhino. The Rhino has one less attack than the troll, no taunt, and he gives all your beasts the ability to charge, but this guy had no beasts, so that was a downgrade too.
over 8 years ago
I've seen that card backfire, once when I was using it and another time when the other player was. In my case I got a minion (I forget which one) that would have been useful if I got its Battlecry, but I didn't, so it wasn't.
over 8 years ago
On Topic: so far I have never seen anyone play the Flamewreathed Faceless. The most popular Shaman deck on Hearthpwn (the midrange Evolve one) doesn't use him.

Even though a 4 crystal 7/7 seems op he doesn't get much love from players apparently.
over 8 years ago
It's still a great movie and Black Panther and Spiderman are awesome.
over 8 years ago
Civil War is good. Definitely better than Batman v Superman by far.

It's a bit complicated though. Just like The Winter Soldier the movie seems to make you want to think and argue about it but if you look at the reasons, especially for Stark, they're completely wrong.
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
Ugh, truth... They kind of died for a short period, but SMOrc is back with a freakishly high success rate again...

/love the looks on their faces when they meet Mr. Vek'lor and his brother Vek'nilash
//or the sudden 8/8 body of a healy Ragnaros, Lightlord
over 8 years ago
@Roger Smith
Hey, Thrall, can you just wait for two turns while my BGH finishes brushing his teeth?
over 8 years ago
Yeah, I have to agree. The only control decks which can thrive are the ones which can handle those absurd 7/7 turn 3/4 plays (Shadow Word: Death, Equality, Humility/Peacekeepers, Execute, Hunter's Mark, etc.). Playing a control Rogue is painful, and Druid is even worse.
over 8 years ago
I've got the beast in me sights...provided I have 5 mana.