What people are saying about "Endgame 2"
Endgame 2
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almost 10 years ago
@Mister_Jay you forgot to take into account time to prepare food.
almost 10 years ago
;-; Thank you, Joe, for bringing hope into this world. I was so afraid of a bait and switch.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355081]@xkcd_386[/url]: that would make for an interesting, er, strip.
almost 10 years ago
Are the glasses going to be a thing with Engie now? Because if so, it's a good thing.
almost 10 years ago
Oh no! Is she gonna eat her?!
almost 10 years ago
404 Engie's boobs not found.
almost 10 years ago
And then there's some M rated stuff happening off-care and we suddenly find out there is no Anne-Marie, she was Engie Two all along! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN!
almost 10 years ago
I know she already knows it, but I can't wait to see Engie's face when she'll come home and see how many things have changed since she left ... With the girls personality and things like that ... IF she will come back, ya know.
almost 10 years ago
Now this is interesting.
almost 10 years ago
Zombie Engie 1 Spy 0. Spy is dead, not big suprise.
almost 10 years ago
Engie's back!!!! Yaaaaay!!! She was always my favorite.

Does this mean he's done developing her game? That's when he said she would be coming back.
almost 10 years ago
Sheeesh, Nameless, take it easy
almost 10 years ago
There's one thing I've been wondering for a while. Is the game Engi is working on Theocalypse? True, they said it's only going to be a cameo, but... *shrug*
almost 10 years ago
A spy helping an engineer? What bizzaro world is this?
almost 10 years ago
Yay, Engie became a basement dwelling programmer.
Feels good to see her in the strip again.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355058]@GratLurking[/url]: Ah, good times. +Karma for you
almost 10 years ago
I kinda miss Engie, even though I don't think she's as good a fit to the newer art style as to the old one.
Anyway while I do miss her, I miss the Red (former Blue) Hevye more, he's hillarious.
Mister Jay
almost 10 years ago
Arbitrary Budget. 2 24pk hotdogs 12$ 4 12pk ramen same price. 6 Generic spaghetti sauce 6$ shaker cheese 3$ 4 12pk generic soda 12$ Energy drinks 3$ a can Tylenol PM to come down 7$ = 52$ + energy drink variable. Liveable budget as I know well. Likely shes just forgotten food because of work.
almost 10 years ago
Anne-Marie has startled the Witch!
almost 10 years ago
Zombie engie?

Today's not full moon or Halloween, right?
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355049]@fataltime[/url]: As a zombie.... video game developer kind of zombie.
almost 10 years ago
That's some long hair Engie's got. She must not have had a haircut in ages...

Dye it black and she'd start crawling out of the computer screen to kill you.
almost 10 years ago
Poor Engie, the sunlight must burn at this point.
almost 10 years ago
engie is back :D