What people are saying about "2Skilled4Me"
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almost 11 years ago
As i said. http://cs412120.vk.me/v412120249/47a5/qxoxUiUR0rE.jpg
Russian fans made another ending.
almost 11 years ago
She's running away as if here ultimate isn't pure luck as well. Also, BKB, motherfucker, do you buy it?
almost 11 years ago
...I don't get it...
Random Dude
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337549]@Bruceski[/url]: Not so much when you're playing against AI, but damn, feel for that guy (losing his star player).
almost 11 years ago
@Random Dude: I had a game last night where it put me up against a guy 250 points above me. I rolled a blitz, KO'd one guy, he dub-skulled a turnover back to me, I injured three guys including -1Str on his star basher, and he quit the game.

Random chance is random.
Random Dude
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337546]@Suspicious[/url]: Agreed. [url=#user_comment_337533][url=#user_comment_337533] @Bruceski[/url][/url]: Oh please not that game. I rage-quitted after being cheated like what? 9 times with the AI.
almost 11 years ago
I think the joke might've been more appreciated (and understood) if instead of having PA describe all the items she farmed, she was actually decked out in said items and taunting the enemy team to 'do their worst'.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337540]@NONE[/url] Pretty sure over 17000 gold worth of items+anybodies ulti will rape anybody :P
almost 11 years ago
Funny enough i had a game yesterday. They had PA as main carry i was as main carry on slardar. And i must say MKB + Blade Mail + Halberd + Satanic + BKB(because carreis get it ;p) + slardar ulti rapes PA hard.
almost 11 years ago
Nice skillbuild, but maybe for naix, not mort... bf is optional but bkb is always there...
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337535]@Dozen[/url]: It was a compliment xD
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337532]@SteventheSlayer[/url] *not sure if compliment, or sarcastic remark* Eh, I'll assume you meant it nicely. Thank you^^
almost 11 years ago
Filthy luckers. What is this, Blood Bowl?
almost 11 years ago
Bless you, Dozen, bless you.

Also, Baturinsky, try to find some people who are a little more knowledgeable on Dota and play with them. They'll help teach you things, and hopefully won't rage at you x)
(You can add me up, for instance. I help literal noobs all the time.)
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337526]@Bindal[/url] And neither do I. Which I said, but #Neverplayeddota2inmylife is apparently too subtle by certain standards. Deliberately misinterpreting what you see to get butthurt is hardly Jo's fault, now is it?:P
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337525]@Dozen[/url]: Sorry, I don't find THAT any funny if I don't know the context. So, he hold up a clover. And? Could be just a cosmetic item as far as I know because I DON'T PLAY DOTA!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337518]@Bindal[/url] Oh, and also those of us who realize she lists a buttload of badass sounding weapons but freaks out from a four-leaf clover another kind of hero holds in hand. In effect, those of us with brains. #Neverplayeddota2inmylife
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337518]@Bindal[/url]: Have you tried reading a wiki once? I've never played a game of dota2 in my life and I know that Ogre Magi's ultimate adds RNG to all of his abilities that makes them sometimes deal stupid damage. With Aghanim's Sceptor or whatever you get another ability. Never played once.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337513]@Baturinsky[/url] arguably its better to fight against real people than bots. play bots to practice new heroes beforehand, but it wont really determine how you'll fare w/ people. also remember, your not the only new guy, you'll be against others too. well, 'eventually' if your facing smurfs...
almost 11 years ago
Also is good to get bkb vs ogre if he is become a problem.
almost 11 years ago
And yet another Dota2 comic nobody gets except those that play Dota2 on a regular basis...
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337513]@Baturinsky[/url]: you'll probably lose the first few matches, but the matchmaking system works quite well, and you'll get paired with other new people pretty quickly.
almost 11 years ago
No Battle Fury? Noob PA, lol.
almost 11 years ago
I did all training missions in DOTA2, but afraid to play with real people. Especially considering that I get raped by bots even on Normal.
almost 11 years ago
They wouldn't be smiling against Anti-Fun or anyone with a BKB/Hood/Heart :P
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337503]@Waka[/url]: It's on purpose. Ogre luck also means she may not get any crit on him.
almost 11 years ago
Shoulda got a BKB, noob.
almost 11 years ago
quite ironic that your picking mortred of all carries, since she's very much like ogre as in reliant on luck. also with the new update, she's now her dagger can now be compared to his own spells(though I havent managed to crit with it yet).
almost 11 years ago
Ogre Magi is a lot of fun to watch!