What people are saying about "Preparation"
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Morru Q'uaan
about 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout Cont. Illidan has only ever done things that further his own power, He saves Tyradne because he is madly in love, not because it would be a good thing to do. He routinely betrays his people for more and more power and even had his eyes gouged out for arcane power.
Morru Q'uaan
about 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout Yes I did play WC3 (Sorry for the late reply, Really busy), he killed Tichondrius for his own gain, And he worked for Sargeras AGES ago, of his own will. Because Tyrande rejected him. And I would like to remind you, Illidan's first plan was to rip AZEROTH IN TWO.
about 10 years ago
In the end, all his "heroics" and the acts that made people think he was a decent individual were him trying (and failing) to clean up even a fragment of his own mess, all the while not showing even a hint of regret for the horrors he had wrought.
about 10 years ago
As for his prison sentence, he got life in prison, the fact that he lives for that long doesn't really change that, he was too dangerous to be free. Considering almost everyone that died from warcraft one to three all died as a consequence of his actions he well deserved his sentence if not worse.
about 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: I'm talking about the trail of destruction he left behind at the first few missions of the Burning Crusade night-elf campaign, all those fishing villages he burned to the ground.

Like when one of your mates offers you drugs, he's still an asshole regardless of intention.
about 10 years ago
His "complex reasons" involved being unable to take rejection and acting out like an angsty teen, he is actually much more of a character in the WoW lore when you actually pay attention and aren't too busy going "he's evil now I don't like it" when he was an asshole the entire time.
about 10 years ago
Yeah, he WAS originally well-written. I'm not gonna say he never did anything bad in the pre-WoW lore, but when he did there was usually a more complex reason for it than "Oh, he's just evil and nuts, and that's all there is to it." That's pretty much all of his actions in WoW are explained, though.
about 10 years ago
I'm like Steven; I've never played WoW. So all of these comments sound like some kind of debate between historians from a fantastical parallel universe.

You all make it sound so interesting.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349967]@Malygon[/url]: Wouldn't that just mean that his particular story ended well before it could be overly drawn out and ruin his character? I'm like Steven, I've never played WoW, so all of this just sounds like a rather compelling debate between historians from a fantastical parallel universe.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349966]@SteventheSlayer[/url] Yes. An interesting character that was fucked up by being placed as main villain and raid boss for one of the WoW expansions. Completely eliminating any character developement.
about 10 years ago
As someone who never played much Warcraft, the fact that you guys can have a lengthy conversation about if he was good or bad with points on both sides means he seems to be a well written, multi-dimensional character.
about 10 years ago
Cont. As I recall he had no idea that his original plan to kill the Lich King would have destroyed the world. And considering demon magic is the source of his own powers, he didn't think he was "dooming" anybody by suggesting they use it too. It's not as black and white as you say.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349963]@Censuur[/url]: Um, TYRANDE killed those people when she sprung Illidan. He didn't kill any of them. Plus they were prison guards, not civilians. Plus, a 10 000 year prison sentence isn't something anybody deserves.
about 10 years ago
-Revived the well of eternity because he couldn't be without it, dooming the world to repeated demonic invasion.
-Killed hundreds of elven civilians to facilitate his escape from Maiev
-Nearly did an Azeroth version of melting the polar icecaps
-Doomed hundreds of bloodelves to demons
about 10 years ago
Cont. while some of his actions may have had positive outcomes, they were still driven by greed, and he has shown he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, killing hundreds of thousands as a direct consequence of his selfish desires.
about 10 years ago
cont. He also killed hundreds of elves during his "escape" from Maiev and his actions to destroy the lich king would have irreparably damaged the world had he not been stopped. He has been driven by nothing but lust and greed from the very start and is utterly egotistical.
about 10 years ago
Kilgore you clearly didn't pay much attention, Illidan was always the villain. It was his actions that created the world tree after the elves destroyed the well of eternity, this very action is what lead to every event from warcraft one through three (demons attacking Azeroth)
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349938]@tuvarkz[/url]: Or people using "Nothing but Legendaries"-Decks
about 10 years ago
(cont.)He wouldn't have worked for Kil'jaeden at all if he hadn't basically been forced to, and even then he was being tasked with KILLING THE LICH KING, which would have been a good thing. All the bad stuff you mentioned comes from WoW where, as I said, they completely derailed his character.
about 10 years ago
@Morru: Have you played WC3, at all? Do you know who Tichondrius was? That's the villain Illidan killed, fighting on the side of the good guys. He saved Tyrande in TFT not because she asked him to, but because he cared about her well-being regardless of whether she was in love with him or not.(cont)
about 10 years ago
@Dmitry Solovyov: Exactly.
about 10 years ago
Right? My rule # 1 for playing as illidan: be afraid. Of everything. Even minions. Especially infested minions.
about 10 years ago
- Found nagas race while in expulsion. Befriended them.
- Got chased by his previous prisoner.
- Helped elves which lost their magic source because of arthas, and were practically enslaved by humans, to find a new power source
- Tried to prevent the goddamn lich king ressurection.
about 10 years ago
So all the poor illidan did was
- Being imprisoned for some sin he did REEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAALLLLYYYYYYY long time ago
- Fuc*ed demon hordes right in the skull. Got his powers to himself so he could fight them even better. Got expelled for that because demonic power "corrupts".
Morru Q'uaan
about 10 years ago
Cont. In Outlands for years, pining to return to Azeroth, as he surrounded himself with Demons, Fel Orcs, Training elves to become Demon Hunters, enfusing Elves with Demons. Illidan was never an anti-hero, the ONLY Times he has EVER done anything was when Tyrande asked. Because he was madly in love.
Morru Q'uaan
about 10 years ago
I don't know what everyone is on about. Illidan was always a villain, he did what he wanted, he allowed himself to be corrupted when he didn't get the woman he wanted, he willingly served his people's enemies, almost destroyed Azeroth, twice.
Between the Frozen Throne and TBC, he was stewing. CONT
about 10 years ago
Should Illidan not be saying, "Hello, brother!" since it is Malfurion he is beeing summoned against? Just nitpicking :)

Also i hate what Blizzard did to Illidan in Wow.
about 10 years ago
Illidan would be such a great card in token druid if he was a 5/7 instead of a 7/5
about 10 years ago
No one runs Illidan outside of Arena anyways
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349932]@bugleader[/url]: Hearthstone
about 10 years ago
To expand on what I said in my photo note from panel one: I'm one of the people who liked Illidan best when he was an antihero, and hated it when Blizzard decided to suddenly make him 100% evil and crazy so they could make him a raid boss and kill him off in WoW.
about 10 years ago
That would be the digital card game Hearthstone I do believe. Made by Blizzard as well.
about 10 years ago
Hum... I didn´t get this one... Magic the Gatering?