What people are saying about "#Gamergate"
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over 9 years ago
Time to be the hero that GamerGate needs Jo, but not what it deserves.
over 9 years ago

Apparently he is now pretending to be Anita (instead of @femfreq it uses @femfreq_) and its implying that its going to create ANOTHER sock puppet if not stopped:
over 9 years ago
As much as Jo wants to distance itself from GamerGate, it is its obligation to stop harassment if it comes from Brazil where death threats are illegal. One of the genuine harassers of Anita is from there and apparently is a Journalists.
https://twitter.com/sanc/status/522728659338428416 ->
over 9 years ago
If i dont adress anyone directly is because the comment system sucks and doesn't allow me for arbitrary reasons.
over 9 years ago
->Her untrustworthy word, i remind you. Something even the backers of her projects have caught up with:
over 9 years ago
->if you a new to her tactics and questionable ethics. I mean, when the can of worms has been opened then more stuff is going to be questioned. For example, where IS the harassment on the Kickstarter video? The comment section is gone and this all the evidence. We only have her word for it.->
over 9 years ago

This kind of actions severely hinder the trust people have in her->
over 9 years ago
Yep. Observe the original: https://twitter.com/femfreq/status/504718160902492160

And now the reaction of everyone else:
http://billthemanfromkentucky.tumblr.com/post/97189340808/the-girl-who-cried-wolf-and-the-press-that-sold-it-to ->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352520]@4tran[/url]: Yep. Observe the original: https://twitter.com/femfreq/status/504718160902492160 And now the reaction of everyone else: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BwIutPbCcAAdEoM.jpg http://billthemanfromkentucky.tumblr.com/post/97189340808/the-girl-who-cried-wolf-and-the-press-that-sold-it-to ->
over 9 years ago
Is there evidence that Anita has conducted a false flag operation in the past? I wouldn't be surprised either way, but it would be interesting if true.
over 9 years ago

There you have it. If any GG supporter is harassed, please let me know:
over 9 years ago
->This is how to track IP from an email that harasses you:

How to defend against hacking or doxxing:
https://twitter.com/FartToContinue/status/513360108374749184 ->
over 9 years ago
->are the journos who are already known for being corrupt. GG has made an excellent job hunting ACTUAL harassers (not suck puppets coming from the Anti-GG to harass themselves) and has provided tips to defend yourself in case of harassment, as follows:
over 9 years ago
And the comment is gone again! DAMMIT! Let me try posting without addressing a particular commenter, maybe this time it will work.

Accusations of "harassment campaigns" are pathetic since there is no way to objectively prove they come from GG other than people saying that it is, and those people>
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352426]@Geary[/url]: Assuming the links are visible this fcuking time, there is no reason for you to not accept the fact that you have nothing on your side that proves GG is an harassment campaign, aside from assumptions and the word from people who are way too untrustworthy. GG already provided who are the->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352426]@Geary[/url]: Because faking those threats are easy, both in and out of the Internet? http://www.ipt-forensics.com/journal/volume6/j6_2_4.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNsJ1DhqQ-s
over 9 years ago
Aaaand the comment is gone and nowhere to be sen again. FFS.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352426]@Geary[/url]: ->So you see, no matter how hard you try to throw a tantrum over the "harassment FROM Gamergate", there is no way for you to prove it and they have a better case showing who the real culprits are (TPs or SPs) than you do. And now, a public announcement from GG to defend yourself->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352426]@Geary[/url]: ->A journo from Brazil cashing in the controversy by sending threats himself: https://twitter.com/sanc/status/522728659338428416 A goon from Something Awful: https://twitter.com/_watsu/status/522676871914614785 ->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352426]@Geary[/url]: Are you done embarrassing yourself? Sock puppets aren't something that exist in your head apparently, so how about this other fact: Third Parties? Here are 2 actual harassers that have NOTHING to do with GameGate and are now being hunted down: ->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352426]@Geary[/url]: Um, Im sorry, but you are confusing him with Jack Thompson. Im not even sure if Milo Yiannopoulos is right-wing. He might be, but I couldnt find anything. Sides, Considering who the anti-GG side is (SJWs that went so far left they ended up right), i dont think you want to play that card.
over 9 years ago
"Let's ask Milo Yiannapoulos," said nobody with the slightest hint of credibility ever. Seriously, for people all about 'journalistic integrity', you dudes sure are eager to align yourself with a right-wing hack who said all gamers are violent.
over 9 years ago
Dude. It's a hashtag on Twitter. You wanna know what they're like,just go read it. But yeah,at this point,you're either in cause believe your side or you want to pander to one of them. Either way,you'll get hate,tho.
over 9 years ago
When someone accuses me of perpetrating a "harassment campaign" for just criticizing some journalists, is the point at which I walk away, shaking my head.

