What people are saying about "Vespene Gas"
Vespene Gas
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almost 10 years ago
Gotdamn, it's been a while since Jo made a Starcraft comic. Then again, SC is kinda sh*t, these days.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353852]@Frost[/url]: its called rallying an army. Nothing about 'I want to try to turn you back to a human although we don't know that is possible' is very confidence inspiring for a leader to say. Saying 'I'm gonna kill you' also means that you are stating that you and your men have similar goals.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353852]@Frost[/url]: Yeah, but apparently he totally forgot by the time heart of the swarm came out: "I never gave up on you, Kerrigan! Don't you give up on us!"
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353846]@Passerby[/url]: *psi-fistbump!*
almost 10 years ago
Didn't Raynor want to kill Kerrigan at the end of Brood War?

"Jim Raynor: Don't I? I'll see you dead for this, Kerrigan! For Fenix, and all the others who got caught between you and your mad quest for power!"
almost 10 years ago
SWEET!! Starcraft comics! I was resigned, despaired, even!

Only thing this lacks is additional pylons. Yep, 'Toss playa here...
almost 10 years ago
Ooh, misplaced worker? Cue the IdrA rage quit.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353832]@Grahav[/url]: Considering she went from "we cannot just unleash the Zerg on an entire planet" and mind-control being a huge part of her story already (as a ghost), that excuse really doesn't apply here. Read the fucking story before commenting.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353832]@Grahav[/url]: Considering she went from "we cannot just unleash the Zerg on an entire planet" and mind-control being a huge part of her story already (as a ghost), that excuse really doesn't apply here. Trying to cover for your ignorance here by calling out unrelated cliche's is kind of silly.
almost 10 years ago
@Gretha Unterberg: It's no secret that they've just been recycling old material for a long time now, though I suppose it's never been as blatant as with the latest WoW expansion.
almost 10 years ago
Omg it's liek the old days
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353832]@Grahav[/url]:Is it just me or are all Blizzard stories the same since Roper and the bunch left? Just wait for ancient ones to return under the leadership of Star-Sargeras / Astro-Diablo and everyone has to work toger to stop them.
almost 10 years ago
Zergling + Vespene gas = Baneling, no?
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353810]@Korvalus[/url]: Meh. Seems a cop out. "She was being mind controlled". "A monster made me do it!" This excuse has been used a lot to not making the difficult decision of wasting cool characters (specially female cool characters).
almost 10 years ago
havent seen the drone-tans in ages.
almost 10 years ago
Are those chitin pubes?
almost 10 years ago
Oh wow. Havnt seen the Zerls in a while
almost 10 years ago
Oh, hey jo... Just keep folloing the classics... Wololololo... ;)
almost 10 years ago
Awww that's so cute.

Starcraft love story best story. It's so romantic. Literally says fuck the world to save his lady :)
almost 10 years ago
Well to be fair the rest of the galaxy kind of trashed his reputation, left him to rot, and the only job he could get was as a marshal when he commanded armies. Then you had the "Turn Kerrigan back" before she was zerg item combined with If she dies your all dead warning added.
almost 10 years ago
I dont think kerrigans personality ever changed. She was a bitch as a ghost, she remained a bitch as zerg queen, she is a bitch now. Raynor has it tough loving her. Oh and next coming protos campaign, where we probably would be trying to convince that bitch to fight against those hybrids. Typical.
almost 10 years ago
Without it, Kerrigan is mostly like she used to be. More focused on revenge aganist Mengsk, but still human (she even regrets what she does to Lasarra). She's no longer the Queen Bitch, and her re-infestation only frees her completely.

So, yes. The Queen of Blades is dead.
almost 10 years ago
now compaire it with the the sequal

SC2-1 : Jimmy needs to rescue Kerrigan!
SC2-2 : Kerrigan needs to rescue Jimmy!

logic dictates that
SC2-3 : Fenix is still alive and sparkling and now has to competes with Jimmy for the affection of Kerrigan Swarms !
almost 10 years ago
remember the fall of the federation, the exodus of aiur, the rise of the sons,not to mention the queen of blades schemes and betrays..... one big space opera and most of the time you felt like playing the crucial part of a bigger story.

almost 10 years ago
In a way, I think Raynor fulfilled his promise at the end of BW: he DID killed the Queen of Blades, in a way. Spoilers, by the way.

When Jim used the artifact at the end of WoL, purged Kerrigan of almost all of Amon influence. Some lingers, but she keep it at bay (continue).
almost 10 years ago
I think you mean "Fenix," Jo.

I was sitting here for a minute wondering who the heck "Phoenix" is in the SC universe.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353799]@AckAckAck[/url]: Someone forgot to tell Raynor not to stick his dick in crazy. Still can't wrap my head around the fact that out of everything in starcraft to expand on in the sequel they figured the love between Raynor and Kerrigan required more attention.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353798]@EnragedFilia[/url]: Yep, getting laid is a main priority, must be pretty good sex if he went that far. Also I can see the minepocalypse happened on that second panel.
almost 10 years ago
I mean yeah sure Zeratul has some prophecy about the end of the universe and stuff, but we all know what Raynor is really in it for.
Mister Jay
almost 10 years ago
Anyone else feel Nostalgic for Classic Nerf Now from this strip? Anyway Anne Personality idea. Anne being Chameleonic Emo today Goth tommorrow Juggalo the bext day. Religious the next. But heres the twist shes not faking for subs each mood is genuine when she feels it. But they come and go.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353785]@SteventheSlayer[/url]: If something has been out for at least 2 months, there is no right to complain about spoilers anymore...
almost 10 years ago
At this point, I'm pretty much expecting Raynor, Kerrigan and Ghost-Tassadar to just summon Thrall to cockslap whatever the evil is because that's their go-to solution for everything.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_353785]@SteventheSlayer[/url]: p.s. Aeris dies.
almost 10 years ago
Gotta love them spoilers. Glad I already played the game.
almost 10 years ago