What people are saying about "#Hardwork"
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about 11 years ago
Ahhh Pugna, my favorite pick. Who need a salve when you can suck your ennemy's life ?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340858]@Waka[/url]: And in a teamfight scenario what you do with Storm is jump in (probably)from outside the ward range or maybe even before the ward is being put. Then you are probably gonna use a BKB anyway. Even if you don't you won't stay there for so long.
about 11 years ago
Pugna isn't about skills, it's about being a pest.
about 11 years ago
You can get much a better laser show than Storm if you have a Morphling trying to Morph Strength/Agility near a ward. :)
(It was in one of the DotaCinema Fail videos, but I can't remember the episode)
Mister Jay
about 11 years ago
After dinner Sniper drove Engie to the airport and ever bought her a ticket back to the state side. She landed in Boston on a layover and went to grab a cup of coffee when a couple goons started to harass her. She tried to get away from them but ended up outside and they followed her.
about 11 years ago
There is so much truth in this comic.
about 11 years ago
@Atakan Erkoç
during his travel maybe, but the ward will zap him for the initial cast. if he keeps using it in multiple instances,the ward will damage him.

great thing of the ward is it damages before the spell itself activates, so its possible to stop a spell by killing them before it works.
about 11 years ago
Actually Pugna ward doesn't deal damage to Storm while he is ulting because he is invulnerable.
about 11 years ago
Sheepstick lol
about 11 years ago
Buy blademail againts pugna, watch him getting killed by his own ward when you cast.