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almost 13 years ago
umm... what? never played WoW.
almost 13 years ago
More dots!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67994]@LGK[/url]: Don't worry. I don't get it either and I've played WoW. Maybe it's cause I don't play mana dependent classes...
about 13 years ago
I've never played WoW once, so I'm rather confused.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52366]@wraffles[/url]: well, the game still sells a lot :P
over 13 years ago
Kek. Fix Vanish.
Sasha Nekosune
over 13 years ago
I play WoW ande i dont get it. o.o Though I'm sure EVERYONE knows of the Onyxia Raid. even though I've never done it. ;3;
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_13227]@Icing[/url]: Or, you know, the game sucks. Twelve year old cunts, poor story telling, generic gameplay, broken classes, and the whole game being gear based. Maybe he didn't get chosen for a raid because the raid leader is a little preteen bastaird who acts bigger than everyone else because of his gear.
almost 14 years ago
euh guy you can just pass the comic no need to go all "fuck wow" if you don't like the game it IS considered the number ONE mmorpg worldwide and personally I don't play TF2 but still like Nerf Now
about 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Why does the shaman care if Vanish is fixed? Maybe a rogue is the guild leader...
over 14 years ago
TF is a less popular version of WoW so no social stigma, dumbasses.
over 14 years ago
Sayne Kamari
almost 15 years ago
Bloody Brilliant
almost 15 years ago
I don't get it. also wtf is vanish and why is it broken?
almost 15 years ago
The joke is that the game is still the same as it was in 2004 as it is in 2009. You don't have to play to get the comic. 

And the game doesn't suck, you probably QQ'd too much and didn't get chosen for a raid spot so you're bitter ;)
almost 15 years ago
I don't. I won't.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
I've played WoW, but didn't raid much...I kind of get it...
To most of the previous comments:
Bash Ironfist
almost 15 years ago
Guys, I think you're missing the point here. The point is lulz wow.
almost 15 years ago
I want that dragon as a plushie :3
almost 15 years ago
WoW is a second job where you pay your employer for the ability to work. And you lose all your friends except the ones who work your unpaid job too and you start talking about your unpaid job constantly in conversation, making everyone around you hate you.
Random guy
almost 15 years ago
Wow is a treadmill that makes you fatter. And you pay to use it.
El Dongs
almost 15 years ago
Yes. There are more than 10 million people who are gay. What is your point?
Lol Que
almost 15 years ago
and for those of you who thinkpalying wow is  gay. your telling me 10million people are gay
Lol Que
almost 15 years ago
guy1:WOW SUCKS guy2:NOT......contiuel flow of this.........howabout this guy1: I DOn"T LIKE WOW guy2:I DO!!! guy1:THATS COOL!!!
Lol Que
almost 15 years ago
Arguing on the internet is like being in the special olymics, you may win but your still retatred,everyone take a chill pill
almost 15 years ago
Right, well... I'll leave you to sort through that mess since I'm done trying to fix it up.  On another note, this comment system certainly needs changing/fixing.
almost 15 years ago
and lastly,
'<span style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; font-size: 13px; color: #666666; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;">Fuck that, never played WoW and I'm proud of it.'
are the posts I'm talking about, Sunao</span>
almost 15 years ago
'I have never played WoW cause I am not a Faggot.'
'Some of us are actually smart enough to avoid that crap.'
almost 15 years ago
Okay my post got eaten alive when i tried to shorten it so the site would accept it. Let me try again here...
almost 15 years ago
"<span style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; font-size: 13px; color: #666666; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;">I have never played WoW cause I am not a Faggot."
"Some of us are actually smart enough to avoid that crap."
almost 15 years ago
Nethack only had superficial updates since 2003 too and no one is making fun of it.
almost 15 years ago
( or almost nobody ) insult people who play the game. Even if they say
that the game is terrible or whatever, will that be a insult to you?
almost 15 years ago
Most people just said
that they will never play it, is it bashing a game? I hate race games
and i will never play annother one, even if its the BEST RACE GAME
EVER. Different kinds of people looks for differents kinds of games.
the pillar on the right
almost 15 years ago
WoW... WoW never changes .
almost 15 years ago
Bashing a game that you've never played sure makes a lot of sense, right?  While we're at it, lets insult anyone who DOES play the game.  Thats what many of the comments here are saying.
almost 15 years ago
So,  what kind of comments arent from a "grow up guy"?
Har har
almost 15 years ago
Before I watched the animation, I watched some "comical" wipe that happened to 5 people, which was probably the dullest six minutes I have ever experienced.  Those who do not get the joke, don't just search "Onyxia Wipe", watch this:
almost 15 years ago
One of my previous photo notes idea was to point out the super sayan level 4 in piccolo's name. But i'd rather point out the witcher.
 And if the author is reading this, nice work on the nyoro~n onyxia. Now i'll never see her the same way again.
almost 15 years ago
As Heavy would say: "WHO SENT ALL THESE BABIES TO POST COMMENTS?!" Grow up, please.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Lien's photo notes made me laugh more than the actual comic.[2]
almost 15 years ago
Fuck that, never played WoW and I'm proud of it.
almost 15 years ago
Lien's photo notes made me laugh more than the actual comic.
almost 15 years ago
Can someone please translate this into English?
almost 15 years ago
i never played WoW...tru storie
Ello Guvner
almost 15 years ago
Also i wouldn't call WoW a classic like star wars is, it hasn't got that status, but even more than that there are so many things in the world that can be called classic you can't possibly expect everyone to have experienced them all.
Ello Guvner
almost 15 years ago
@sgt crise
I'll brag all i want, if someone would rather play fps of something (which most people here probably would being that this comic is tf2 based most of the time) rather than rpgs then that's their choice, everyone has a preference
almost 15 years ago
Its sad how many people just didn't get the joke. :(

