I have the Shaunditron 9000 in my attic in case you guys need to seperate Long Hair Glasses Pale Angie from Original Engie. But shes finally got the throne. Jo isnt gone tho. Wherever theres a girl in need of tentacles he'll be there. So...what im getting at is hes in Japan now.
about 10 years ago
anne be like
Originally there were two engies, one with orange long hair and the red short hair one. The orange one was created by Cap-tan and the red by Jo they both are friends and would draw each other characters.
[url=#user_comment_355719]@Drakkenfyre[/url]: This guy knows his lore. :)
about 10 years ago
(Continued) pretty sure he owns this character.
Jo can do what he wants, but if Engine's design remains so she barely looks like the old one, I will be disappointed.
With the beret, long hair and glasses, she's got the whole hipster thing going on, too.
about 10 years ago
Dorian, I am pretty sure that was the original Engie. There's two of them. Red Engie and Blu Engie. The original one he started with was the Red one. Long hair. He didn't own that character. He stopped using her eventually, and (to my knowledge) created Blu Engie to replace her. I am (continued)
@SCAR MAN!!! I've no idea, but in a few comments ( even recent ones, check previous 3 or 4 pages ) Jo stated that Engie doesn't belong to him and that's the reason why he decided to use her less and less and less. However he didn't mention, recently, to who really that character belongs. Tell us, Jo
about 10 years ago
I like where this is going, but I don't know how the story will be without TentaJo.
Angie is Anger, not Angela
Angie is RED Engineer
everyone remember BLU engie? she starred in the comix long ago (examples: #574, #691). Where she gone?
She was too close to pc for enough time to get her eyes deformed?
Anyway, Angie :D Best name ever.
about 10 years ago
Finally she's named!
Also, I would go with short hair and no glasses - her old look is basically how we know and love her.
Not to rush that change back, tho - poor girl has to "settle in again".
OMG, I just visited the Patreon site and saw what Engie would look like if she did have her old hair with the glasses, and I'm even more convinced than ever that that's what she should do. SO cute:
about 10 years ago
Well, maybe we'll see his arcs sometimes? Like 3 strips for girls, 2 for games, 2 for news, and 1 for Tentajo and his adventure (travel journal).
about 10 years ago
The classic style is the best. We need more short haired girls.
Angie is the best possible name could be given to Engie. She now has name, but it actually didn't change - awesome! But hey, wtf, where Tentajo is going? Talking about hair: Engie's hairdo was mostly noticeable by her super cool and sexy angular fringe. Make it back, pleeeaase! No need to cut.
Witch Hunter
about 10 years ago
I hope she keeps the hair! If anything, we need two Engie's, one old and one new :3
Jo plz.
Oh, I vote that Angie (not a bad name) cuts her hair, but keeps the glasses. They are similar to Engineer goggles, after all. Also Jo, I didn't think it was possible, but you actually made me LIKE Anne-Marie!
@Dorian_nest probably was a spur of the moment decision to make the game in the first place. or possibly evolving Engie into Angie was the cause of the games conception in the first place.
LOL since she isn't your character, you gave her long hair, a new name and a beret...leaving 'Engie's essence' intact. It's a new chara, but it feels like the usual Engie. That's Brilliant XD