If people actually come after me, that's when I prepare to defend myself. Oh, wait "death threat!" Oh no!
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Those specific threats were more than likely fake. And if youve done it once, trust is broken.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there was so much coencidence and luck involved that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is most likely), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is almost 100% true), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is almost 100% true), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is almost 100% true), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is almost 100% true), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? You mean like looking at the screenshot and seeing that it has more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T? Either the threats were fake (which is almost 100% true), or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that Celeste Ludenberg would be skeptical.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: Sides, which side is actually going for a "harassment campaign"? Lets ask Milo Yiannapoulos.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352400]@Geary[/url]: "mental gymnastics"? What, you mean looking at a screenshot and seeing that its got more contradictions than Ace Attorney T&T in its entirety? Either the threat was fake, or there were so many lucky coencidences and strange occurences that even Celeste Ludenberg would be sceptical.
over 9 years ago
JFC the mental gymnastic you people are pulling to pretend a woman isn't being harassed just to justify your harassment campaign.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352392]@Geary[/url]: Perhaps because those people are known to aready have done so before, and because there is evidence that makes their stories really questionable? Besides "the boy who cried wolf". If you faked it before, it gets hard to believe you.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352392]@Geary[/url]: Uh, Milo Yiannopolous? He got doxxed and had to flee. Like, that was easy. As for the second one, what evidence is there that links it to GG? What evidence is there that its even real? Remember, we are talking about Anita, she already faked one (or rathere there is a 99.99% chance she did.)
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352385]@joshtheaspie[/url]: Who have journalists forced to flea their homes for fear of their life and the lives of their loved ones? Who have journalists shut down speeches through the use of threatening school shootings?
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352384]@Geary[/url] "a harassment campaign" That would be the "journalists".
over 9 years ago
Jo, is there any particular reason you're approving comments saying that women being targeted by a harassment campaign are faking all their threats, but not approving comments about those threats?
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout

Even if she did get any, it doesn't matter at this point. She's a horrible person, and people like her have routinely faked death threats. It's "the boy who cried wolf", except for an entire segment of the population. Even if she did get any, I don't care.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352308]@Censuur[/url] "Indignation does not solve problems, indignation gets you a pat on the head and a consolation prize." Oh, is that all you wanted? *pat on the head* And your prize: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080410164923/uncyclopedia/images/0/0a/Cute_kitten.p.jpg
over 9 years ago
>10 websites post articles mocking gamers
>Gamergate is the bad side...

Someone got his facts wrong.

Also Anita Skankeesian is a fking cunt.
over 9 years ago
Jo requests feedback: 59 comments
crappy comic about trollbait: 157 comments
over 9 years ago
There are death threats and harrasment on both sides, as well as cherry-picking out and baiting said comments. Additionally, the media is strictly reporting only one side.

Also - GamerGate hasn't destroyed any charities trying to increase women's presence in gaming. Zoe Quinn has.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352312]@Geary[/url]: As for being threats or doxxing in those reddit or 4Chan posts, the Burden Of Proof is on you. Make sure to do your research before pulling a GamerOverGate and fail miserably like others did. You will see what i mean: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/gamergate
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352312]@Geary[/url]: ->As for being threats or doxxing in those reddit or 4Chan posts, the Burden Of Proof is on you to prove such claim. Make sure to do your research before pulling a #GamerOverGate and fail miserably like others did: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/gamergate (read that section)
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352312]@Geary[/url]: Actually, if you had done your research, you will know that they removed GG threads because MOOT is trying to sell or monetize and he cant have controversial stuff while he's doing it. That and mods hated that we reported shills, and SJWs connections. ->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352312]@Geary[/url]: "reddit forums and 4chan" Actually, if you had done your research, you will know that they removed GG threads because MOOT is trying to sell or monetise and he cant have controversial stuff while he's doing it. That and mods hated that we reported shills, and SJWs connections. ->
over 9 years ago
Now i posted a comment without links and STILL wont show up.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352312]@Geary[/url]: "reddit forums and 4chan" Actually, if you had done your research, you will know that they removed GG threads because MOOT is trying to sell or monetise and he cant have controversial stuff while he's doing it. That and mods hated that we reported shills, and SJWs connections. ->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352312]@Geary[/url]: Its not censorship, they can talk about their crazy ideas like Patriarchy™ or Xenu all they want. Just dont post an article about it, call it "fact", and abuse the trust people have for you as a JOURNALIST (you know, someone who does the research) else you get boycotted for a terrible job.
over 9 years ago
Man, they are not even subtle about their attempts to defame GG:
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: You are right, she had some threats. Has evidenced by her telling this guy to continue this activity:
over 9 years ago
Again! Da fuck is going on? How can i link to evidence to make my argument? Jo might not want shitstorm to come, but worse are the shitstorms made by a faulty comment system. Just ask Youtube after Google+ integration.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352308]@Censuur[/url]: To start with, i am sure the definition includes: "Real and NOT self inflicted for sympathy or argument leverage" https://twitter.com/DioWallachia/status/513088736788496384 https://twitter.com/Bendilin/status/492694435885363201/photo/1 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BwIutPbCcAAdEoM.jpg
over 9 years ago
Mnnn...i posted a comment with some links like before, but i can't see it anywhere. Normally i would get a message saying "Make it less than 300 characters" but not even that.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352308]@Censuur[/url]: What qualifies as harassment? I am sure it has to be real and not self inflicted to qualify, right?: https://twitter.com/DioWallachia/status/513088736788496384 https://twitter.com/Bendilin/status/492694435885363201/photo/1 https://twitter.com/FartToContinue/status/517057279045038080 ->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352311]@Kyoraki[/url]: She has yet to provide the supposed "calls to her cellphone harassment and threats" to The Escapist, among many other stuff they took her word for it (Already covered on my links)
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352311]@Kyoraki[/url]: Because social movements can't operate within the context of a specific culture, right? The civil rights movement in the US was totally about every country in the world and not specifically the USA, right? PS Nobody has ever shown me how ZQ was caught 'red handed'.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Two words, Wizard. Chan. Quinn has been caught red handed fabricating abuse before, why give her benefit of the doubt?
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352137]@AckAckAck[/url]: That's the fatal flaw of Social Justice. For it to work, you have to pretend that the world outside the US doesn't exist.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352307]@UNOwen[/url]: You know WHY that dev got fired, right? Because he was A GIANT TRANSPHOBIC ASSHOLE on twitter. Also [Citation Needed] on those other claims. #NotYourShield was devised by 4channers to deflect criticism by using what little minorities in their 'movement' as a shield.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352307]@UNOwen[/url]: Okay, since you seem to not have been taught this in middle-school: Do not use extremists as a sample case unless you specifically discuss that extremism in it's own dedicated case. You won't solve extremism by talking about it, and there's absolutely no point.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352303]@Geary[/url]: Not to mention the fact that the anti-GG side isnt even for minorities (getting a black game dev fired? A female one? 2 gay journalists? Harassment against all of the former? Doxxing?). Hell, thats the point of #notyourshield.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352303]@Geary[/url]: We have clearly not been reading the same articles. But what I find funny is that those articles act like straight white men have been the only gamers around. Like, that couldnt be further from the truth. "Minorities" have always been around. Straight white males arent even the majority.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352303]@Geary[/url]: Which is strawmanning at it's finest, Greary, as the existence and self-identification of this group is something that needs to be determined first. "Hey let's create this extremist concept called Gamers and slam them, it's fine because we'll define them as horrible people"
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: exaggerating is the primary way to put focus on your point, the "hyperbole" is one of the most commonly applied conversation technique you'll find. She exaggerated? So will I! is the thought there.