Honestly, I kind of want some Starcraft comics.  I had a funky SC2 dream this morning...and I have no idea why.
Ello Guvner
almost 15 years ago
never played, odds are very high i never will, i don't get the joke and I'm proud. tbh from what I've heard WoW is just like every other monotonous leveling fest mmo but a bit bigger and shinier :P
Rare DEADLY Spy Crab
almost 15 years ago
I miss the TF2 comics already!  ... I wanted to see what that camera bearded spy was fishing for!

(Is it dirty or just a normal question  You choose!)
Teh Negotiator
almost 15 years ago
Ya know, I haven't played WoW, but am not proud of it. I just see like something else I just haven't done yet...like riding on train....I wanna ride on a train.
Sgt Crise
almost 15 years ago
To everyone who haven't played WoW there - that's nothing to brag about. Be it good or bad, not playing it can be compaired to not watching Star Wars. Not to mention that judging the game without actually playing only proves your ignorance.
PS. WTF is wrong with Vanish? It was OP and still is :)
almost 15 years ago
Well, shows what you know, never played wow, so whats the joke?
almost 15 years ago
Lets do this!
+1 to "I don't get it"
almost 15 years ago
Silly artist.  I don't play WoW ^_^
almost 15 years ago
Battlefield Heroes Arc nao?
Think of what Josue could do with the whole Nationals vs. Royals thing.
Wealthy Hobo
almost 15 years ago
Now I feel like one of the many mindless drones for actually liking WoW after reading the comments.
Then again, why should I care? If I find it fun, I'm doing it.
Wealthy Hobo
almost 15 years ago
At hurf:
I thought Vanish was a spell that rogues use to completly disappear from the enemies, making them ignore you while going into stealth mode.
Lets Get Cherry Pie! ( Now - Sunao )
almost 15 years ago
I don't get it, I don't play WoW and I'll never play WoW. [2]
almost 15 years ago
get back to TF2, nerd
Desperate troll
almost 15 years ago
I lurv Onyxia. Such a fun fight to solo :)
almost 15 years ago
I don't get it, I don't play WoW and I'll never play WoW.
almost 15 years ago
@hurf: Actually its a skill ROGUES use that drops their aggro and allows them to go stealth in combat. Except when it doesn't.
The skill you're thinking about is fade, and there is nothing wrong with it whatsover.
almost 15 years ago
Whatever we were told to google should explain it. I've seen some other stuff about it so I mostly know what happened. But as I already said, I haven't played WoW.
almost 15 years ago
lol beatsticks.
For everyone who doesn't know what Vanish is, it's a spell that priests (medics) use that is SUPPOSED to drop their aggro and get enemies to stop focusing on them.
almost 15 years ago
I played WoW for like, a week. Didn't like it. Someone wanna explain this to me?
almost 15 years ago
I don't play WoW. I didn't get it.

