What people are saying about "Prude"
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almost 9 years ago
So use one of the starting classes with a gun?
almost 9 years ago
@tom641: If paying for Patreon would get me my Anne Marie fix, I'd totally join.
almost 9 years ago
Reminder that you could totally make an M/AO rated webcomic or pictures etc that isn't just cheesecake and people would not only be totally fine with it but still contribute patreon bux for it.
almost 9 years ago
The second panel absolutely made my day. Just, "WHAP!"

Aw shiiiiiiit...
almost 9 years ago
I suggest games like Risk of Rain or Rogue Legacy, which start you with all abilities from the start, and all items are passive or obtained between deaths.
almost 9 years ago
If suggesting games for play, skullgirls just got an update with all DLC and voice acting plus other stuff. I've also been playing Renowned Explorers a lot. Fun game about exploring, exploiting, and sometimes getting mauled by sheep.
almost 9 years ago
Poor AM. Her minefield is so much smaller than Morgan's from April Fools.
almost 9 years ago
But... but... We WANTS it! Dat Anne Marie...!
almost 9 years ago
Factorio. I want to see some strips with anthropomorphized cute inserter girls and conveyor chans.
almost 9 years ago
Don't do it factorio will consume your life!
almost 9 years ago
As for me, I've been trying to finish Alpha Protocol. Y'know those games that some shit always happens when you're about to finish? It must the sicth time I'm trying this game. Fortunately, it's very fun to play, even though some technical flaws happens sometimes.
almost 9 years ago
Enter the Gungeon is one of those games with a slow beginning. But you can eventually unlock an elevator that'll take you to any floor (that you set the elevator up that is). Only down side is if you take the elevator you start with your starter stuff and abilities against that level's enemies.
almost 9 years ago

Have you ever considered creating NSFW strips for your Patreon? Put it at a specific tier so it's not just available to everyone who throws a dollar in there. It could work, I think...
almost 9 years ago
kowalska that's both evil, and hilarious.
almost 9 years ago
@Dan Carter: Isaac may have the slowest start, but it's start is also the shortest.
almost 9 years ago
You're a cruel tentacle, Jo, constantly taunting us with lewds like this.
almost 9 years ago
Out of the three games, isaac has the slowest start :/ your always the weakest you'll be and unless you get lucky with something good in the item room its going to be a grind. In comparison NT and EtG you start of comparably powerful with enemies that are just as dangerous as end game
almost 9 years ago
I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy the girls being a little naughty
almost 9 years ago
In nuclear throne, if you picked up a golden weapon you can choose to start with that weapon for the character you pick it up with. But just one though, and you can't change it once you picked it up.
And you can't say NT is bad until you used Y.V. and right-clicked a super plasma cannon.