Also, people disagree on what qualifies as harassment, definitions vary and such.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352301]@UNOwen[/url]: Have you actually *read* any of those 'Gamers are dead' articles? They're talking about how the identity of gamers as being a homogenous group of straight white men is being dismantled by women and minorities speaking up and putting themselves out there.
over 9 years ago
Gonna make a thread in the Nerf Now group on Steam to talk about this without space restrictions.


over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352293]@Geary[/url]: Interesting read. So, the action of a single person define the movement? On top of that, the other 2 cases (Anita Sarkesian and ZQ), were in case of anita almost definitily fake (0.01% chance of being real), and ZQ had a high likelyhood of being fake. Although there were some real ones.
over 9 years ago
It bothers me that so many people say "Zoe was never harassed at all, she made all of it up." Not "She exaggerated how bad it was," and not "Maybe she did get threats and that's wrong, but that doesn't mean she is a good person." No, it's "She got no threats at all." How are you so certain?
over 9 years ago
I do like how this small herd of people think they can solve problems that have been around for centuries (death threats to celebrities or content creators) by sitting around talking about how it's unacceptable, gods the naivete is depressing.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352293]@Geary[/url]: As for the second part, while I dont know about reddit, what happened at 4chan wasnt "moderation to remove doxxing and harassment campaign" (first one is funny, doxxing is what the anti-GG side does mostly), but deleting all GG threads. All of them. No distinction.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352293]@Geary[/url]: I fail to see how extremism is a viable example. This is the same absurd logic that makes people believe all Muslims are terrorists, because that's all you see on the news. Death threats like these are not new and not special (still wrong, obviously) celebrities everywhere deal, move on.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352293]@Geary[/url]: As for Reddit and 4chan, i dont know about Reddit, but 4 chan was not "moderated to remove doxxing and harassment campaigns" (first one is a laugh, doxxing is what the anti-GG side does predominantly. 4chan quite literally deleted all threads about GG. All of them. No distinction.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352293]@Geary[/url]: No, it doesnt. First off, double strawman. They pointed out that the website was rather hateful (have you read the article?), but also drives away the very customers Intel tries to approach. Its common sense to not advertise there.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352292]@UNOwen[/url]: Also, my name is literally the Dutch word for censorship and is more derivative of the Latin meaning (I.e close scrutiny) than shutting down undesirables. Indignation does not solve problems, indignation gets you a pat on the head and a consolation prize.
over 9 years ago
http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/yet-another-developer-leaves-their-home-following-/1100-5043/ Also relevant.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352290]@Censuur[/url]: One case not, yes. However, curing all of them, one at a time? Which is what they are doing? That will. What would you do? Let it go on the way it is? Watch as it gets not only more financially corrupted, but the new, ideological type of corruption spread? No thanks.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352287]@UNOwen[/url] so does spamming advertisers on websites who disagree with you in an effort to drive them into bankruptcy not count as censorship? Or is that label reserved for reddit forums and 4chan being moderated to removing doxing and harassment campaigns?
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352287]@UNOwen[/url]: Right, let me know when you've been in the real world for a while, maybe take a few more years of life experience. It is a thing of the past where journalist could even have integrity, the current model of society simply does not allow for it, you're demanding they be dinosaurs.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352287]@UNOwen[/url]: A drop in the bucket, curing one case of cancer does not solve the problem. This narrow-minded attitude is a bigger issue than anything Gamergate could bring up.
Ssendam the Masked
over 9 years ago
An admirable attitude to have. I know a fair amount of what's going on, but frankly I want to stay out of the whole shitstorm. I've got school to finish, and I really can't spend too much time on it. Now it's in the mainstream media, I think that things are about to get a whole lot rockier.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352281]@Censuur[/url]: On a funny sidenote, your name is quite close to the german name for "censorship". In fact, it would be pronounced the same. Quite fitting, isnt it?
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352281]@Censuur[/url]: A journalist has to have integrity. Its called "journalism ethics and standards". Also, this: http://www.journalism.org/resources/principles-of-journalism/.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352281]@Censuur[/url]: I think the problem is more with publishers setting ridiculous requirements to review their games before release and with how many giant parties and free gifts those publishers give out to journalists on big websites like IGN.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352281]@Censuur[/url]: What does GamerGate have to do with a witchhunt. The other side, yes, thats a witchhunt, but GG? I think you might be confused. And it is meant for discussion. But discussion means discussion, not whatever you are doing.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352281]@Censuur[/url]: Yes, they did nothing. Like not getting Intel to pull advertisement deals from those corrupted websites. Or revealing a lot more corruption than initially was visible. Wait, they did that? Why wasnt I informed?
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352272]@Mags[/url]: I don't think you actually read those 'Gamers are dead' articles.
over 9 years ago
The main problem stems from fools thinking journalists must have integrity (I mean, they can, but you can't expect it) instead of checking the facts that a journalist brings up themselves, so we get nonsense like the Tomodachi life debacle where people do not check the facts and act like morons.
over 9 years ago
@Boa Garrison: Gamergate is not meant for discussion, it's meant as a soapbox for people to talk about what they feel is a problem. If you start a witch-hunt, don't then try and pin it on the accused to defend themselves or consider it unreasonable when they don't take you seriously.
over 9 years ago
@Boa Garrison: Just because people *think* they have something to say doesn't mean they actually do, and doesn't oblige people to listen. Initiatives like Gamergate have never worked to fix anything, because they're too busy focusing on making problems and not enough on solving them.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352276]@Censuur[/url]: Funnily enough, this is what most of the Antigamergate crowd does, dismiss without discussing anything, mock, and then when facts are presented claim harrassment and death threats, finally blocking or full on censorship.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352260]@Eboreg[/url]: Knowyourmeme is a jokesite not a newsportal. And wikipedia is anything but credible, every collage professor worth a damn will give you instant zero points if you tried using it as a source. "the contra-GamerGate" had something to hide so they acted like fucking highschool bullies.
over 9 years ago
Gamergate: Childish indignation will solve the world's problems.

