What people are saying about "Love Is Skin Deep"
Love Is Skin Deep
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about 9 years ago
Sooo what game HAS "A delete your save" game breaking bug?
about 9 years ago
@Billy Henline: Extended.

Like this it looks like a Starfox impression.

Doo dee doo! You found a Hiigara!

Of course you could say it looks like a Roman eagle, if you're boring.

But it's meant to look like this http://www.lesfruitsdemer.org/wp-content/uploads/DSC_0888-548x363.jpg
about 9 years ago
@Billy Henline: The wings look upside down when the right way up because we are used to seeing bird iconography with the wings stretched high in a proud gesture.

This doesn't work with the homeworld logo, it's meant to look like the wings are embracing the sphere protectively.
about 9 years ago
I gotta ask, why does it look better upside down?
about 9 years ago
Loving the fact she has a tattoo.
about 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358436]@Geary[/url]: True, but Jane has made fun of her for being flat before: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1231 I couldn't care less, though; I love Morgan.
about 9 years ago
I think Morgan, a fan so hardcore she'd get a tattoo and alienate her sort of friend, would not want her tattoo upside down.
about 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358433]@Bioearth[/url]: Or she wears a sports bra, or she just wears clothes that don't accentuate her chest. Breasts are sacks of fat, they're incredibly easy to press down and keep out of the way.
about 9 years ago
I just noticed that morgan is flat chested.
about 9 years ago
Alek face http://boourns.dynu.net/awesome.png
about 9 years ago
@Jarno Westhof's photo note: Alek could turn the picture around, but all you would see would be the blank other side of the picture, you know. Of course if that's what gets you off, I'm not one to judge. :P
about 9 years ago
Another example of the concept upside-down: http://mk01.deviantart.com/art/Homeworld-Guardian-Angel-2008-84644849
about 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358421]@MarqFJA87[/url]: She didn't realise its importance to Morgan until that point.
about 9 years ago
Again, Jane face, priceless. XD
about 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358421]@MarqFJA87[/url]: She realizes Morgan really, really cares about the game.
about 9 years ago
... I don't get it. Why does Morgan getting a tattoo related to the game make Jane much more resolved to apologize?
about 9 years ago
Jane hair in last pannel look like caterpilar...

Hope Morgan like Zergs.
about 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358406]@Luxeraph[/url]: the shoulder blades.. I shouldn't had draw them to avoid the confusion.
about 9 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: I've always like the 'A' shape of the Homeworld logo, it was distinct that you couldn't mistake it for anything.
The other thing is when the wings are turned down they look like they are embracing and protecting Hiigara. When it is turned over, it is like they are holding it away.
about 9 years ago
support ships/faith keeping them aloft[url=#user_comment_358406]@luxeraph[/url]?
about 9 years ago
I thought the wings downward were weird but then i realize it is their flight home that we are seeing. we read top to bottom and it is the journey to home that is the most important thing.
about 9 years ago
Um, I get it looks more like wings upside down but what are those sticks coming out of the wings?
about 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358399]@Geary[/url]: Let me google it and we shall see. :)
about 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358402]@Nilok[/url]: I uploaded the wrong version, my bad. I never understood why they made the logo that way (wings going down). I think the other way is much better.
about 9 years ago
Actually Jo, that is the correct way to have the logo, the wings of the Angel Moon are suppose to go down around Hiigara. If you had the wings going up with Hiigara at the top, then it would be upside down.
about 9 years ago
Eh, I think it'd be JO PLAY NOSGOTH RIGHT NOW DO IT DO IT DO IT nicer right-side up, but that's just my opinion.
about 9 years ago
I'd like to think as this whole story has been going on, Maggie and Angie are just stealing both Hard Hat and Pointy over and over and no one notices.