What people are saying about "Fan Favorite"
Fan Favorite
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about 10 years ago
If there is a kind and merciful god, Mirana will go no further than this. I would rather a hero I am neutral to win than a hero I despise to my very core.

Also if God is still there please let Juggernaut win, Rubick is out of the running, you can give me the hero I actually like at least.
about 10 years ago
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_347767]@Theevilpplz[/url] (on your photo note) Thank you so much for remembering that show!!
about 10 years ago
meanwhile, invoker casually walks by and claims everything.

note also that he's "pretty", "invisible" and a "semi-carry".
about 10 years ago
But I'm very disappointed about people voting Luna for the voice rework.
I voted heros like anti mage because the voice acting is not bad but they barely have any lines.
about 10 years ago
Voting for this stuff (and also voices and model) is not like voting for your fav hero.
Arcana makes more sense for someone who wields elemental magic or a hero that would look stupid with actual armor (morphling, enigma).
Really neither pudge nor mirana makes a lot of sense.
about 10 years ago
Mirana wins = New Sagan
about 10 years ago
@Lazarus Reed: A lot of people seem to have done the same; they want the character who talks in nothing but chimey bell notes to actually say stuff. I wonder what kind of lines they'll give him if he actually wins?
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_347772]@sc1ph3r[/url]: Ooo yes, definite possibilities there.
about 10 years ago
I voted Io on the voice and model rework just to throw a wrench at Valve.
about 10 years ago
This maybe the case for newer players but alot of players remember people tryharding with TA in every single game, pre nerf, when the hero pool couldnt really punish that, especially in a pub. Mirana all the way, dream on lanaya fangays
about 10 years ago
+1 vote for Templar Assassin.
about 10 years ago
MOBA comic -.-
about 10 years ago
Frankly I wanna see what they do with an invoker arcana.
about 10 years ago
Lanaya deserves Arcana much more than that slut Mirana. Vote Lanaya! Lanaya is Love! Lanaya is Life!
about 10 years ago
Talking for me, I was raising hope for an Enigma's Arcana Item, but he was killed at the first round by damn Windranger.
About Mirana vs. TA, I voted for the first, but I don't care; I play both girls when I want to play a kawaii semi-carry, so everything will happen I'll be happy :3
about 10 years ago
I don't know, I just threw in ones that might have something interesting with effects, not ones like Furion that have 94825983 already.

Put a lot more effort into model reworks, even though really bad alpha models like Tiny and Zeus got eliminated for "fan favorites" almost...
about 10 years ago
Didn't templar assassin win already? at least that's what i can see in my compendium.
about 10 years ago
You forgot about another pretty semi-carry that can go invisible and advanced in brackets
about 10 years ago
Anyway, Mirana has won the vote against Pudge and advances in the bracket. She's now up against Templar Assassin who is ALSO pretty, ALSO a semi-carry, and can ALSO turn invisible.
about 10 years ago
For non-Dota people: an arcana is an ultra-rare and very cool-looking cosmetic item designed for a specific character. Only three characters out of 100+ in the game have arcanas so far. This vote will decide which character Valve will create a new arcana for. (continued in next comment)
about 10 years ago
Typo it's "I got this IN the bag"