Also; Journalistic integrity..... *bwhahahahaha pfffftttt hahahahaha* dream on kids, the consumer doesn't pay journalists enough to keep them afloat, the rise of "free media" means integrity is out the window. Integrity has a price.
over 9 years ago
You just kind of mentioned it and look at the comment numbers just skyrocket. :)
I was interested at first but I actually feel the same way about the topic than you Jo. maybe I'm just a burned out old man (who is still somehow in his mid 20's).
over 9 years ago
The whole thing reeks of overwrought partisanship. If I want to argue for journalistic integrity, I'll argue for it on a case-by-case basis from my own point of view. I won't make grandiose generalizations or tie myself to any particular group and its baggage.
over 9 years ago
Well, good try Jo.

But even talking about not talking about GamerGate results in a shitstorm.

On that note, my two cents...
over 9 years ago
Who is right and who is wrong?. Simple, who called all gamers an arseholes is wrong!.
over 9 years ago
I hope those "death treats" are tasty. lol
over 9 years ago
Yes, yes, we've all heard that the SJWs in the media have claimed death threats. At this point it's a standard tactic to fake death threats to yourself to garner sympathy, and make yourself look like the "virtous victim", who must obviously be right.

Sound and fury, signifying corruption.
Bane's Testicular Torsion
over 9 years ago
All I want is for all "gaming" journalism sites to disappear out of existence, is that too much to ask for?
over 9 years ago
I support it, but this is an entirely reasonable decision. If you don't want to be in the middle of it I can understand that.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352246]@Dio[/url] thank you for pretty much covering everything. And for everyone else GG End Game is basically Game Journos act like Journalists, be objective,transparent,not rig stuff for personal gain, and stop treating their customer base like trash. If they don't people will just stop going to their sites
over 9 years ago
The comments in this discussion make me wish comments section had Reddit-like interface.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: While its not just one side indeed, its predominantly one side. And its not the GG side.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352257]@Tridus[/url]: As I understand it, it is not just one side doxxing people. Since I think that doxxing is absolutely despicable, I cannot see anybody who does it as good. If people on both sides of the issue have done it, then all of those people are shitheads.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352253]@Waka[/url]: Weren't they planning on changing Zeus no matter what? I thought the reason there are no cosmetic items for the current Zeus model was because Valve knew they would be changing it in the near future.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352253]@Waka[/url]: Wasn't Valve planning to rework Zeus no matter what, and that's the reason there are no cosmetics for the current Zeus model, because Valve knows it will eventually be changed? Why is Valve working on SF and Void when they could be working on Zeus? IMO Void looks fine as is.
over 9 years ago
significantly damaged their trustworthiness.
over 9 years ago
look at any third-party coverage of the GamerGate scandal to see what it is all about. (I personally used knowyourmeme.com and Wikipedia) Speaking from a personal point of view, I think that the contra-GamerGate community made the mistake of focusing on the stupid, vocal minority, which
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
There's a side using death threats and doxxing as standard "discussion", and you're not sure who the bad guys are? Really?

Boy, that impulse to try and look "moderate" can really lead you to goofy places.
over 9 years ago
I've seen the whole GamerGate thing but from what I can tell, the damage has already been done. What I mean by that is that a) there is no way for gaming sites to recover from the GamerGate scandal and b) there is no point in pushing things any further. Having said that, I would encourage people to
over 9 years ago
What's most disheartening about this issue is the general apathy of the audiance. Todays youth is full of pansies trying to avoid all conflict. But yeah I'm probably just a bitching, go ignore the issue, play your dotas and come back crying 5 years later that the industry is collapsing on itself.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352150]@anothga[/url]: There is a reason why collage professors don't allow you to use wikipedia. It is the internets equivalent for asking about the news from a drunk guy at the bar, somewhat informable but absolutely not credible. There's plenty of good sources out there go look them up like an adult.
over 9 years ago
so Jo, my request is, that you help suggest(and perhaps make a comic) of void's model remake.
like look at this suggested model for the new void:
hoping you do something similar ^_^
over 9 years ago
valve thought that other heroes like slardar, viper or zeus would get it since they're the ones usually being complained, so they didnt have anything prepared.

