What people are saying about "Overburdened"
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over 8 years ago
I'm fine with managing my inventory. What I dislike is having to do so too often and having to interrupt the gameplay for it. In Skyrim I have one character and can judge what to leave behind; In DA:I I need to return to Skyhold and cycle through all characters to judge which items are useful.
over 8 years ago
A lot of game devs need to learn how to prioritize what is fun, over what is realistic or creative.
Benjamin McCrillis
over 8 years ago
This is me in most MMORPGs that allow a lot of alts. It hits its worst when I've got a single high level character finding gear for different classes and a lot of alts that I'm slowly leveling.
over 8 years ago
Corollary to Parkinson's law: Items expand to fill the space available for storage.
over 8 years ago
Alright, an infinite easily sorted inventory space isnt hard
you just add, a search bar~
over 8 years ago
But....sell crap.
or drop the grey weapons
over 8 years ago
Man, though. The idea of her making clones of herself who are her slaves. That's kinky as hell.
over 8 years ago
You could say the same thing about Resedent Evil 3's invintory system and others that share similar features. To say that an invintory system sucks because you can't keep all of the items you will most likely will never use is to push the blame from yourself onto someone else.
over 8 years ago
It's like a NewGame+ after character creation!
over 8 years ago
I think you're just a hoarder buddy.
over 8 years ago
learn to manage you scrub
over 8 years ago
I think that the bags space is a method to alleviate the inflation problems that typically an mmo could risks. There was even an Extra Credits episode that talked about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W39TtF14i8I
over 8 years ago
Blizzard believes that "meaningful choices" are a valid game concern, so naturally they express that in the most irritating and frustrating way possible.
over 8 years ago
To be fair it's a common tactic in most MMOs. Why expand your stash when making a new character/mule takes just three clicks?
over 8 years ago
I know the strip is a joke, but, I mean... if you keep hoarding completely useless legendaries like azurewrath, well, of course you're going to have a problem XD
over 8 years ago
This is what magic bags of holding are for, Jo.
over 8 years ago
blizz have been putting in a lot of stuff to save bag and bank space these days. More in legion too. I look forward to the Transmog wardrobe especially

Here's hoping they improve this stuff for D3
over 8 years ago
If this is about D3, get yourself asap the horatric cube (whatever it call), and convert all your legendary them into usefull/passive stats.
Only keep the green items. There are very few orange legendary item you need to keep.
Vavakx Nonexus
over 8 years ago
I'll take it then
over 8 years ago
And that's when you can make mule accounts with shared inventory. In games where you can't redistribute items among your characters (or is limited to 2~3 characters) then things get even more(not) fun.
over 8 years ago
And about games that give you some 'good' space, but later, you learn that you need items to make items to make items and they sell you more space soo you can have them... and sometimes every upgrade in your vault, stash, bank etcc is more expensive that the last one...
over 8 years ago
I loved Azurewrath in D2. It looked cool as hell. Of course, was not a good end game weapon. It always bugged me that the crystal swords were so poorly statted....
over 8 years ago
At first I thought it was Darkest Dungeon strip. Inventory there is nightmare.
over 8 years ago
Awww, Azurewrath for main build? How cute!