What people are saying about "Original Character"
Original Character
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almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!
Guess why i piced her =P
I read the notes form the post after this one. It is properly better getting a new Character running than relaying on different source.
Filthy Casual
almost 11 years ago
Maybe, perhaps, oh... I dunno... Scout-Tan? No? Okay then.
almost 11 years ago
I wonder if ahoge and ahegao are related because characters mid-ahegao look mindless?
almost 11 years ago
2003: I do that all the damn time.

Hilariously this is pretty much a modern design. A giant 30-car clustastrofuck of bad ideas welded onto great stonking tits.
I don't mind anime` influences that are silly, but I resent ones that make me ashamed to like those tropes.
almost 11 years ago
This is the perfect time to bring back the Engie with orange hair. I miss her dearly.
Seductive Hobo
almost 11 years ago
You guys are all idiots. It obviously has to be the red car from comic 907.
almost 11 years ago
Minette until she becomes playable because she needs the love to keep up her spirits after Engie's sideways insult.
almost 11 years ago
I kinda want sniper tan.
almost 11 years ago
When I read "Uguu" I always think of Simon's (aka Honeydew) version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u474qNxcK1Y
almost 11 years ago

@Mister Jay: So TRUE
almost 11 years ago
Vote engie when the vote comes, ok?
almost 11 years ago
Jo, just bring back engie.
almost 11 years ago
There is the another girl engi in the comic it's cold be funny
almost 11 years ago
I say Drow Ranger since she already has nekomimi
almost 11 years ago
Either the nekomimi or the twintails, both seemed a bit strange. Other than that, it seems a good character as any. Personally i liked it.

E eu gostei da heterocromia, achei legal, so não escrevi em inglês porque eu não sei como é "hetercromia" em ingles e não to a fim de pesquisar, XD.
almost 11 years ago
Personally, i want to see Drone-Tan again
almost 11 years ago
Hmmm... any tf2-tan?

I'll vote for Spy-tan then!
almost 11 years ago
Is like when Spagetti-chan trying to be cute...
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
Engie was there for us when we wanted her. Even for rule 34. So be here for her when she needs us. Vote Engie to return.
almost 11 years ago
This might be one of the funniest comics you ever did :)
almost 11 years ago
Actually could you please make her an occurring character I actually like her design a lot. Just remove on thing like the cat ears, and I I think she's a pretty awesome design.
Michael, The Outsider
almost 11 years ago
Hmm, honestly, a Dota 2 hero would probably fit in here. Say, Juggernaut?
almost 11 years ago
So, why can't we have sugoi-chan, Jo?
almost 11 years ago
Oh, can't wait for voting.
almost 11 years ago
something tells me engie will not be very happy when she returns...or she'll be too distracted by warm bed and fire and hot chocolate to notice XD. also, i like to play as demo. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iEEAeiB2HzE/Uarce4FdRVI/AAAAAAAAAbU/HsHBciT42pQ/s1600/demowoman2
almost 11 years ago
Definition of overkill
almost 11 years ago
Feisty Khajiit Butler. It must be done.
almost 11 years ago
Rdy to vote.
almost 11 years ago
@Cameron Chen: I agree with you sir (and/or madam).
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339413]@Hyperstar96[/url] only for a temporary time being. Jo just needs a temp sidekick for now. All right gentlemen, Here I am rallying for Minette! Seriously this would be great material! AND would be great and sweet for her revenge on Engie tan. All aboard the minette hype train.
almost 11 years ago
Engietan or bust!
almost 11 years ago
Wait, so Engie-tan really is gone?
almost 11 years ago
I can't say I didn't see that coming. Its what you get when the entire internet comes up with an idea together... It just doesn't seem right. We still have the mini cast from DOTA 2, TF2, and LOL if you think about it or even dare I say... a Star Craft 2 Character!
almost 11 years ago
Crystal Maiden is the carry this comic deserves
almost 11 years ago
I actually like the result, but with that said I'm so otaku you could throw multicoloured eyes at me on a shark and I'd think it was adorable.
almost 11 years ago
Uh.. i hate too say..
What happened too Sniper-tan?
or the original Engie-Tan?..
almost 11 years ago
@Sebastian Heiner: A comic with Zone-Tan and a tentacle can't end well...
almost 11 years ago
@Familiar Heavy: Mini-Medic is too young to be a co-star, she need to study and go to be bed before dark.
almost 11 years ago

Bring Mini-Medic-tan to work!

Nerfnow Photonotes in a nutshell.
almost 11 years ago
Orange haired Engie, or Crystal Maiden.
almost 11 years ago
Dota 2 needs a representative in the every day comics. Crystal Maiden must be getting lonely when she's not in use.
almost 11 years ago
okay forget what i just posted. i mixed it up with ahegao.
almost 11 years ago
ahoge? Isn't that a mind-blasted sexface?
almost 11 years ago
Pyrogirl please, would love to see some actual comics with her.
almost 11 years ago
Original character, do not resuscitate.
almost 11 years ago
Ahoge? I thought these days it was "ahegao" that was popular, right? Right?
almost 11 years ago
I vote Minette.
almost 11 years ago
Where's the blond engie-tan?
almost 11 years ago
Would be awesome if Zone-tan would help casting. I mean she nows what makes a character popular.
But yeah, 2nd engie-tan (i am afraid i do not remamber her name) hasn´t had mutch spotlight lately even so the mass here loves her.
almost 11 years ago
Im still voting for the other long haired engie
almost 11 years ago
I dunno. She has a certain charm as this horrible mishmash of popular traits. Like,she's not really made to be anything and just is. But if you wanna use one of the TF2-tans,I think demogirl could use the most loves.