but lots of people voted without thinking, they just picked thinking of their fave hero instead of the hero deserving the model remake.
over 9 years ago
hey Jo, you already know that faceless void won the model remake in the compendium votes, right?
well get this, valve is actually ASKING for the community for advice on how to model, because they dont know what's wrong with void/what to do.
over 9 years ago
BTW, if you see anyone getting doxxed & receiving threats, use archive.today on the site to get the evidence and call the cops. This goes to both sides of this matter. Brianna Wu's doxx posted in 8chan was immediatly deleted because it didn't help GG's cause.
over 9 years ago
In the end, Zoe was like the WW1 Franz Ferdinand: she started this but she's no longer important. In GG-speak they call her Literally Who because she needs the publicity but GG is focused in the corrupted sites advertisers.
over 9 years ago
I was actually a fan of sites like Kotaku and Polygon. I noticed that they were biased on some topics but I tried not to care. When I discovered the Zoe thing I realized that they were not proper unbiased journalists but bloggers talk talked about their friend's projects.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout:->less dangerous compared to BlackWater, Monsanto, Pay Pal, Wells Fargo, Facebook, Verizon, who do more damage to society as a whole compared to EA, but i dont see you making that argument, do you?

over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout:->its turns out they are corrupt and are willing to cheat and lie their way to the top, we just broke.

Who are we supposed to trust now, if the "heroes" are a joke? See, what you are doing its appealing to bigger problems. The same tactic could be applied about EA, who is->
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: You do it in steps. Start at the small, and go larger. I mean, we already got to the point where Intel pulled Advertising from Gamasutra.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: ->and we make so little progress that we are kinda apathetic about it. Its kinda expected at this point.

But what we didn't expect is for the Indies to be corrupt. We had this hope that the last bastion of creativity was somehow free of all this shit that permeates AAA. So when->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352237]@UNOwen[/url]: That makes no sense. Going after people who are small-time is not going to affect people who are big-time one tiny little bit. Not now, and not in the long-term. If you think otherwise, you are kidding yourself.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: ->If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have searched for her connections and discover how even the IGF and Indiecade are full of shit (links already given on the 15+ chain comment)

Let me put it this way: AAA industry being corrupt? we are not ok with it, but it happens so often->
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout:->already addressed the ways they are willing to go just because they think they are right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKgrYVtYSCk

Zoe might be nothing compared to EA, but man, she need to be congratulated for showing us just HOW FAR are the journos corrupted.->
over 9 years ago
And as far as gaming journalism goes, here's my advice: be skeptical. Only buy a game if it's got good word of mouth, of if Yahtzee actually said good things about it on ZP. If somebody--another gamer or a reviewer--recommends a game to you that turns out to be shit, stop listening to that person.
over 9 years ago
Short version: Guy wrote a shit-piece trash-talking his ex, and the entire thing spiraled wildly out of control.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Move one thing at a time. EA is far too huge to tackle instantly. However, there is progress being done when it comes to corruption. Such as advertisement deals being pulled (hooray for intel!).
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: ->we are dealing with a beast outside gaming. The sins of Feminism will have to be address or else the momentum this movement has will not stop. Do i remind you that these people suffer from this?: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TautologicalTemplar CHSommers has->
over 9 years ago
If you're upset about what Zoe did to TFYC, say so. I'd understand that. I don't understand getting outraged about an obscure indie dev sleeping with a reviewer, when you've got AAA gaming giants flat out bribing reviewers. One is much worse than the other.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352227]@UNOwen[/url]: So say you're pissed about what she did to TFYC. I'd understand being pissed about that. I don't understand being pissed about her sleeping with a reviewer, because she is an obscure indie dev, rather than a AAA gaming giant flat out bribing reviewers for good coverage. Which is worse?
over 9 years ago
@Gretha Unterberg: The smartest approach to this whole crapfest I've heard in a long time.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Yes, EA is guilty of many things:
But keep in mind that this problem is self contained. As in, it belong to gaming exclusively. But when you deal with Zoe (or any self proclaimed SJW Feminist that pretends to help women when they are not)>
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352227]@UNOwen[/url]: So say you're pissed about what she did to TFYC. That would be understandable. What is not understandable is to hear about this obscure unknown dev fucking a guy, possibly in exchange for good coverage, and to get more outraged about that than about big corps flat out bribing journalists.
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: In fact, Jo should check his tentacle privilege.

GG endgame is to have the game journos behave like fucking journos, but if they want to solve the root of the problem, they will have to address Academic Frauds. Period.
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude:->nature than consciously or voluntarily." In short: "The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

Human nature sucks, doesn't it? http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2010/07/11/how_facts_backfire/?page=full

Jo doesn't understand this cause he is a tentacle. :D
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352225]@Dio[/url]: Because whatever Zoe did or did not do, her impact on gaming journalism has been negligible to non-existent. Especially when compared to a company like EA, who has much more influence.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Actually, it is. Because the thing she did in the first place was having sexual relationships for publicity. Thats where the hashtag started. As for the part with TFYC, thats because unlike people try to claim, gamers do care about female devs. A lot of us played Phantasy Star.
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude:->then they will win. Period.

