What people are saying about "Pinging"
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about 11 years ago
Hey, can I ask what kind of tablet you're using ?
about 11 years ago
No more DOTA/LOL. Pleaseeee
about 11 years ago
It's pretty simple. Ping whatever you want to attack, ping towers you want to defend, ping the ground around players you want to do something else a lot. The ctrl alt ping is just for fun. Enjoy it.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336306]@Lien[/url]: Dota was originally a dota warcraft 3 lore anyway but between sentinels and scourge :)
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336304]@Sharkpeid[/url]: Aaah those crafty people! >:)
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336294]@Lien[/url]: Yes. Invoker is based on the Kael'thas sunstrider WC3 model.Though his name was changed of course to avoid copyright. Original name was also Kael before it was changed to Carl ! :)
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336297]@dealwithit[/url] Ya know what? No. I will not "Deal with it". You've been saying how much Dota sucks for lord knows how long now. We fucking get it. Find a new obsession with your pathetic excuse for a life. When someone who AGREES WITH YOUR OPINION is sick of your shit, it's time to stop.
about 11 years ago
Very interesting timing. Especially when Valve's last update was to reduce pinigng limit on muted players. Furthermore, the Portal 2 pack got released yesterday. That's like, 90 jokes all rapped into one.
about 11 years ago
NEVERMIND I found it but nonetheless, lets act like adults here. We have already gone through the dark era of a-non-e-moose posting of comments and every time its a Dota comic, it always resolves into this...


can't we all act like adults here?....
Random Dude
about 11 years ago
Gah, i still remember fighting against Invoker Bot back in the first Dota, that match was a nightmare.
about 11 years ago
All this dota 2 arguing, reminds me of before the comment box spammed all the smack talk. Does anyone have that fan made comic of when Jo introduces a new nerf now and that it's dota 2 and people just start a flame war in comments? I think it represents this box whenever there is a Dota 2 comment.
about 11 years ago
Wait? Isn't Invoker on mid? How is it CM's fault? :P
Oh, because she is support and that's automatic, of course, should have thought.
about 11 years ago
...Kael'thas Sunstrider?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336288]@dealwithit[/url] Okay, I don't like it much either, but god damn it, we fucking get it. You don't like Dota. Now stop spamming every fucking comments section with "This is why this sucks" without giving a fucking reason.
about 11 years ago
Well, Carl did turn out good Jo :D
about 11 years ago
The better question is, why did Invoker have Ice Wall up?
about 11 years ago
It's the undeniable right of every single player to ping someone else not matter the situation: help, kill/dying or just for the fun of spamming!

Ping Spammers of the Internetz...UNITE!!!
about 11 years ago
I hate when they spam ping on anything, regardless of game or situation. "YES, I KNOW THERE'S A SNIPER WITHIN SMACKING RANGE, STOP PINGING IT ALREADY."
about 11 years ago
" I'm tired of thinking! Enough with trying to understand what I read! Good thing there's a DOTA2 comic even I can handle. "

-Every DOTA2 hater