What people are saying about "Hi"
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almost 9 years ago
Jo, you've taken the noble path. Penny really is Best Girl.
almost 9 years ago
what was happend to that purple thing?(I can't remember that's name). I think I couldn't see that long times
almost 9 years ago
Word of warning for the Maru lovers. She really is like a tanned Angie. Shockingly so.
almost 9 years ago
hes going to hire one of them to work for him, isn't he -_-
almost 9 years ago
If you look closely, he's grinning.
almost 9 years ago
Well that didn't take long... So much for toning down the meta stuff.
almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago
Sorry Jo, I've decided to go with The superior waifus of stardew valley, Leah.

Penny seems like a the innocent girl who is really a gold digger like Haley but not as obvious.
almost 9 years ago
Factorio is a good game to play. Spent like 70h in it and will play more when i'll find a company. D:
almost 9 years ago
Jo as a pimp... He have been drawing porn for a living haven't he? Drawing porn can be pretty profitable when you have a pencil capable of changing reality.
almost 9 years ago
Pimping begins.
Pimping continues.
Pimping intesifies.
almost 9 years ago
Penny's a thirsty ho, so you don't need to marry her to get some.
almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago
@Sam Measa: Either that or he signed up with Blizzard.
almost 9 years ago
Wait, did they sell Jo's house when they moved into the apartment.
almost 9 years ago
Nice bling he has. I wonder if Jo's been doing a side job for the "Day of the Tentacle" remaster.
almost 9 years ago
Old God Jo has returned
almost 9 years ago
Jo please do a Dota Spring Cleaning comic
almost 9 years ago
Oh god! The saying were true! "Whispers of the Old Gods" did bring a tentacle apocalypse! It even brought back TentaJo from the dead.
almost 9 years ago
FACTORIO, fuck yeah.
almost 9 years ago
A pimp in a room full of girls who are looking for work...
almost 9 years ago
dood, factorio is a time sink of fun and rage!
almost 9 years ago
@Nivaldo Vieira Nascimento Worse thing when my only competetive deck is a mech mage ;_; I guess ill build a face hunter next.
almost 9 years ago
Cue the Boomer-will-live scream
almost 9 years ago
OMG It's the chosen one ! O_o
almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago
I want for this new set in HS.
I want say: Good Bye mecmage!
And i knew it! Jo are a OLD GOD!
almost 9 years ago
Third? Love the pimpcoat.
almost 9 years ago
Spend DOZENS of hours teaching yourself logic!
almost 9 years ago