What people are saying about "Nice Guy"
Nice Guy
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almost 10 years ago
@Enrique Pavani: Probably to utilise the change of background colours to have the punchline hit home. Would be difficult to use that effect while having distinguishable colours for panels #1 and #3.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350600]@Ribusprissin[/url]: The current one is also correct, it simply means you just saw someone got ganked a while back, but you were not watching the gank as it happened. "I see you got ganked" as that's something you say as you're noticing something, not after the fact.
almost 10 years ago
I keep seeing it everywhere. Can someone please direct me to the origin of the "claiming phenomenon. It is fascinating and I have not seen it anywhere else. (Channeling Miriel, my "fictional" hero as a badass protagonist logical thinker)
almost 10 years ago
But if I say "I just saw you got ganked" that means I noticed you got ganked in the past relative to when I noticed, and my noticing was in the past relative to now.
almost 10 years ago
Either "I see you got ganked" or "I just saw you get ganked" are correct. The former means that I am noticing that you have been ganked, perhaps by glancing at the scoreboard and noticing your death count is up by one. The latter means that, back when you got ganked, I was watching.
almost 10 years ago
New ship: Crystal Maiden/Tsun-Dere Shadowfiend.
almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago
"I just Saw you geting ganker" is in my opinion the best.
almost 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: could be wrong there, but I seldom see the use of the past tense with "see you got". Then again, I might be drunk.
almost 10 years ago
Awesome one but...
Didnt like ure SF model, Y is he entirely Red.?
almost 10 years ago
Jo, you magnificent bastard! Is there anything you can't make cute? ^_^
almost 10 years ago
And so begins the new Fanon shipping of Nevermore and Rylai... Neverlai? nonono Rylamore! I for one embrace our new Kawaii overlords.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350574]@Cxyzis[/url]: Hello, Master! :cat: @NorDrFrank: Hello, Frunk. :cat:
almost 10 years ago
Kinda surprised Jo didn't wait for SF's new model before making a comic about him.
almost 10 years ago
Oh, Crystal Maiden-chan, dont be so silly. =)
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350573]@Type99[/url]: I don't know, English is my first language and I would also say "I just saw you got ganked." Maybe I should be saying "I just saw THAT you got ganked", but I'm lazy. :p
almost 10 years ago
I played with Jo yesterday, 9/10 would carry again, but next time you should get a blink dagger on legion commander :D
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350573]@Type99[/url]: It's fine as it is. It's not like he wrote "did" before any of that. He is being consistent (since both things happened in the past), albeit by using more colloquial language. The correct form would be "I just saw you were ganked earlier". You wouldn't say "I saw you ARE ganked..."
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350573]@Type99[/url]: It's fine as it is. It's not like he wrote "did" before any of that. He is being consistent (since both things happened in the past), albeit by using more colloquial language. The correct form would be "I just saw you were ganked earlier". You wouldn't say "I just saw you ARE ganked..."
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350561]@Ryugo[/url]: Hello Ryugo :cat:
almost 10 years ago
She looks too cuteee~
Also, grammar time! It's "I just saw you GET ganked". You already used the past form in "saw", so there's no need to use the past tense on "get". Also, you missed a "T" on "brought", but that's probably a mistype.
almost 10 years ago
So kawaii desuuuuuuuuka dono toyota sashimi
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350568]@LoSpettroItaliano[/url]: Then again, Enchantress is pretty much evil itself.
almost 10 years ago
Wanna we talk about Terrorblade? He is the demon's worst nightmare, the terror of every mortal, the killer with no mercy and no fear, capable of incredibles monstruosity acts ... But he's Enchantress' BFF c:
(look in his responses)
almost 10 years ago
Imaginary upvote for kawaii.
almost 10 years ago
No comments yet? My time to shine!

Jo, did you ever go on a Rampage?
almost 10 years ago
Theres something wonderful and charming about big scary butchers, fishmen, spectres, demons and zombies saying genuine thanks.