What people are saying about "Buff"
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almost 9 years ago
This comic reminds me of the Soldier/Demo/Scout new weapons update comic from a time ago.
almost 9 years ago
Why is Undy's more than Pugna's lmao

And the - .25 cd may look like shit but hey thats the spammable
almost 9 years ago
I want to know one thing. What happened to Lusty Argonian Maid after Angie, Jane, Aleks, Anne, Morgan, and Maggie moved out of the old house? Is she still cleaning that house? Did she leave when Jo left and I never noticed? Was there another comic that explains what happened to her?
almost 9 years ago
The frog works in mysterious ways is the second best from line I've heard this week. The first was "My life is a bacon wrapped Hell."
almost 9 years ago
Where are the first three strips, Jo? We still remember.
almost 9 years ago
Shadow Demon actually hits pretty hard if he's able to get his stacks up(1k+). The problem is getting those stacks. The other problem is that he's a counter hero and the heroes he counters aren't being played(example: Omniknight).
almost 9 years ago
FOOL! Shadow demon is op as heck in the right hands. His early game is amazing and as early game you keep the enemies away from farm. As for late game? If I ever go 1v1 against an enemy carry as shadow demon I always win. Shadow demons kit is purely designed for great 1v1 just unnoticed.
almost 9 years ago
Shadow Demon without his flames looks oddly enough a lot like Lich.
Jarrett Dienel
almost 9 years ago
i actually think that undying dosn't get that much of a buff. its definitely a buff, but not that big of one.
almost 9 years ago
cont. Since his Tomb is destroyed by # of atks, Agi Carries will nullify his teamfight potential. Just like what happened with Visage. Ever since his familiars became # of hits based, he's pure crap.
almost 9 years ago
Well, I disagree on two things.
Shadow Demon is a hero with a ridiculously awesome early game. It's only natural his late isn~t as good. But I~ve seen some players raise hell with him. If you know how, he~s very useful.
And I thing Undying got nerfed bad. His Tomb can be destroyed faster now.
almost 9 years ago
Honestly, I think Shadow Demon is going to be pretty good as he is, I see his position being similar to Centaur from a couple of patches ago. A really good hero, just never gets picked because the teams never really think of him. Just needs a team to pick and stomp with him for everyone to realise.
almost 9 years ago
Also while we're at undead heroes getting buffs, Lich is probably the best contender for #1 buffed hero. Sacrificing catapults, no xp shared are just such huge buffs. The chain frost buffs are just extra icing on the already delicious cake.
almost 9 years ago
Things like greaves/solar crest/glimmer takes much higher priority over aghs. Maybe if undy could flash farm, then sure, but the can't. Also, @Waka QoP is almost fine as she is, it's just the meta favouring her heavily.
almost 9 years ago
You don't need "LOTS" of damage with soul catcher, hell SC+lvl 16laguna blade will oneshot anything non-str pre 35 minutes. And it's not like SD is picked for the burst. Undying agh's doesn't make up for the super, SUPER heavy tombstone nerfs. Not to mention Undy isnt getting an aghs in 9/10 games.
almost 9 years ago
Purge and slow through magic immunity is super strong against certain heroes, and with agh's it's super good. No burst (soul catcher aside, one of the top 10 skills in dota) is offset by the incredible safety SD provides. He canfarm better than 90% of other supports, only dazzle, lina, tusk>s
Dmitry Grischenko
almost 9 years ago
Well, undy got nerfed HARD. He is mostly usless on lane now, cuz he's tomb is shit early on. Yes he got buffed, at same time nerfed as hell.
almost 9 years ago
Shadow demon looks so weird without his signature 'shadow flames' around his head/
almost 9 years ago
and qop got the lightest nerf.

-20 damage to her ulti. like wow, thats so much.
almost 9 years ago
Undy scepter is ridicolous. Stand back, get up to 950 hp from every decay, watch enemies losing 1/5 max hp every 4 seconds. If you get it early you are almost unstoppable.
almost 9 years ago
Ebola Demon definitely needs more love.