What people are saying about "Matchmaking Hates Me"
Matchmaking Hates Me
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about 11 years ago
According to Dotabuff, Viper wins almost 70% of the games where he picks Dagon...and that's just for Dagon1, which has the lowest score among the Dagons with Viper :P
over 11 years ago
Maybe if you put a few stack of cash in valve's pocket, they'll put you in good queues that ensure good experience...?
over 11 years ago
Aw, but Zeus is looking so happy! Don't ruin it for him!
over 11 years ago
I love the silly look on Viper's face and the Dagon strapped on his back. Makes me giggle.
Also well drawn Engie and evil Jo: Nuking with Lina while smurfing ;P

Dominating others is not my major source of fun. I love to test what does what and how and why and do crazy and unpredictable things.
over 11 years ago
I would smurf her smurfs if you smurf what I'm smurfing.
Buy Some God Damn Wards!
over 11 years ago
There was a puck on my team.

He built Maelstrom.

I'm on antidepressants now.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338009]@Chou[/url]: Yeah, that's the same reason I always wanted to make one on Zeus :D Not just because he has horrible attack speed, but it also fits quite well with his theme.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338007]@dealwithit[/url]: I can never recognize the difference between DotA2 and LoL comics... ;___;
over 11 years ago
I thoght maelstorm is core for Zeus. It makes lightnings and all...
over 11 years ago
I always wanted to build maelstrom on Zeus, not just because his attack speed is horrible, but because it would be fitting to shoot lightning out of his hand, no? :3 [url=#user_comment_338007] @dealwithit[/url]: Hey, that's another account. You're a phoney, a big fat phoney! (and spammer but that's for Jo to decide)
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_338003]@Ninj77[/url] true.
over 11 years ago
One thing is certain: the best thing about these dota jokes are the photo notes.

"Thor, the later years!" That really made my day, pal!
over 11 years ago
What a strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
over 11 years ago
This is why... I have no clue what's going on...
over 11 years ago
I feel like I should make a comment about Lina calling people noobs, immediately after misspelling 'Maelstron'
over 11 years ago
I-is this comic about WoT?
over 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!:
I once played with someone who bought a recipe on fountain , only to sell it later on side shop.

over 11 years ago
You think it's bad just getting matched with noobs? Try getting muted, THEN getting matched with noobs. Only one thing is certain: You will be blamed for the eventual loss.
over 11 years ago
Too bad troll building on a smurf account isn't being noob. But i doubt a brazzo would ever know the difference
L2P, GG, Get Shrekd
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337976]@Regularjoe[/url]: I disagree. There is a point when you are new, I mean REALLY new when you just don't know what to buy... assuming they know how to use the shopping.
over 11 years ago
I always knew Valve, matchmaking and the internet hated me, but now since it is confirmed by a highly respected artist, I can make my complaint official. Thank you Jo!
over 11 years ago
Those aren't noob builds, those are troll builds. If you know to search out those items, you probably know how inefficient they are.

Real noobs build vlads, aghs and sny (on the wrong heroes).
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
This is why whenever I meet good players, I add them and play with them next time. I never play with less than 2 friends.
over 11 years ago
Actually, this is why pretty much all matchmaking type games suck. It's a great idea on paper, but there's too many asshats who will take advantage of it just to pick on the weaker people when their ego is reduced to the size of a smurf.

It's kinda sad, really.
over 11 years ago
About time...
over 11 years ago
Lemme go ahead of dealwithit on this one:

This is the reason why dota 2 sucks.
over 11 years ago
@Radu Stancu: Nah, man. The God of Thunder needs the hammer of the God of Thunder. Mjollnir Zeus all the way.
over 11 years ago
who plays zeus without maelstrom? more lightning is always better