Joseph Goebbels: "The principle and which is quite true in itself and that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional->
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: ->http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mas2/V71-Straus_Thirty-Years-Denying-Evidence-PV_10.pdf http://aimhs.com.au/cms/index.php?page=against-science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDDsesJgVdM

Remember, as long they have control of the narrative, as long they keep repeating the same lie->
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352220]@Dio[/url] I doubt you can just show facts and expect her to take it and shut up. Besides, even if you guys wanted to ignore her she still pop up from time to time. Mentioning her bound to derail the argument(like right now), unfortunately.) Dang I should stop posting.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352220]@Dio[/url]: No, I don't believe that women never do anything bad. But if you don't like something you read Zoe did to her ex, or to the FYC, then say it's about that. Don't say it's about journalism. That stuff has nothing to do with journalism.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352220]@Dio[/url]: To answer your questions, I think it is very possible that some of the stories of ZQ being horrible in one way or another are true. I don't believe being female makes you a saint. But if you want to hate her for that stuff, then say so. Because that has nothing to do with journalism. (cont.)
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: ->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG5CSI18nKU

What GG doesn't know is that this kind of shit has been going for years. Academic fraud is easy to spot but hard remove or make people accept it, probably because the one making the frauds have too much control of the narrative: ->
over 9 years ago
" I don't know , so I don't shout my opinion across the internet"

praised be the purple tentacle, for he speaks wisely!
over 9 years ago
@Mattias Berntson: Wait, what side are you actually talking about? Because both sides have harassed. And its not quite clear which one you mean?
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: "get over this quinnspiracy and move over to journo's."
We ARE on the journos throats for over 2 months already! and we know who is pushing this agenda to ignore standards: DIGRA.

SHE and "journos" are the one making it all about her. ->
over 9 years ago
Be very, very careful not to denounce the harassment that has occurred in these last three months, lest you want to be bombarded with messages about "both sides", "they deserved it because [misinformation]" and "IT'S NOT ABOUT THAT!"
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352212]@UNOwen[/url] Sorry mate, I believe you just got ninja'd :)
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: ->of proof required to convict a male student of rape all the way down to “preponderance of evidence” (anything above 50%) and “strongly discourages” male students being given the right to question their accuser.

Yeah. I am not feeling the "justice is blind" angle here.
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: "Let the legal system finalize the entire thing"
THIS legal system?
Or how about The April 4th “Dear Colleague” letter? Issued by the OCR to all colleges that receive federal funding, reduces the standard->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352210]@Dio[/url]: Here is a summary: http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/2i6zsj/report_from_the_trial_of_zoe_quinns_ex_eron_gjoni/
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352210]@Dio[/url] Mmm...the PM said he just summarize the entire procedure, not really *that* reliabe as a source I guess but here it is: http://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/2i6zsj/report_from_the_trial_of_zoe_quinns_ex_eron_gjoni/
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: Link me the trial please. Need to match it up with my notes and the timeline:
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: ->accomplish. Are you the kind of people who will defend someone because of all the hate they EARNED or something? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhC85L3v8oE
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: ->the % is too low, and it only looks big because GG numbers are big:

And again, the hashtag can be used by anyone, even bots, shills and puppets. So i dont know what you are trying to->
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352206]@UNOwen[/url] That's not a minor problem, its MAJOR. Seeing that his ex is one the catalyst for Q-piracy and GG, the odds just went against GG even more. EDIT: Found reddit thread about the trial, for fuck's sake, its hardly even a trial.
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: They went to court, and the trial was so biased and unfair that the guys lawyer offered to defend him free of charge (!!). Let that sink in. The lawyer decided to not take any money because of how biased the trial was. Thats extremely unusual for lawyers.
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: Just one minor problem. We already know that that method wont work. Recently, she sued her ex-boyfriend (the one she cheated on with journalist, and the one who revealed that) for slander I believe. Cont:
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352203]@Dio[/url] Then her behavior counted as harassment; given that she's responsible for sabotage and more, bring her to court. Let the legal system finalize the entire thing and get over this quinnspiracy and move over to journo's.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: ->best regards (and so on), and the constant vagina worship these people have (Because apparently women are incapable of lying: http://www.ipt-forensics.com/journal/volume6/j6_2_4.htm) is BOUND to create people that hate her.

Saying that a % will go to far is meaningless if->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352200]@Dio[/url]: I don't have time to look at all the links. I have read the KYM piece and the piece Zoe wrote for Cracked, which I think gives me an idea of both sides. Anyway, if you want to hate Quinn for how she treated her ex, or for doxxing, or whatever, then say you hate her for that. (cont.)
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352200]@Dio[/url]: I'm sorry, I don't have time to look at all your links. I have read the KYM article, for what that's worth, as well as Zoe's account on Cracked, which I think qualifies as hearing both sides, more or less. But let's forget about her entirely for a minute and talk about journalism. (cont)
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: ->journos reveal themselves as one sided (the antithesis of a proper journo) and do not challenge her with the facts.

If making up the WizardChan death threats wasn't enough to make people hate her, then the constant lies, the doxxing of TFYC while claiming she has women in the->
over 9 years ago
#GamerGate in 60 Seconds
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout There's that problem as well, not helping there are trolls or genuine bastards hitching ride along the GG wave. Anti-GG threats is also ridiculous, some going as far as attacking someone who's not even remotely siding with GG.
over 9 years ago
But the interesting part is when 4chan got involved. All GG threads got mass deleted and people banned for posting them. Of course, without a valid reason. Then it turned out that the mods were ideologically on the anti-GG side. Hence the great Exodus to 8chan.
over 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Yes and No. Zoe is just the last drop in a glass of water that was already full, that is the BS of the journos not doing their job. (See my link to the Dangerous Analysis video). The only reason she is relevant now is because she keeps lying about harassment in interviews and more->
over 9 years ago
In case of Anti-GG, its intentional. Also, one side has already lied, censored, got minority Devs fired, made up threats, doxxed, tried to shut down a campaign for female devs and stated that the other side is "worse than the IS", and its NOT the GG side.
over 9 years ago
Hm, asking who the bad guys are is, well, wrong. Neither are particularly good, although here you have to make a distinction. In case of GG, there are simply people hopping on the bandwagon to do terrible stuff in the name of GG. A problem, yes, but its not the intention of GG. Cont:
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352191]@Dio[/url]: Lots of people are pissed off at Quinn right now, yes? You might convince me that SOME of the harassment is made up, but not all of it. When so many people hate somebody, a certain percentage of them WILL go too far.
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352196]@Dio[/url] Eh, those bloody idiots (read: "Journo's") still classified as gamer, albeit in a VERY loose term. What I'm trying to say is, what GG are supposed to do to finalize the entire mess and how you guys plan to not prevent this shitstorm from starting over again.
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: ->why do you include game "journos" as part of the gaming community, after they declared that "Gamers are dead" and renounced the label?
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: ->is no way to prove that beyond just an assumption. http://honeybadgerbrigade.com/2014/10/04/how-many-falls-does-it-take-to-level-up-from-biased-media-to-journalist/
http://www.shrink4men.com/2011/01/19/presto-change-o-darvo-deny-attack-and-reverse-victim-and-offender/ Also->
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352158]@Tk[/url]: Yeah, if the biggest issue they cared about was game journalists being influenced, Quinn would be far, far, FAR from the worst offender.
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: What do you mean "each other"? Didn't i spent 15+ comments already on how the attacks are meaningless since no one can objectively say if they actually come from one side or the other?

