What people are saying about "Extreme Makeover"
Extreme Makeover
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almost 10 years ago
Would I be the only one who want even MOARRR Dota 2 ? :p
There's never enough dotaaaaa :'(
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356241]@LockeZ[/url]: All of the games listed involve interacting with plenty of other characters. Baldur's Gate has you controlling a party as well, doesn't it?
almost 10 years ago
I have a friend, Mr.Nice Pyro, he goes around World of Warcraft dancing in his underwear,
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356243]@The14th[/url] Yes
almost 10 years ago
I'll be honest I prefer the old Angie to the new Angie, but I'm sure the New look will grow on me. I'll give it some time. I'm looking forward to this back log. I want a Dues Ex comic because I got the game over the winter sale and i want to see NerfNow's take on the game.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356243]@The14th[/url]: probably both
almost 10 years ago
Is Angie's new look supposed to be a reference or just Jo trying to stoke up a flame war?
almost 10 years ago
I don't know if I'd really agree with the inclusion of Deus Ex with the RPG games to be honest, that would more or less make me wonder why Borderlands isn't on the list if that is.
almost 10 years ago
Japanese RPGs would make for much better comics than western RPGs because they have a party of heroes with personalities instead of a single emotionless faceless player avatar. Comics need characters!

If you're gonna pick a western RPG, go with Dragon Age to avoid this problem.
almost 10 years ago
"...i may even stream me playing it." that's great, stream in a place we can't watch...

may want to make your stream links a bit more noticeable, off to search for it now.
almost 10 years ago
It's not about "Which is the best RPG". I vote TW2 because "Geralt and the ladies" never get old, just to take the easiest joke of the serie. And BTW, no more DOTA comic ? what will @dealwithit become ?
almost 10 years ago
Deus ex is an awesome action rpg, but i think it might've been done too many times... Baldur's gate is even better in my opinion, but unfortunately, very few people know about it nowadays, so maybe it'd be hard for some to understand a strip about it. never played the witcher, but i heard its great!
Crimson Blade
almost 10 years ago
South Park is probably the poorest choice, because the game is already funny and nonsense; joking on a joke is... well, not that laughable. The other games has more strip potential IMHO.

Beside, what's that madness about BG not being an RPG? I could understand that on TW2 or Deus ex, but...
almost 10 years ago
Now that is a great idea.
almost 10 years ago
I love glasses but this Sayonara Zetsubou Engie is fine too!
almost 10 years ago
I voted for Baldur's Gate because it's seventeen years old, that makes it way more interesting than the others.

None of the choices except South Park are really proper RPGs, they're all action-RPGs. Disappointing. And I definitely don't want South Park comics. I would vote for Chrono Trigger.
almost 10 years ago
I actually don't mind the DOTA comics. My only complaint about them is that they're not the elaborate silent arcs that you used to get me interested in this comic and Team Fortress 2. Those long arcs expressed the game - they taught the gags, instead of requiring knowing them.
almost 10 years ago
All the choices for the vote were awesome! Ultimately I chose Deus Ex cause that game a is a really good philosophical game about how technology effects our lives and Jo should play it and experience it if he hasnt done so already.
almost 10 years ago
I think it's a good initiative. Even if the level of DOTA strips doesn't decreases significantly, this consideration to the fans is always welcome. I can't wait to the strategy polls.
almost 10 years ago
Less dota2 comics? Yeah, right.
Well, even if that happens, I can live with that.

Voted for Baldur's gate.
almost 10 years ago
I voted for BG because it's one of the best rpg's and because with the mods out there you could end up with a harem not unlike Jo's.
Mister Jay
almost 10 years ago
I love Engie no matter how she changes herself. Its who she is inside as a person that matters. You know a Les/Bi Smartass Troll who occasionally battles depression.
almost 10 years ago
Less DOTA2? Awesome.
almost 10 years ago
I'm surprised at the game that's winning, but you really can't go wrong with anything on that list. Backlogs are nice because it's all good, all the time. (Less DOTA, yay!)

Also, the login is giving this warning from Google: OpenID2 for Google accounts is going away on April 20, 2015.
almost 10 years ago
I can't say I'm upset to see 'less dota' (I strongly dislike MOBAs), but it's your strip, draw what you want. I might not personally like the dota strips, but that's not all there is here. You can't please everyone with every strip. Just relax and have fun drawing.
almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago
Less dota? Vocal minority! >:O
almost 10 years ago
Panel 1 is probably the cutest Angie's ever looked.

Although Morgan is still the best.
Wanta loves Mayu
almost 10 years ago
Red hair, blue eyes, pale skin must stay!
almost 10 years ago
Whoa. Angie looks really good with long hair and no glasses
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356204]@Lanaya[/url]: Dota evolved from a custom game mode of an RTS, for the record.
almost 10 years ago
I'm a little surprised how close the poll is overall, but I guess we're going to see some "I never asked for this" jokes in the photo notes soon :P
almost 10 years ago
Jo this may be a lognshot, but I'd like to request a game for the strip to discuss, even just once.