Honestly, it isn't that funny a joke, whether I know what vanish did or not. "It didn't work back then, and it still doesn't work."

You've done better.
almost 15 years ago
+1 for don't play and have never played WoW.

That said, thanks to reading the comments and my experience with other "grinder" MMORPGs I kinda get what the comic is trying to get at. However I don't see an actual "joke" here. Perhaps I'm missing something.
almost 15 years ago
well damn i think im the only one not to play wow
almost 15 years ago
Reminds me of the ol' EQOA ad...

Also, jo, go back to the old comment style, please. This one hax my mind.
almost 15 years ago
I'd rather have a new Warcraft RTS than WoW with any of its expansions.
almost 15 years ago
So much for "Everyone plays/played WoW."
+1 to the never played it, never will group BTW. <_<
almost 15 years ago
Kill the Dragon (pinata) = Get "Epic" equipment
Sticks = Number of raiders in the fight
2nd panel armor = Death Knight = Class considered OP = Demoman

Granted I've only picked up on this 2nd/3rd hand, but you don't need to play a game to get the references.
Tsar tomat
almost 15 years ago
I played wow week or two and get booooored, so - do not get d4t.
a ... drawgon?
almost 15 years ago
what the hell is this "vanish"?
almost 15 years ago
Never played WoW before, and never will. Colour me reddish-orange, the colour of "confusion".
almost 15 years ago
I also don't play WoW and have never played it.
almost 15 years ago
...I don't get it.
almost 15 years ago
+1 Never played WoW group

Also, I hope you realize the majority of your readers play TF2...probably exclusively.  :O
Fix Vanish
almost 15 years ago
Is vanish really still broken?
almost 15 years ago
In response to your comment, no not everyone plays/has played WoW. Some of us are actually smart enough to avoid that crap.
almost 15 years ago
I never took any race/class combo past level 10, the game kept getting boring.
almost 15 years ago
The Orc, which was in 2004 is calling for more damage over time(DOTs) spells to be cast on the dragon then to stop casting the "DOTs". The instance in which was made in 2004 for lv60 is now remade in 2009 for lv80s. And yet they are still using the same tactics now as for back then.
A Dog And A Man!
almost 15 years ago
The only reason I read any of the comments was so I could find out what the joke was.
I'm still not sure what the Joke is.
Whats the Joke?
I have never played WoW cause I am not a Faggot.
almost 15 years ago
Ah, the more things change, the more they stay the same... I'm tempted to explain everything that is happening here, unless people don't really care.

Either way, I love how Onyxia looks in this.
almost 15 years ago
I dont play wow  either.
almost 15 years ago
Just wanted to say that I've never played wow.
...but the username progression through the years was worth a chuckle.
almost 15 years ago
hehe i see... their doing the onexia raid at lv 80... less people see? back then it was for lv 60s... technicaly still is... but only higher lvs do it now
almost 15 years ago
:( i was looking forward too some tf2 awsomeness. I'm don't mind you doing other games i'm all for a bit of variety but not wow.........horrible game in my opinion. But everyones entitled to there own opinions.
almost 15 years ago
I tried it a couple times and hated it both times.
almost 15 years ago
I don't play wow :(
Nice to see you keeping the art style simple :D!
almost 15 years ago
I played wow for about half an hour, so i don't get this.
there was this one guy on tf2 who asked "what's WoW?"  this one other guy said, "uh, WoW is a sex position."  much lulz were had, and there were even more when this one OTHER guy changed his actual in game name to "WoW is a sex position."
almost 15 years ago
I don't play WoW.
almost 15 years ago
for the more dots people
almost 15 years ago
Hmm. I think I got it. "New content", but they are actually playing the same games for the last 5 years. Yah. I guess.

