What people are saying about "Available In Spring"
Available In Spring
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almost 9 years ago
@John Thomas Shaia: Stole Angie's credit card?
John Thomas Shaia
almost 9 years ago
How did she buy Whispers of Old Gods if she doesn't have a job?
almost 9 years ago
Bullshit, packs worth too much in Russia. Nobody buys them since release.
almost 9 years ago
Old Gods packs... The problem is not so much the wait... but the dam fact they keep taunting us with it. The fact you get a reminder telling you "how good" it is and not being allowed to use it. What's worse is the date... Spring... next week, month, year? doesn't say just taunts.
almost 9 years ago
I know exactly how you feel Alek. LET ME OPEN MY DAMN PACKS BLIZZ!
almost 9 years ago
@Tsartomat Placeholder: there's a bit of a difference between Russian mat and other curse words. The first word is inappropriate but fine, the second is the one really inappropriate.
almost 9 years ago
You know i always wonder if these girls are still dating those same guys from TF2 since we never see them with them.
almost 9 years ago
Remember kids, this is why you don't preorder.
almost 9 years ago
Could be worse, It could be due out this fall. But then by that time you might have forgotten it was coming and then where would you be?

Also is it me or does that card pack remind any one else of a box of Chocolates crosses with the Necronomicon from Army of Darkness?
almost 9 years ago
@Wonder Beat: you do remember Jo live in southern hemisphere right? Right now it is Autumn there.
almost 9 years ago
But it is spring already, silly girl. Or is it still February in some countries?
almost 9 years ago
pronounciation: sookah yobaniy
almost 9 years ago
Well then i guess she's REALLY ticked off...
almost 9 years ago
@slo: She may be a woman, but in her day job she used to pack a fucking huge gun and get in huge shooting matches with a bunch of psychopaths. I'd say telling her to tone down her language might be a bit... suicidal?
almost 9 years ago
Don't forget now, that overload synergy aggro shaman deck was already on top of tier 1 for a couple days, why should they get another chance so soon?
almost 9 years ago
when did you last time was in the street?
it's not women, everyone supposed to not swear like american
but in reality low class poor people just can't say 2 words without swearing

also only the lowest class can't learn such simple pronoun as I
almost 9 years ago
I'm still a little pissed over the grand tournament bullshit. Bought the packs then "available august" turned out to mean THREE WEEKS into August. I still count that as deceptive advertising bordering on outright lying by Blizzard.

Never again.
almost 9 years ago
I know what you feel, Jo. I can't wait no longer, taste MY BLADE!!!
almost 9 years ago
@Ilya Zubarev: okay, many of the Russian women use mat casually, but mostly among themselves. When men are around they don't to not damage their image.
Same with men really. Except when it's pokhui.
almost 9 years ago
@slo: nah, exact cases depend on lots of things, of course (environment, upbringing, all that), but generally that's overglorification.
almost 9 years ago
I'm torn. I can imagine it being said in this situation, but... She's a woman. Women in Russia normally use milder curse words. Unless something REALLY ticks them off.