What people are saying about "I Choose... Rage!"
I Choose... Rage!
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almost 10 years ago
Angry Alek is rather cute.
almost 10 years ago
Hearthstone sucks! =D
almost 10 years ago
Jo, hate to break it to ya, but Priest isn't even in the top 3: you're just being bad. Hunter, Warlock, and Shaman are the ones to beat. The only class that is CONSISTANTLY overpowered is the Warlock by ways of having the most powerful Hero Power, bar none.
lolis r the best
almost 10 years ago
Put Morgan in Guilty Gear
almost 10 years ago
Naw guys! Priest is totally fair!
"Give a minion 100 health" and "Take over all enemy cards" are totally fair cards to play.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353956]@Verteros[/url]: All characters have flaws. A perfect human being make up for a terrible character.
almost 10 years ago
Morgan's smugness is beginning to piss me off.
almost 10 years ago
Let's face it, Jo, Morgan playing HS is rather unrealistic. It's not nearly indie enough and much too luck based for her.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353922]@Censuur[/url]: Never trust a fictional holy man. Ain't no one writing stories about a man of the cloth that's biggest flaw is being forgetful or bad with money or super boring, like most real preachers.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353922]@Censuur[/url]: More content added to Hearthstone? You didn't need to point that out.
almost 10 years ago
Morgan confirmed for Umbra Witch, Bayo 3 leaked.
Mister Jay
almost 10 years ago
What happens when Sindel has a daughter with morgan freeman.
almost 10 years ago
So much butthurt over priest decks, its delicious!
almost 10 years ago
Yes priests are annoying now. Because now you only see copies of Amaz decks. Its super boring.
The One True Dog
almost 10 years ago
So rare to see Alek channeling her Heavy Rage.
almost 10 years ago
To be 100% honest, Warrior control is annoying too. And handlock. And Hunter rush. And Zoolock. And token Druid. And control Paladin. And miracle rogue. And... Oh, right... Every competitive deck is gimmicky and unfun to play against if you don't have a gimmick deck too.
almost 10 years ago
Does any of the girls play some MMO?
almost 10 years ago
Morgan confirmed for next Skullgirl.
almost 10 years ago
The page title and comic title are different
almost 10 years ago
I was always partial to the "Buff and buff and double the attack of a windfury minion so the total damage is around 50 in one turn" deck
almost 10 years ago
Priests aren't especially favored against warriors though.
almost 10 years ago
"The expansion is coming" said the priest to the choirboy....

We all know where that's going...
almost 10 years ago
Morrigan hair or a Parasyte ate her head?
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353918]@Chesthead[/url]: Well met
almost 10 years ago
Priests are for sissies. Try a REAL holy knight, Paladin, now that's a real man.
almost 10 years ago
Personally, the deck that I really hate fighting these days are Secret Mages. Mad Scientists and Kirin Tor Mages give them all the secrets they need, and then you have to play and pray that whatever they're hiding doesn't ruin your turn.