almost 15 years ago
that nerer get old lol wow well not stop for a long time
almost 15 years ago
Well, what the heck "more dots" actually means?
almost 15 years ago
I both play WoW, and I got the joke. I found it quite funny, silly artist.
almost 15 years ago
There is no "more dots" reference in this comic. The GM in each screenshot is explaining strategy, not saying "more dots." The real joke is that WoW players have been fighting the same loot pinata bosses for five years.
almost 15 years ago
I've never touched WoW, I don't get it.
almost 15 years ago
I played WoW once.  For all of 2 minutes.
Can honestly say I don't get it.
Rick James
almost 15 years ago
+1 to never played WoW
Lets Get Cherry Pie!
almost 15 years ago
Silly artist... nobody plays or played WoW.
Storm Trooper
almost 15 years ago
I... don't get it...
Never played and damn proud of it. :P
almost 15 years ago
I don't play WoW and I don't get it. Some green guy wants to vanish, and then later some elfy guy wants to vanish? Huh?
almost 15 years ago
TF 2 :(
Kind of get it and I kind of don't get it.
almost 15 years ago
One more for the never played don't get it pile
almost 15 years ago
i dont get it
almost 15 years ago
I've never played WoW before so I don't get the joke T_T
almost 15 years ago
I played WoW.... for six hours.

Then I uninstalled and went back to CoH.
almost 15 years ago
Keep this layout with comments beneath comic. Way less cramped.
almost 15 years ago
I've played WOW, but quit seeing as I saw what was coming.
Overall joke in my opinion for those who don't get it.
New content is just old content that's had a face lift.
almost 15 years ago
You know what would be nice? A LINK!
almost 15 years ago
Never played WoW and newer will play WoW.
+1 to "i don't get it"
almost 15 years ago
I didn't even know what the initials WoW stood for until 3 years after the game was released, so no, I don't get this joke.
almost 15 years ago
I don't play WOW either.
almost 15 years ago
Ok, I have seen the onyxia wipe movie, I've seen it before. And I get the more DoTs thing. But what is vanish? And why is there a loot dragon? (I have never played WoW)
almost 15 years ago
WoW will alaways suck, no matter how many updates it gets..
Throw More Dots, More Dots Naow
almost 15 years ago
Joke can be simply explained as
almost 15 years ago
I never played WoW :|

.... I don't get the joke
almost 15 years ago
I get every single joke. I feel bad :(
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Ah, also I forgot - I played WoW for 3-5 months, until I got sooooo bored... WoW sucks :P At least Guild Wars holden me for 2,5 - 3 years until I got bored. You know, the storyline.
Okay, ummm.......
almost 15 years ago
I play WoW, and I STILL don't get this.  Though I do consider myself a casual player......
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Everyone who doesnt get it:search "Onyxia Wipe" on yotube.
almost 15 years ago
I have played WoW two times, both for a few weeks before getting bored. I know the whole "DOTs" thing but it feels like that is not the joke here. What's Vanish?
Poke Freak
almost 15 years ago
I wrote an explanation for people who hasn't heard of the joke, but apparently it got lost.
Short version: "Onyxia Wipe". Look it up.
almost 15 years ago
I played WoW once for about an hour at a friend's house. So I don't have the necessary knowledge of WoW to get this joke. However I'm guessing it's about Blizzard not fixing this problem after 5 years of updates.
almost 15 years ago
played wow for a mont and I don't get it.
almost 15 years ago
If you look closely, you can tell he is a DK...and that one...and that one....and he is one also....
almost 15 years ago
Can you spot the 7 diferences?
almost 15 years ago
+1 to Doesn't-Play-WoW
almost 15 years ago
Yeah, lost here, too.
almost 15 years ago
DOT = Damage Over Time, you know, like fire. Hudda.
almost 15 years ago
the news: the onyxia raid from vanilla wow (level 60) being redone for current level 80 content, much as the original naxxramas was retuned to be the entry level 80 raid.
also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtvIYRrgZ04
almost 15 years ago
Confused alphahawk is confused.
Teh Negotiator
almost 15 years ago
I have never played WoW, so if you may be so kind..?
almost 15 years ago
I don't get it.
almost 15 years ago
Until then I need you to throw dots. More dots, more dots, c'mon more dots. Ok, stop dots.
almost 15 years ago
I haven't. Whats going on?