What people are saying about "Top Is Missing"
Top Is Missing
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about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344105]@Scow2[/url] your knowledge of biology below children books with pictures. look! a cow! look! mother cat! look! horse!
about 10 years ago
"Breasts" on females serve the same purpose as large colorful fins on males.

It has nothing to do with being "Mammal" (Except that humans are mammals), and everything to do with having a Humanoid Torso (Humans are the ONLY mammal with "Breasts" like that. They aren't strictly 'mammaries')
about 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout
broken narrative, not realism.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344057]@AckAckAck[/url] so why don't you play games from atari right now? they have much focused and tight gameplay. i'm not talking about realism, but about basic logic inside it's own world. didn't you noticed that sonic was good 1-3, but once he started to interact with realistic people series become shit?
about 10 years ago
@Bart Stabwound
not anatomy but attention to details and narrative. and yes MP games are full of narrative trough gameplay, sound and art style
A Gray Phantom
about 10 years ago
Now we need a crossover with Minette!
about 10 years ago
Huh, Jo is getting way better at English if he can do legitimately funny puns now.
about 10 years ago
Let's also not forget that the only reason the siren is a "naga siren" is because her dota 1 model was based off of the warcraft 3 naga siren model (which was an actual unit of the campaign-only naga race)

But fuck it let's be retarded about it and make shit up and act like ignorant morons.
about 10 years ago
The discussion is as shortsighted as it is retarded

As some of the more observant of you will have noticed, she isn't "naga" but "naga SIREN", a siren being a mythological creature that would tempt sailors to their doom using beautiful singing voices.
about 10 years ago
In terms of their mythological origins, nagas have traditionally been depicted with fully human upper bodies (at least when they aren't simply being depicted as giant snakes), even when it wouldn't make much physiological sense. Mythology has different rules about that sort of thing, after all.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344054]@Morello[/url]: Interesting, but then again you'd think naga would have different tastes than us. (Otherwise the females wouldn't find the males very attractive.) It DOES do a good job of attracting male GAMERS, though. ;)
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344051]@tsartomato[/url]: Even if these naga aren't Warcraft naga, there could be a similar explanation for them. But either way, there's such a thing as worrying too much about realism.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344051]@tsartomato[/url]: No, gameplay and entertainment value is what made great videogames great. If you insist on real anatomy we will never have Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot or Sonic!
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344051]@tsartomato[/url]: I always thought that was game play, but if you say anatomy is the key difference when determining greatness, I'm not going to argue.
about 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: One could also argue that the tits are a sexual appeal to attract the males. It's like that for human nipples, for example, as our women have small nipples to attract men, despite that would be better for the children if their moms had big nipples.
about 10 years ago
Thought you guys would like to know that this was the top post on /r/DotA2 for several hours this morning.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344047]@AckAckAck[/url] and that is what differs mediocre games from great @Kilgore_Trout dota 2 isn't warcraft anymore
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344046]@tsartomato[/url]: Naga in WoW (and Warcraft III) also have tits. I don't worry about it too much. Besides, if you really want an explanation, you could point out that those naga used to be night elves, and say their breasts are vestigial or something.
about 10 years ago
I see what you did there.
about 10 years ago
I also really liked this one. The dialogue, the faces and the joke itself, were well done.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344046]@tsartomato[/url]: Calm the fuck down. You're taking things too seriously. It's just character design for a FANTASY themed videogame. If you want anatomy correctness work as Oceanologist.
about 10 years ago
core valve team goes strictly downfall since HL1. new guys came and made good portal, then core team made awful slowpaced retardojokefest portal 2 with invisible walls. invisible damn walls. slowclap
about 10 years ago
that's pretty retarded character design. why do she have those cancer tumors on her chest? it's not mammaries, as she is not mammal and they don't have nipples. she is vivipary as she have belly button. but why the hell she has pelvis without legs? she even can be male of her spe?ies

about 10 years ago
I always thought you were better at drawing boobs than making funny strips, but this could be one of your best ones.

DOTA dabblers like me can get it immediately and laugh without needing to research it.
about 10 years ago
I wouldn't do this any other time, but the topic of the comic is in line with the item I've been working on for Siren.
I thought a pretty Kimono made out of scales would be a nice change of pace for Siren. Gimme some feedback!:D

about 10 years ago
There are 4 item sets for Naga, and only two of them have a top =D
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344037]@EnragedFilia[/url] "Top is missing" means one of the enemy heroes in the top lane left/isn't there. It's said to warn players that a gank might be incoming. I suppose one
about 10 years ago
As a non-DOTA-player, it was easy enough to figure out that "Top is missing" has some sort of in-game meaning (although I did have to wonder whether that meaning also happened to be relevant to the joke).
about 10 years ago
Welcome to pubs, where everything is your fault and pings are not enough.
about 10 years ago
@Delta Pangaea: Anyway, to really get this you either need the joke explained to you or need to play the game. I thought about playing for a while, but was told not to because so many people in MOBAs are dicks. Which Jo also sorta said in this strip: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1131
about 10 years ago
@Delta Pangaea: Not necessarily; in order to get this you'd need to know what the message "top is missing" meant other than "You are naked from the waist up", and also who Sladar is and what his role in the game is. Reading past strips by itself doesn't tell you these things.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_344024]@Gogu[/url]: I don't play Dota, nor any of the genre, and yet, i found the joke to be nigh obvious...
about 10 years ago
This is actually one of the best comics you've ever done Jo. I love the "hidden" humor and style. Please do more of these (rather than just obvious ones). Putting one's brain to a bit of work is a nice way to start the day :)
about 10 years ago
@Delta Pangaea wisdom is limited, stupidty isn't.
about 10 years ago
Y'know, I'm pretty sure that people should start getting these by now. I mean, Jo can only make Dota jokes for so long before people have to start picking up on stuff, right?

about 10 years ago
@GuysWhoDoNotGetIt One of the pre-defined messages you can broadcast to your team is "Top is missing", which in-game means " There is an enemy hero missing from the top lane".
about 10 years ago
I dont get it too. But Dota
about 10 years ago
I don't get it, but boobs.