[url=#user_comment_338992]@Frost[/url]: I would like to say he's strawmaning, but come on, every feminsit out there is a strawman stereotype.
OT why is tentacle being a dick?
[url=#user_comment_338978]@Warmachine[/url]: It doesn't make sense to say he's projecting, otherwise that makes him a femnazi. It's more like he's strawmanning.
about 11 years ago
So... storyline about her moving in with the other engie? Or about how she keeps falling facefirst into other girl's vaginas during her misadventures?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338966]@Arteous[/url]: Careful, project any harder and I'll be able to use you to show off presentations at work.
about 11 years ago
Oooooh, the excitement before the coming of a major storyline arc!
Me likey! =D
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338964]@Raxyz[/url] or maybe the comic will follow Engie in her quest leaving Jo behind.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338958]@Tasunke[/url] knowing Jo's sense of humor the tentacle will be the one being violated.
about 11 years ago
In b4 femenatzi go nuts about how this comic is now mysogonistic (last panel showing "violence" against a woman. and engine being sexualized in every comic with hot sexy outfitS. (MOAR)
Actually i'm quite surprised it hasn't happened yet. I am glad it hasn't and i hope they keep away.
She's wearing a hat like the new Pokemon games forces you to do, she's wearing clothes different from her normal like the new X/Y and she's leaving home like every Pokemon Protagonist
HOENN CONFIRMED!!!!!! 111!1!!!!!!!!!
about 11 years ago
"What kind of game will she tries to make?" Replace "tries" with "try". Future tense = will + short infinitive (i.e. verb without the "to").
I don't know, what kind of a game that will be, but it must be stunning, must be grand. And it definitely should start along the lines: "This is the story of a girl named Engie…"
about 11 years ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCaIxmffFWY She works pretty Fast, our Engine-Tan.