What people are saying about "Daaaagh, too many little men on this team!"
Daaaagh, too many little men on this team!
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over 13 years ago
Sorry, just testing links syntax <a href=http://babarahabrabra.com>babra1</a> or <a href=' http://babarahabrabra.com'>babra2</a>
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Странно, мне кажется, что я уже где-то видел подобное, что скажете комментаторы?
over 14 years ago
Что не говори, а я прочитал с наслаждением, что Вы думаете по этому поводу
over 14 years ago
Почему Вы так думаете? У меня своё мнение на этот счёт. Но тем не менее материал интесный и прост для восприятия
over 14 years ago
Материал заслуживает повышенного внимания. Дабы изучить более подробно, добавлю в избранное
over 14 years ago
Что не говори, а я прочитал с наслаждением, что Вы думаете по этому поводу
over 14 years ago
Не знаю как и кому, но лично мне понравилось, то, что опубликовал автор. Действительно интересно
over 14 years ago
????? ?? ???????? ?????????????, ? ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ? ???? ???????? ???? ?????? ??????, ?? ?????? ????
over 14 years ago
?????????????? ??????, ??????????? ??????? ? ????????? ??? ????, ??? ?? ??????? ?? ????????????
over 14 years ago
? ?? ??????, ??? ?????????? ????????? ? ? ????????? ????? ?? ?????, ??? ????????????? ??????
about 15 years ago
I need a gun, to keep them safe from harm!
All these babies are crying in the sun!
They don't know what to do, they don't know what to do.
I need a gun and a sandvich too. And a sandvich too.
about 15 years ago
I think the brown door is supposed to represent DC'ing.  He was thinking about ditching this team, then decided to come back and give them a hand instead.
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
Isn't that just sophisticated child abuse, Mr. Spy?
about 15 years ago
signs of a great team:
team full of scouts and/or spys
team turtles with scouts/spies
about 15 years ago
I think Spah doesn't know how awful the worst players really are, some of them can barely handle movement control.
about 15 years ago
Crap... Doors locked.
about 15 years ago
Aw... poor engineer BABY!
about 15 years ago
I play Medic a lot. It's my second most played class.  But after 3 or 4 maps of being one of the few, or only, medic on my team I crave something different to do.  So rather than complaining about there being no medics, man up and play the class yourself.
about 15 years ago
Note to self:  Bold does not work on photo notes...
about 15 years ago
Don't forget when Engie builds a Sentry in an area <span style="font-weight: bold;">that no one goes to.</span>  That shit pisses me off to no end...
about 15 years ago
Poor engie ;_;
Heavy ruulz! :3
about 15 years ago
Medic IS an insult to yourself.  The worst player should play the healbot so you can go killan spreeeee. And if you die before you get a kill with a medic on you, the medic was griefing. clearly.
about 15 years ago
HWG leads team to victory and is MVP. Other team then accuse him of cheating and get him votekicked
about 15 years ago
Aww. Poor engie ;o; Heavy to the rescue!
about 15 years ago
Tiny baby team cannot outsmart...
about 15 years ago
I hope we get to see Baby Medic-tan getting a piggy back ride from Heavy as he curb stomps the blue team.

That'd be adorable.
about 15 years ago
Heavy is a nobler man than I.
about 15 years ago
Corbina style
about 15 years ago
I beg you pardon! Buttercup would not have repaired the turret but kicked that spies ass!
about 15 years ago
*waiting for Chibi-Infected*
about 15 years ago
I am amazed every time again, when my team is actually better than the enemy team, but we loose, because i am the only one pushing the cart (and usually i am demoman = not perfect for the job). Playing medic is stil boring me especially when the enemy team doesnt send spys which i can uber-saw :-P
about 15 years ago
HWG, a hero among nooblets? only time will tell.
about 15 years ago
I just keep saying to myself on that last panel, "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM! No one gets away with sapping my teams sentry on my watch!
about 15 years ago
Is it me or does that spy remind anyone else of JENING?
about 15 years ago
mr flibbles
about 15 years ago
Red's gonna win clearly. Dual-wrench wielding Powerpuff girl as engy.
about 15 years ago
Awww, cute ;3!
about 15 years ago
Wat no female heavy?
about 15 years ago
Medics aren't always top scorers. Sometimes someone else just goes on a spree and goes and slaughters a bunch of guys without you, or you switch healing so much that you keep a lot of people alive, but get next to no assists.
about 15 years ago
Signs of a bad opponenet:
-They have no soldiers.
-They run no Scouts.
-They run no Medics.
-The Highest scorer on your team is a Pyro.
about 15 years ago
God I'd hate to be HWG right about now.
c'mon medic
about 15 years ago
if you dont get the most points you should better not play medic anymore because that means your not heeling enough guys, dont spread the heel enough, simply dont heel the right persons at the right time..
HW uber vs. multiple sentries if there is also a demoman is some kinda medics biggest fault
about 15 years ago
most time I play Medic I get the most points :D
about 15 years ago
Last panel reminds me of the PyroGuy going Engie to help Engie-tan arc.

i am se spy
about 15 years ago
spy is such a funny job
the most epic thing is when 2 noob teams play against each other... great fun as spy or any other class thats success doesnt depend on a medic :D
about 15 years ago
Lol, the engi is getting raped. That's when I'll be spamming the "HELP!" voice command.
about 15 years ago
I don't really like playing medic that often, but if my team is getting stomped, I'll usually switch.  I've had teams go from getting steamrolled to consistently winning just because there's now a decent medic around.  They make a HUGE difference.
about 15 years ago
We've all had to experience this, typically on maps like Dustbowl.
People seem adamant that Medics are somehow an insult to yourself and refuse to play as one, and end up leaving your team without a single bit of back-up.