What people are saying about "Tsundereddit"
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over 9 years ago
As for the meta. It's shifting entirely to the professional esports level and the pub meta has seriously suffered for it. I still hear "SHRAPNEL! HOHO! HAHA!" in my nightmares.
over 9 years ago
Regarding the paid mods. I think a more reasonable amount should be given to the modder. That aside I'm chill with it really.
over 9 years ago
Remember when they changed silencer?
They listened
Will they listen this time?
over 9 years ago
@Demilung: Go on /r/pcmasterrace and look at the paid mod threads.

All of them.
over 9 years ago
FFS, people, to quote Jo's strip from some time ago - It's a company, not your f@ckign girlfriend.
over 9 years ago
Man, Internet just loves to jerk off Gabe Newell, Reddit more that anything.
Seriosly, it's super Tsundere, even with some yandere in there. Oh, Vavle did something that we didn't like - THEY'RE EVIL NOW!!! IT'S OVER! (run away crying). Oh, a hat (runs back into hand of Newell).
over 9 years ago
Remember, your money are theirs
over 9 years ago
@catkillerfive so noone reads the negative stuff?
over 9 years ago
@Shellhit: None taken, & what I meant was that how much fun you have depends on what kind of people you team with. It may have been worse in the past, but since I began playing (a bit over a year ago) I've found players to be a mix of good and bad, instead of ALL bad.
over 9 years ago
THANKS Jo. Joke about fatty Gaben = Half Life 3 delayed. >:(
over 9 years ago
Valve is turning to shit now that they only sell other people's stuff instead of dedicating themselves to making their own. They got bloated with the profits, and arrogant in their dealings with the player base. Customer support is atrocious, quality control is nonexistent. It's all about the dosh.
over 9 years ago
this game is sponsered by doritos and MT dew
crack responsibly
over 9 years ago
@xthorgoldx: you mean that one time when dude tried to copy a weapon from Aion and got punished for it?
over 9 years ago
The problem with paid mods isn't that modders shouldn't be paid, it's tha the method by which Valve is doing it is not only unethical but legally untenable. It's too loosely defined, there are too many loopholes, and already you see people abusing things with content theft - and this on the prelimin
over 9 years ago
Wow, people at reddit are that whiny? For reals?
over 9 years ago
Oh good, another DOTA2 comic. I think I can see cracks forming in your fanboy goggles, so progress I guess.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout:
For some reason I found the way you wrote your comment kind of funny

It isn't bad
ALL the time
Not these days at least
On Sundays
From 2 am to 3 am
If you are lucky

No offence
over 9 years ago
Still stuck at Dota 2?
Try Heroes of the Storm!

Say Goodbye to last-hitting.
over 9 years ago
@Technature: I'd offer to team with you in the hopes of you having a less asshole-filled Dota experience, but I'm sure you don't have the game installed any more. In my experience it isn't bad ALL the time, not these days at least.
over 9 years ago
See, now you're just making me nostalgic for Steam-san, bring back that reliable waifu whore, I miss her dammit!
over 9 years ago
Man, I just can't wait for the next comic that doesn't talk about Dota.

Seriously, why does a game with so many assholes even have fans?
over 9 years ago
No. Valve isn't taking 75% of the profits. they're taking right around the same as the modder. the rest goes to the game developer. AND valves cut is shared with various mod development tools such as blender or nexus mods.
over 9 years ago
@Suspicious the biggest problem here is not that you need to pay for mods now. the deal is valva takes 75!!!!% of the sales. FOR LITERALLY DOING NOTHING! that's bullshit.
over 9 years ago
Where is magie?
over 9 years ago
But my favorite part is when faceless void won the rework vote. Good god did I love the salty posts on reddit. Honestly that's when Reddit found out it wasn't the voice of the Dota 2 community! They were all voting for Viper, Zues, and or Sladar. That is when I really enjoyed reddit!
over 9 years ago
Would have upvoted comments on trying to be witty or an overused stupid meme. Man at least with Playdota or Dev Dota you get the occasional valve Dev come by. I have yet to see valve people do appearances on reddit outside of AmA or really angry posts. Sometimes I hate reddit so much....
over 9 years ago
Despite what reddit thinks, I am going to go with the fact that Valve would pay more attention to Playdota and Dev Dota forums since y'know it's purely focused on the game rather than not the stupid upvote and downvote system. Granted it can be garbage sometimes but damnit sometimes a good topic 1/2
Mr. Al
over 9 years ago
Well it's not like I take anything reddit says seriously, and I stopped giving a darn about moba's long ago. But paid mods will only be hurtful for the community. I had to stop playing skyrim because all my mods jsut kept brekaing the game over and over again. I don't want to pay for that!
over 9 years ago
Oh, okay, so it's r/dota that all these horrible ideas and godawful decisions have been coming from. It's not icefrog that I hate, it's every other stupid person who plays Dota. Glad to have that cleared up.

Ugh, sorry, sorry, TRYING not to be negative, but Dota is a very very negative game.
over 9 years ago
@Suspicious: And valve only paying you 25% of the profits. Taking 75% for doing literally nothing.

Also this absolute filth. http://i.imgur.com/jvA06NO.png
over 9 years ago
The majority of users that Reddit is supposed to represent are dumb dumb anyway. Remember when Void won that contest? The most awful stil are those who hate the game, but play it to find more reasons to complain about it
over 9 years ago
so incoming troll nerf and sniper nerfs?

also, valve is greedy as shit, nothing will change their opinion on shitty hats and bad servers
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
I don't really understand all the hate over allowing developers to put prices on their mods. They do work, too, and if they want to get paid for it they now have an easy way to do so.

The only caveat to this, which hopefully Valve will solve, is people publishing other modders' work.
over 9 years ago
@Beastwolf: Reddit use a Up-Down vote system to promote their content. The more upvotes in a short amount of time, the more relevant, and therefor "promoted" the reddit post is.
over 9 years ago
r/dota being the voice of the community.
not /d2g/
over 9 years ago
I dont understand what the arrows mean.
over 9 years ago
Clearly haven't been following events lately, Reddit hates Valve and Gaben at the moment. Paid mods and what not.
over 9 years ago
And yes, bugs, meta is fucking horrible, servers like to choke themselves sometimes, the hats are meaningless. About the heroes, stop being fucking homo icefrog.

>championships aka more money
>compendium aka more money
>balance patch aka >imb4 icefraud pls commit yijad
over 9 years ago
Implying it's the same people commenting each time.

There are millions of people on reddit.

Also the consensus on Reddit right now is that Valve is Satan. Y'know, because of them introducing paid mods.

In fact the top comments on /r/gaming are saying EA is better than Valve now.