Dawngate is a MOBA with fun characters and gorgeous artwork that is shutting down at the end of this month. It's gone forever, very soon. I'd love to see it get some exposure before it ends.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356204]@Lanaya[/url]: No, it's a MOBA. An RPG is basically like single player D&D, to compare. You spend lots of time fighting, but you also explore your surroundings, talk to people, pick up quests, get romantically involved with somebody if you want, etc.
almost 10 years ago
I think she looks good with the beret. Her eye colour doesn't make a difference to me, nor does her skin tone. The one thing in panel three I wouldn't mind her keeping is the old body suit, because she has always looked great in that.
almost 10 years ago
On Angie's look: I don't feel really strongly about whether or not she wears glasses, but think she looks better without them. Her hair didn't look good when she came back, but it looks much better in panel one, and looks all right when she ties it back.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356205]@Runic[/url]: I wouldnt mind more dota but what about bringing the entire team back? You know? Heavy and Mini-Medic, Pyro, Sniper Tan, Mini Pyro, Medic and Fem Heavy (Alek?) and all the old characters. Btw I only red up to comic 775 and the new ones so point me out if they are already revived.
almost 10 years ago
Once more shall say, I want Glasses Mode Angie-chan
Tim the Enchanter
almost 10 years ago
I thought the glasses were cool. Seems I'm in the minority though.
almost 10 years ago
Oh wow, there must be a lot of people here that don't read other web comics about video games. There's no other explanation for why soooo many people aren't already burnt out on comics about Deus Ex.
almost 10 years ago
* Less DotA.

* More Alek, like 50x more Alek she is so adorable.

* Get rid of Jane's Groucho Marx eyebrows. The way you have her drawn here is fine.

* More character development.

almost 10 years ago
Where is the option for Dota, it's a RPG right?
almost 10 years ago
Here's an idea: why not use Glasses as an accessory, and see Angie with glasses on occasion?
almost 10 years ago
Anything but the glasses. Anything but the glasses!
almost 10 years ago
> i think dota jokes are totally ok and i even like them the most. i think that you got lured into thinking that a few complaining people are the voice of the whole community but in the end a lot of your followers enjoy dota, but one is more likely to complain than to praise

Yes, this!
almost 10 years ago
Instead of less DotA, how about more dota?
almost 10 years ago
Silver twin-tailed, freckled tan-gie? ...The tan could use a little work, but I like this direction. [url=#user_comment_356187] @Xenosphobatic[/url]: This guy gets it.
almost 10 years ago
Deus ex, Deus ex, Deus ex!
Please, please, puh-leeeeeezzzz!!111
almost 10 years ago
oh god please jo no! we asked to change engie's hairstyle back and give glasses (i fight for long hair and no glasses personally) and you made her a different person altogether! please change her back!
almost 10 years ago
I so miss the glasses now. BRING BACK THE GLASSES
almost 10 years ago
I'd prefer if she kept the red hair and hairstyle; don't mind the skin-tone at all <3
almost 10 years ago
Dota 2 comics are the main reason I follow your site.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356177]@Jotoco[/url]: Vote for the game with a giant miniature space hamster? I don't understand, Mass Effect 2 is not in the poll. (JK. I know that they put that in ME2 as a reference to Baldur's Gate.)
almost 10 years ago
If you make a playthrough of Human Revolution, make sure it's the director's cut. Fixes a great deal of what is wrong with the initial game (*Cough* broke ass boss fights *Cough*), and includes the DLC which takes place between two acts of the original game, giving it a more fluid, finished feel.
almost 10 years ago

Fetish level: 9001
almost 10 years ago
I'm not trying to sound like i'm whining but please change her back. Engie just doesn't seem right anymore.
almost 10 years ago
Human Rev is the best gameplay wise. Baldur's Gate is a close second.

Witcher 2 has a very good adult mature air, gray morality, politics and sex that is handled exceptionally well.

South park game is accurate to the tv show's humor if you like that.
almost 10 years ago
Oh, right, you only play console games. Guess I can't convince you to play and comment on Bravely Default then.

Well, maybe you'll get around to doing an Adventure Games backlog. Monkey Island, go! Yeah, probably not.
almost 10 years ago
Ah character creaton at its finest :P Also engie look her best so far with the hair loose like that lol
almost 10 years ago
Angie, try a ponytail.
almost 10 years ago
Seriously, Baldur's Gate must be one of the best games of all time, up high with Ocarina of Time and Chrono Trigger.

Do vote for it, it has EXCELLENT space for jokes.

