What people are saying about "Alek's Rent"
Alek's Rent
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about 9 years ago
Actually, nevermind. Ranged units reach the WHOLE damn board. Just as imbalanced as HS indeed.
about 9 years ago
Speaking of which Jo, took me long enough to play the Duelyst, but it looks fun (for now at least). It doesn't have all that much alike to HS however, the Mana and Atk/Health is Magic The Gathering concept.
It was a fun idea mixing it with an SRPG though.
about 9 years ago
@James Scott
The red engie was another artist's character, and Jo for one reason or another (I can't remember what) didn't want to use her.
about 9 years ago
I would be super ok with a Terminator / Independence Day crossover, where Skynet has to team up with humanity to fight off the aliens. And then the aliens get a hold of a time travel machine somehow, and send alien assassins back in time to kill Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum before the first ID4...
about 9 years ago
''robots blowing stuff. I approve.'' Me too Jo, Me too.
about 9 years ago
Heh heh...you said killer robots
about 9 years ago
What exactly does Angela do? She's not writing the comic, and I don't remember her taking a new job.
about 9 years ago
@James Scott
Autobalance knows no mercy.
about 9 years ago
Then the girls'll complain about moving to an even worse house. :v
James Scott
about 9 years ago
Great comic but what happened to red engie the last comic she was in was team switch.
about 9 years ago
And it's snowing inside Alek's room...
about 9 years ago
Alien vs Predator vs Fred vs Jason vs Terminator
about 9 years ago
Oh fuck, that story!
Mr. Al
about 9 years ago
I think it's using the matchstick girl as a joke about Alek being too poor and Russian to afford her rent and Angie just can't be arsed to deal with it/taking pity on her? Also people are often referring to Alek as the "Denmother".
about 9 years ago
Heres the joke ~~

Here is my head H
Christopher Prince
about 9 years ago
Angie is best engie :3
about 9 years ago
Matchstick girl, I love it :)