What people are saying about "It Works"
It Works
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over 9 years ago
I request Kojima allow custom decals, so we can put Jo's art in game.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349867]@Greener[/url]: I was actually taking a backhanded swipe at everyone who consistently complains about not getting the DOTA jokes by pointing out that the jokes they do get are those that are obvious by virtue of taking advantage of existing memes. I personally have never played DOTA, MGS, or TF2.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349867]@Greener[/url]: U mad because you didn't get a response from the person you wanted. Either that or you play TF2 and got vewwy offended, poor thing :(
Random Dude
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349865]@Greener[/url]: Chill, european just chiming in.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349860]@Greener[/url]: He mad because he never understood Dota 2 comics. Casual scrublord probably only plays TF2 and nothing else
over 9 years ago
And that's the trick to making jokes about game mechanics that people actually get: just pick games so old and mechanics so famous that everybody's already seen all kind of jokes about them!
over 9 years ago
Being some bad guy's grunt is the worst job ever, you receive low HP bar, if you are not good looking, you only appears in the first stages with no abilities or skills... that's why i'm gonna work in NerfNow
over 9 years ago
Dat Box Tech is OP.

I also wonder how many people looking at this realize that this is for real?
over 9 years ago
Then he humped the box. It got pretty awkward.
over 9 years ago
https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8285816832/h39782FED/ gif of this
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_349834]@AckAckAck[/url]: Each merc as an MGS boss character? I approve.
over 9 years ago
Can you imagine if Big Boss employ the TF2 grunts as his soldiers?