AND it is one of the best games ever, in all creation. I had ONE hero with over 240h played. Yeah, it is THAT good.
almost 10 years ago
How can you people NOT vote for the game with a F*CKING MINIATURE GIANT SPACE HAMSTER IN IT?
The game with a transgendered mage?
One of the TWO games I know where you can become a GOD (the other being populous 3!)
I have only one thing to say to you:
almost 10 years ago
@Nerf Now!!
Yeah, last RPG I played in 2014 was Dragon Age: Origins and a nostalgia replay of FF7, both in November/December.
Before that FFX2 (Barbarian DS FTWaifu)...the ME Trilogy (all in a row)...DoW2 thinks it's an RPG...
almost 10 years ago
no trol
almost 10 years ago
If you end up playing Baldur's Gate, make sure you get the NPC Mod.

It makes things a lot more interesting, especially the NPC banter. {I ship Imoen and Xan}
almost 10 years ago
I don't play Dota but your comics are fun to read nevertheless.

IMO, stick with what you want to do. It's cool if you wanna get inspiration from other games, but if you get good ideas from the games you play regularly, no need to scrap them just because one or two guys complained about them.
almost 10 years ago
you should better make a pole if dota is actually that bad!
almost 10 years ago
i think dota jokes are totally ok and i even like them the most. i think that you got lured into thinking that a few complaining people are the voice of the whole community but in the end a lot of your followers enjoy dota, but one is more likely to complain than to praise
almost 10 years ago
Meanwhile Deus Ex got potential for comedy because a lot of free roaming and alternate routes and things we can do. But Witcher is pretty fun in story and the fact he keep bedding a lot of hotties. I say pick Witcher people!
almost 10 years ago
South Park is already a comedy, so it's redundant to be made into a comic. Also the joke is pretty American (United States), I don't know how well Jo can make it universal enough. Baldur Gate is too old. Not everyone know BG.
almost 10 years ago
Any of those but South Park, their jokes are already that artificial humour, I can't see any good strip coming out of it.
almost 10 years ago
Feedback for Angie's appearance? I'm sure this'll cover many peoples' opinions: Keep red hair & blue eyes. Glasses are split decision. Long hair better than short. Zipper jumpsuit always good. Bigger tits! Pale skin good. More cleavage/fanservice.
almost 10 years ago
You should play Baldur's Gate as it is the best game, but I voted for Witcher 2 as it is not an old game.
almost 10 years ago
Come on she looked great with glasses and long hair D:

Or is she gonna have a different look each time?
almost 10 years ago
I think Angie looked better with the Glasses on.
almost 10 years ago
Keep Angie as she is!
Also all of those games are fine and not arduously long (can finish each of them under 30h). Voted Witcher for it's superb storytelling but I like the rest as well
almost 10 years ago
I liked the amount of Dota D:
And I love Angie's hair long \o/
almost 10 years ago
Wow Jo, nice decision :D
I voted for Baldur's Gate :D
btw no plox, white hair angela no plox.
almost 10 years ago
Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne: Defense of the Ancients All stars.
almost 10 years ago
Livestreaming would be awesome, no matter the game. You have at least one guaranteed audience member if you do that.

Would you narrate on a headset, or mike/pop-filter combo?
almost 10 years ago
Bah... i guess baldur's gate will do!
almost 10 years ago
Where is dragon age inquisition? D:
almost 10 years ago
Ah, yes, Baldur's Gate. Reminds me I still need to play it.
almost 10 years ago
Also, sorry if i contributed to the complaints about dota, i don't really think we should be telling you what you shouldn't play... besides, even though i don't play it, i, personally, don't have much trouble understanding the reference/joke... most of the time, anyway.

Anyway, sorry again!
almost 10 years ago
Noo, I love readhead Angie. Also Baldurs Gate ftw.
almost 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Aw yeah! Baldur's Gate has always been my favorite RPG, 'tis a shame to see it forgotten by most people... it's the very precursor of many other famous games, like dragon age itself!

Hell, Bioware almost always make a reference to Baldur's Gate in it's games, even on mass effect!
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356137]@Muertog[/url]: I voted for Baldur's Gate, so hopefully that will help.
almost 10 years ago
South Park has more votes than Witcher disgusting.
almost 10 years ago
New Angie is ugly.
almost 10 years ago
Angie: Nice look.
Sad Baldur's Gate is in last place. Seriously, one of the top rated games of all time, behind South Park?
almost 10 years ago
I am sad that south park is losing, but oh well deus ex is not bad.
Selva Peluda
almost 10 years ago
I actually like how engie looks tbh.
almost 10 years ago
I didn't ask for DE:HR, but it's what we're getting.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_356131]@Beretta249[/url]: I decided to pick games based of the same genre so, if you don't like RPGs you probably won't like any of those games.
almost 10 years ago
I must suck.
I didn't like any of those choices.
Nice to see the jumpsuit with that zipper come back.
almost 10 years ago
I don't really mind the game, but it needs more EXPLOSIVES!

I mean, there are already lots of mines on the photo note section, naturally lots of mines=lots of explosives, right?