Is as baseless and useless as saying that "GG is about keeping women in their place", when there->
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352185]@Dio[/url] You don't have to link to tvtropes (I'm a regular myself). Here's a question for you, how are you supposed to solve this entire mess? After you do, what next? How are GG side going to make sure the entire gaming community aren't going to attack each other again?
over 9 years ago
@Random Dude: If there ARE death threats for real, and not manufactured.

Is it really that hard to grasp this concept?
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352119]@AsteriskCGY[/url]: There is no harassment by GG. The people saying that are the same that are questioned for their ethics. Supporters OF GG DO get harassed (or fear they might be), even developers. http://www.nichegamer.net/2014/09/real-gamedevs-sound-off-regarding-the-gamergate-controversy/
over 9 years ago
P18:->because they pissed off the FBI. http://theralphretort.com/doxx-attempt-ends-badly-for-4chan-sjw/

And so on.
over 9 years ago
P17:->Someone pissing off Assange of Wikileaks by shadowbanning. Jimmy Wales being feed up with the edit wars on Wikipedia. Social Justice Warriors taking over 4Chan and using the fact that no one knows that GG is not there anymore to send death threats and doxx...and backfiring horribly->
over 9 years ago
P16:->You can follow most of the events around GG on this timeline: http://www.tiki-toki.com/timeline/entry/336432/The-GamerGate-Chronicles/#vars!date=2014-08-12_02:10:00!
Trust me. There is just too much to keep track on. The exodus of Anonymous from 4Chan to 8Chan because of GG banning. ->
over 9 years ago
P15: -> So, how about ACTUALLY do your research before trusting the word of journalists whose ethics have been compromised and thus need to make shit up? Maybe ask Oliver Campbell, creator of #NotYourShield about this? Or read the FAQ? https://archive.today/2lIsa ->
over 9 years ago
P14:->consider a comment from an anonymous source as "evidence" without some serious IP tracking to see if it is not done by the same person? When this trope is rampant, no wonder why facts do not matter: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WoundedGazelleGambit ->
over 9 years ago
P13:-> So yeah. When the standards for evidence BY THE JOURNALISTS is just "take your word for it and leave it at that" no wonder why anyone can CLAIM harassment and get away with it. But in this Digital Age where harassment can be achieved by Sock Puppets, what kind of rational being would even->
over 9 years ago
P12:->They cannot win against the facts (Like clear bias journalists have, as demonstrated by Greg Tito from The Escapist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMaObXKJDbs&t=4m23s), so they appeal to emotion: "GG is harasing us. Pay no attention to the fact that there is no actual way to know that!" >
over 9 years ago

2)Anyone can use the hashtag and pretend to be GamerGate. Apparently common sense is not something people have lately, since apparently one asshole represents MILLIONS.
https://twitter.com/brian_carnell/status/521853952229269505 ->
over 9 years ago

You people can talk about death threats and harassment all you want, its still meaningless because: 1)GG gets most of it, not Anti-GG since they are fabricated (as i demonstrated) ->
over 9 years ago
Part9:->me making shit up, ask real journos about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-7RLxrsJ04&feature=youtu.be

Then again, this is just a dead horse for anyone following gaming for a long time. Dorito Pope, anyone?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwD2GgWKIrs ->
over 9 years ago
Part8: ->keeps it going. You know these guys are full of shit when even actual Feminists start supporting GG:

Oh, my saying that the Gamejournos do not adhere to rules is not->
over 9 years ago
->Part7: https://twitter.com/8bitpixelrobot/status/519720228293312512

This cronism, partiality, and the fact they DARE to call themselves "journalists", despite breaking all the rules on how to behave and act like those whose job is to report all facts on all sides, is what ignited GG and ->
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
I found the entire thing to be grey vs grey argument; although looking at current situation, its more like black vs black (calling each other for harassing and implied or outright death threats)
over 9 years ago
->Part6: being inclusive enough, it goes to show they are not fighting for Feminist ideals or anything, they are just hypocrites who favorite the people they feel like or pays them. Not even IGF and Indiecade are safe. You will NOT be judged on merit AT ALL.
over 9 years ago
->Part5: http://thefineyoungcapitalists.tumblr.com/post/95799852325/on-stats-and-podcasts

