What people are saying about "Pay"
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almost 9 years ago
Why's everyone talking about a lie? It's how you often do things. If a group of people rent the same home they decide on paying less or more if one of the bedrooms is much better than the other.
almost 9 years ago
@Rukifellth: Well, she does carry a gigantic Gatling gun around...
almost 9 years ago
Maggie didn't leave room
almost 9 years ago
Does anyone else think Alek's arms are too thick? I mean, everyone else's arms are thinner than their legs, but Alek's legs are thick in comparison to the others, but not thicker than her arms. Hell those legs are "Mine" material...in fact...
almost 9 years ago
Wasn't it 70% before?
almost 9 years ago
Angie and Anne-Marie where the two I'd have in there. The three thieves should be fine in the bunk bed/prison.
almost 9 years ago
Anne-Marie should have no trouble paying with her streaming fees. And the flat shouldn't be too expensive.

But why didn't Maggie leave? oô
almost 9 years ago
@ArteAlen: MGS5 AND Mad Max for me this september.
almost 9 years ago
Why does everyone look super creepy all of a sudden?
almost 9 years ago
@ArteAlen: Definitely not overrated, but Mad Max does look pretty good, gonna pick it up at a cheaper price.
almost 9 years ago
@ArteAlen: I like MGS, bought the Collection and played since the MSX one. It deserves every fame it has, it's a great game, one with its own personality.
BUT, I agree, Mad Max is the real deal for now. Pre-Ordered and ain't regretting it.
almost 9 years ago
Anne~Marie didn't left. Heh.
almost 9 years ago
MGS is ovverrated tho. Mad Max for me this september :)
almost 9 years ago
hah like I suspected, anne and angie are likely to get the room.
almost 9 years ago
@Raxyz: The struggle is real there
almost 9 years ago
Did you bought it? The price tag here in Brazil is absurd at 200R$...