What people are saying about "Book Of Elemental Lewd"
Book Of Elemental Lewd
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almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351314]@Ribusprissin[/url]: I'm ashamed to say that took me a second. Well done.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351291]@RoderickBR[/url] Humans will mate with anything in any world, be it fiction or not.
almost 10 years ago
It's all ogre now, Morgan.
almost 10 years ago
What I don't understand is, there are elves and halfelves, orcs and halforcs, ogres and halfogres, but there aren't any lings. When will TSR publish a description and stat block for the Ling?
almost 10 years ago
People is discussing fantasy half breeds and pen and paper games and all I focus on is the movie title refernces.
almost 10 years ago
Okay, FATAL was already mentioned, I think a particular subset of hentai manga is self-understood in this context, so... Nobody mentioned Pun-Pun. You know, the Kobold that can do anything, reach anywhere and be infinitely divine thanks to the power of the allmighty loophole.
almost 10 years ago
Jane is a douche.
almost 10 years ago
You do have a point on that its always humans these other races mate with.
Human females Biology apparnetly lets you give birth to anything
almost 10 years ago
half fairy and dragon?

AKA "Hot Skitty on Wailord action"
almost 10 years ago
My gawd i read all your comics from the start and they are amazing

Also a bit curious how engie-tan has gotten on with her game?
almost 10 years ago
Seriously though, I'd like to see an RPG arc. I just want to see medieval Jane trolling. I NEED TO. lol
almost 10 years ago
That's when fantasy gets weird. So this is how I play
-I want my character to be human~fox with dragon wings and red eyes
-But how...
-SCREW HOW, he exist, I'm him, and I roll the dice to punch anyone who asks
almost 10 years ago
You can bash FATAL all you want, the arseplomancer build is from D&D 3.x

Now on an unrelated note we want to see them roleplay MAID.
Nimrod Libman
almost 10 years ago
I imagine Anne-Marie would be good at Paranoia.
almost 10 years ago
Im not into D&D stuff. However, i really like the D&D Monster Manual, is pretty cool. The information is overwhelming, and most of the time, is filled with technical stuff (such level, attacks and such), but its still cool.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351279]@Rodaballo[/url] @Nerf NOW!!: No! No! You two leave F.A.T.A.L. out of here! Some of us are trying to have a *polite* discussion over here! >:(
almost 10 years ago
@Dmitry Solovyov: check https://vk.com/page-55241347_44664870
It's large base of players and GMs.
almost 10 years ago
Você jogou a isca. Agora vai ter que fazer um arco de RPG igual o Tim Buckley.
almost 10 years ago
I always thought that the interbreeding issue is one of those things in tabletop RPG that one mustn't inquire about too heavily, for one's sake. Like the dimensional travelling or the Inamobible ro... ¡CLANG!

What the fuck was that?!
almost 10 years ago
a pen&paper rpg fan :D one more point for Morgan ^_^, and one more bullet for the troll -_-
almost 10 years ago
@What The Hell: It is whatever the DM says. Love, rape, loverape, hatefucking, magic experiments.

almost 10 years ago
First D&D rule: Humans will mate with ANYTHING.
almost 10 years ago
Humans are basically the Dittos of fantasy worlds.
almost 10 years ago
Morgan being a roleplaying nerd just makes her better. :3 She needs to get on board with 13th Age, though.
almost 10 years ago
Isn't half-breeds are.. magically born creatures?
BTW, read some... doujins... about birth of Crossbreed Priscilla, lovely Dark Souls boss and cute character overall.
almost 10 years ago
@Dmitry Solovyov: I asked some russian D&D/RPG-fans here and they directed me to http://rpg-world.org/ . I don't know how good this community really is, I am not much into RPGs.
almost 10 years ago
And here i am, never played any table games because they are not popular in Russia (
And as i couldnt find any online playing of those i will probably die never playing one -_-
almost 10 years ago
Psh, half-faerie half-dragon? In 3.5 Dragonspawn Unseelie Fey Kobolds is where it's at if you want templates optimizing your spellcasting ability.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351279]@Rodaballo[/url]: Roll for anal circunference?
almost 10 years ago
Mating with a fat ogress?
Never underestimate a desperate male!
almost 10 years ago
God forbid you to google F.A.T.A.L.

That's LEWD. And sick
almost 10 years ago
(Pathfinder ftw)
almost 10 years ago
was it DnD that had the horrific story of that wizard that created a "hyperspace" cream or gel that could let humans have sex with fairy-kin?

Then he was thrown in the dungeons when the horrific twisted corpses of fairy's were discovered, ends up there were many experiments made for the right mix.
Mister Jay
almost 10 years ago
I Dont think Ogres and Orcs give most Human women a choice in the matter.
almost 10 years ago
Magic experimentation gone awry would be something like half trolls, which is less a MATED template and more a FUSION template, where the mage just slapped a troll and the second half together to see what stuck
almost 10 years ago
The first is consensual magic, where one party uses magic to polymorph or shapechange to a more compatible form - and since scrolls are dirt cheap, ANYBODY can afford to do this.
The second is magic experimentation gone awry.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351241]@57r0n[/url]: Nah. Remember one key detail: magic In D&D 3.5, there was only two EXPLICIT explanations for how half breeds worked in the grand scheme of things, and both involve the use of magic. *cont*
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351241]@57r0n[/url]: Orcs, ogres and goblins can totally be hot. Except in Pathfinder, where all ogres are disgusting, inbred mutants and goblins are effectively unisex boblehead dolls.
almost 10 years ago
Also blushing Morgan is Adorable!
almost 10 years ago
Also Jo, sometimes when I post comment it failed to appear on the comment section, I need to re-type the previous post since it was disappear after I posted it.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351241]@57r0n[/url]: Actually there's a lot of cross breeding in the fantasy world NOT involving rape. There's one when an Elf girl with human husband visited the Obgyn and met with female dwarf with ogre husband and female Orc with human husband. You just watch too much hentai.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351241]@57r0n[/url]: Not really, there's a lot of cross breeding between species in fantasy world sans rape. I remember an Elf girl with Human husband visited the Obgyn when she met with a Dwarf woman who have Ogre husband or female Orc with Human husband. You just watch too much hentai.
almost 10 years ago
If you check medieval beliefs a lot of weird things can mate and generate an offspring including an ant and a lion.
There are other stuff like birds that grow from trees listed side to side to other animals like bees (that are birds born from oxen) http://bestiary.ca/beasts/beastalphashort.htm
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351241]@57r0n[/url]: Naw, you know in D&D orcs, ogre and goblins aren't necessarily evil.
almost 10 years ago
I guess all myhtos is wrong, and actually whichever god is at work in D&D worlds created humans first, and then derived all other races from the human.
That's why there are half-humans half-whatheveryouwant.

Or maybe they created humans last to counter declining birthrates...
almost 10 years ago
Hey, Jo!


Get Hyped!
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351241]@57r0n[/url]: No way! Love can bloom!
almost 10 years ago
there are 897 dysfunctional/contradictory rules in D&D 3.5
almost 10 years ago
I think that mate is a kind word for rape. I understand a human falling in love for a more human-like creature like elves, dwarves or even a halfling. But when the mate is an orc, ogre, goblin it's difficult to believe in consensual sex.
almost 10 years ago
All hail the Half-Dragon Dragonborn Weredragon Sorcerer/Cleric/Paladin multiclass with Bahamut and Tiamat as deities!