The mere fact that the mainstream gaming journalism has not even remotely addressed TFYC existence even after all the shit they went through, and despite the GJ incline and bitching about the industry not->
over 9 years ago
->Part4: An example would be Zoe herself, who rambles about wanting women to be in the gaming industry yet hypocritically doxxes The Fine Young Capitalists fundraiser to make several ideas made by women into games. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/the-fine-young-capitalists-game-jam ->
over 9 years ago
->Part3: www.staresattheworld.com/2014/09/update-anita-sarkeesians-accusations-impropriety-sfpdfbi-gamergate/

Its also kinda telling for these people to accuse GG of doxxing people, considering that many of them do just that to even the very people they sworn to protect (women & minorities). ->
over 9 years ago
-> Par2: https://twitter.com/FartToContinue/status/517
So easy that is not even funny:
over 9 years ago
Part1: Its actually VERY easy to know who the real bad guys and good guys are. The Anti-GG are not subtle about their use of Sock Puppets for self harassment:
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352152]@Geary[/url]: -> P2: http://aimhs.com.au/cms/index.php?page=against-science http://www.ipt-forensics.com/journal/volume6/j6_2_4.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDDsesJgVdM THAT academia? Ok. Then again, why do you bring this up on a movement about demanding journalism integrity?
over 9 years ago
Gamergat shows the evil of the internet, really sad. [url=#user_comment_352131] @GK[/url]: Encyclopedia Dramatica isn't on of the admins/founder that horrible person Auernheimer? ED really sunk in my opinion since i now that. [url=#user_comment_352136] @Frost[/url]: Please stop with the sarcasm and provide arguments.
over 9 years ago
ROAR!!! MOAR Jane and Morgan strategy thing! I want to see Jane CRY!!!! All her base are belong to Morgan!!!11
over 9 years ago
most are just using it to spew their hatred. Those who don't and know the cause of the real issues in the gaming industry are simply drowned out by the spewers who out voice them and subvert everything.
over 9 years ago
Remember people, supposedly its one woman ruining games. and not the game publishing company's industry wide decisions, profit seeking, harmful policies and direction. because its not like the game publishers and companies who have the actual power to do that stuff.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352136]@Frost[/url]: You do realize internalized misogyny/racism/homophobia are decades old concepts commonly accepted in academia, right?
over 9 years ago
It's really not worth looking into. The whole thing ironically is focused more on the movement and less on actual "corruption" in gaming journalism.
over 9 years ago
The only way I got involved in this is by reading a Wikipedia article about it. That alone was more than enough for me.
over 9 years ago
People are capable of terrible things, and people can be insensitive, hurtful, sociopathic jerks. Old news. It just happened around the gaming industry, so it must be symbolic of all gamers! I personally hate the whole "controversy-gate" crap that's out there these days (#pancakegate)
over 9 years ago
Ironically, it seems the pro-GG people are the most prone to corruption: http://tinyurl.com/nahquoo http://i.imgur.com/nlZwRvZ.png
over 9 years ago
Yeah, it's not even actually relevant to games themselves, it's all about corruption in gaming journalism (WHO is corrupt is largely the point of contention) and buried under a pile of hypocrisy, ad hominem, and of course, vitriol.
over 9 years ago
Gamergate is /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ and a lot of /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/ /redacted/.

There, I said it.
over 9 years ago
I do not blame you in the slightest. The second I got even a whiff of big ass black clouds rolling in on that whole subject I just said "Nope!", wheeled my chair away from the desk, stood up, and haven't glanced at it since.

There's constructive discourse, and then there's that fiasco.
over 9 years ago
Yeah, I'm with you on this one. No idea what this whole thing is about, and frankly I don't care. Now then, back to Dota...
over 9 years ago
Also the shitstorm is focused on the US only. In Asia everyone playing video game as usual.
over 9 years ago
Remember guys. If there's someone who disagrees with you that doesn't fit your Straight White Male™ generalization, they have internalized misogyny/racism. Being in an echo-chamber has never been easier!

Thank you "internalized X".
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352116]@Calamity[/url]: I say it's pretty clever. Like when someone with clear head and rational thinking got "taken care of" for trying to bring sense to that shitstorm.
over 9 years ago
All I'll say right now is that anybody who doxxes anybody else is a horrible person. Considering that Quinn has been both the victim of doxxing and accused of doxxing, I really have to wonder if there are any good guys in this whole thing.
over 9 years ago
Encyclopedia Dramatica had more accuracy and cited evidence than anyone else who tried to cover the issue. That's scary. Morever, most of gaming news jumped on a bandwagon trying to strawman or ad hominem gamers instead of addressing facts and accusations.
over 9 years ago
There was a civil discussion on the GG thing featuring Erik Kain, Greg Tito, Janelle Bonanno and TotalBiscuit several days ago. No shitstorm, might worth a watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmosgPNXmNc
But if you don't know what it is about, I think it is better to stay pure.
over 9 years ago
ja! Remember that old meme? that one about writting Candlejack and t
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352123]@Eldaln[/url]: No, no he doesn't. He basically covered all that is important in the past (different topics). What you consider "important" is irrelevant. That place is filled with schmucks. The only finer schmuckbait this year was the whole Emma Watson situaish.
over 9 years ago
Jo, I know that all that mess may be a bit scary, but I would strongly advise you to at least see what the all mess is about, there is some important shit in the air that may interest/concern you.You don't have to actively follow everything that happen, go at least take a look, it's become important
over 9 years ago
I don't even know what gamergate is... Perhaps id for the best?
over 9 years ago
There was a point of journalism transparency and integrity to be argued here, but you don't do that with threats and harassment. The narrative lost control and the general tone is mostly anger and resentment.
over 9 years ago
That is probably a good idea.
over 9 years ago
I'm not sure if the "I already said too m" was an honest mistake, or just really clever.
over 9 years ago
Well, journalism is far from being objective.