actually either is used
its is used for possession for It.
it's is contraction for It Is/was
so technically its is correct but many uses it's for this belongs to it.
This is why English is so confusing.
over 11 years ago
#Kaipi #roadToTI4 #EEsamaXSingSing
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_335626]@USAF_Son[/url]: Funny thing, in my case every single time I see the word "Na'vi", it's always the Legend of Zelda for me.
Even when watching "that" movie, I couldn't stop thinking of the videogame. XD
over 11 years ago
I'm sorry, whenever I see "Na'vi", I think of that James Cameron movie.
This is even a dota 2 joke if you think about it, kind of like sports joke period.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_335621]@Raxyz[/url] Wait... really? They both lost by perfects? And it is a matter of time when a favored team will lose. Hell, my sister is called "the kiss of death". When she has the "urge" to visit a friend/relative that is hospitalized they die few days later. We joke saying "dont ever visit us".
Have you ever watched EVO then? Because some weird stuff happened in 2011, both Daigo and Justin lost by PERFECTS. Back then i though "wow, someone has a strong jinx". XD
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
Don't really care about pro-teams, i just play Dota and LoL for fun.
Eh, never really even heard about the DOtA 2 pro-teams before these years finals. Well, tecnically, I've neveer played DotA 2 before this year's finals.
But, for some reasons, I can't like Na'Vi. They look like.... don't know. I just don't like 'em.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_335598]@skitsurr[/url]: An apostrophe used with it to form "it's" is always a contraction meaning "it is". "Its" is the correct way to denote possession using the pronoun it. Look it up.
[url=#user_comment_335599]@European_Fox[/url]: It's because other than Koreans most of the pro gamers are not conditioned to be good team player. Seriously, Starcraft 2 best western teams join forces to fight against Korean teams in a Korean tourney and they got bulldozed like noobs.They need to resort to hiring a Korean trainer..
I prefer supporting individual players because teams seem to always disband or lose a player or two after a few losses.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_335597]@Quinch[/url]: An apostrophe is used to demonstrate ownership. In this case, it's talking about Na`vi's prime. "past" is used as a preposition that connects Na`vi and prime. Also, yes, prime is a noun.
Quick note, "its prime". English is annoying about apostrophes like that.
over 11 years ago
I have NEVER played DOTA and I still understand the majority of the humor in Jo's DOTA comics because either A. It's rather obvious, or B. A similar situation is likely to be encountered in a different game, including LoL.
Or maybe I'm just too goddamn smart for you people.
Good day.
over 11 years ago
@GironKizan (photonote): Okay, 3 things -
1. You don't get the final say on what Jo does; he does whatever the hell he wants to.
2. He's done LoL comics before.
3. Absolutely NO DOTA knowledge is needed to understand this strip's joke.
At all.
Hey Jo, I wonder if you want to put both Engie-tans on a different game altogether? Like.... World of Tanks! I mean, it's a game about tanks vs tanks and they're both engineers and tanks are pretty much one of the pinnacle of warfare engineering....
It's not because I'm playing WoT right now.....
over 11 years ago
Now boys and girls today's lesson is fanservice rule No. 1: short hair = bigger boobies; long hair = smaller boobies.
Btw, it's nice to have red Engie back...or is it yellow Engie now??