What people are saying about "The Art Of War"
The Art Of War
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almost 11 years ago
You guys are forgeting one key thing: The Goblins.
Nobody else is willing to take them on directly, and if that is any indication, they rely on this war as a massive revenue stream, and both sides know this.
almost 11 years ago
Peace is how it should be, also Thrall is main character in Warcraft.
almost 11 years ago
Well, the fact that Garrosh to be a power capable of decimating the world must have caused this effect ...
almost 11 years ago
I asked for a WoW comic in the last page... and jo delivered.

Jo receives +50 respect points!
almost 11 years ago
There is one tiny incy wincy problem with this plane. There is a certain orc that has come into possession of a heart of an Old God. So it is a good idea to gamble that the rebels will handle Garrosh just fine on there own, all for a rottin kingdom that will be lost anyway should Garrosh win?
almost 11 years ago
Dat crown
almost 11 years ago
As a matter of fact besides Garrosh being a far greater threat for the alliance than Sylvanas, who is mostly concerned with self-preservation, Orgrimmar, which is located close to the sea unlike the also very easily defendable Undercity, is far easier to attack.
So I'd say it does make some sense.
almost 11 years ago
Some additional notes:
It's EASTERN Kingdoms, not western.

And saving the Horde should be THRALLS duty because HE built it up and HE promoted Garrosh to be the new leader of the Horde and HE left everyone alone despite KNOWING Garrosh had much to learn.

Also this comic is gold.
almost 11 years ago
you guys do realise, that the undead are not quite famous for fighting fair? Who knows what kind of chemical warfare they have in store for anyone trying to attack the undercity...
almost 11 years ago
Doesn't make any sense that the Alliance wouldn't attack Undercity afterward, though. Sylvanas is the type of... corpse, that would look at honorable conduct against her and say "that's cute" while performing atrocities on par with Garrosh at his worst.

Let's face it: Garrrosh is a scapegoat.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_335068]@Zacharial[/url]: It wasn't stolen from Warhammer, Warcraft litterally WAS a Warhammer game that was 50% completed before the game rights were taken away from blizzard so they used what they had to create they're own story.
almost 11 years ago
It's called WARcraft because it was stolen from WARhammer. Just saying.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_335057]@Chickens[/url]: That red orc was the closest thing the community got to an actual old school orc from the classic rts games. I found him lovely, if not slightly tragic. People dont like his sweaty balls because he violated the whole "noble savage" bullhonk the horde had going on.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_335060]@SoooWhoCares[/url]: Eh, if it was a single player RPG yeah, but WoW is an MMO. I doubt they'd be able to find a way to make it work in Warcraft that would make for even a halfway decent story. Lore has gone a bit wonky lately yes, but I don't think I want to know what it'd do if players got control.
almost 11 years ago
Alliance? pls horde
almost 11 years ago
It's a real shame that decisions exactly like this one don't make it into the game because no one even tries to support multiple choice events. I mean: Even within a single event we get no free choice :\

The only choice one has is to either not take part in something or to start griefing.
almost 11 years ago
I like the fact that she tries to stab him with a poisoned dagger. And the Draenei.

In Wow I stopped caring for lore after they broke it, didn't fix it and went totally bonkers with it in Cata.

It's just not worth it. Also as stated here: All sides have to exist forever to stay playable. End.
almost 11 years ago
Fact: this PR thing is way more important than attacking undercity.

just think of all the hearts we will win over. soon there will be peace keeping missions all over kalimdor and terrorist strikes on alliance outposts. Fuck yea, merica.
almost 11 years ago
Fact: that red orc is an asshole, we want him dead.
Fact: attacking undercity will no doubt cause a appropriate response from silvermoon. It is in the alliance's favor to NOT angro the highelves for a while in hopes of getting onto better terms with them.
almost 11 years ago
war on both continents with massive loses and death ? PLAY CARDS !
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_335046]@4Darco[/url]: I think that's monara from Dr graevling's works.
almost 11 years ago
Lore? World of Warcraft? BC fucked WARcrafts lore Wotlk tried to fix it Cata fucked lore AND gameplay MoP tried to fix it and failed miserably
5 Millions Subscriptions in World of Warcraft canceled.
Next game? Hearthstone where you can spend millions of Dollars. Blizzard DotA will try to fix lore
almost 11 years ago
plis more dranei-tan Jo
almost 11 years ago
For the record... From what I understand one of the weapons that Garrosh has stockpiled in Orgrimmar right now is a sha-powered bomb that, if detonated, will blow most of Kalimdor straight to Hell.

Y'know, Kalimdor, where the Draenai and Night Elves and Worgen live?
almost 11 years ago
RF online - 3 factions.
When one faction goes up, 2 factions team up to bring him down. when that faction is down, let the backstabbing begin.
almost 11 years ago
I'm guessing that Engie's role in this strip is as the plot-bunny? :-)
What I'd do because I'm weird, and what Blizz would never do: Reveal there's a *lot* more undead out there any anyone knew about, and spin it off into a third faction out to...'convert' the other two into more troops.
almost 11 years ago
How much are you playing this game? the Undead already defend themselves for exactly that reason and an possible attack from the Orcs.
almost 11 years ago
Engie! In alliance?! The superior faction :3 she is even bringing hats to the whole mix.

Jo, I love you.

More Female Draenei please.
almost 11 years ago
Hold on, which race is the bunny kemonomimi supposed to represent again? Because I'm pretty sure Viera belong in a whole different setting.
almost 11 years ago
This is a problem that faces any MMO with factions. But as to the whole 50/50, it doesnt happen. Even in Aion this was/is a problem. So much so they decided to merge servers for balance. Didnt work.
almost 11 years ago
Some genocide will spice things up in World of Warcraft.

Gotta put the WAR in warcraft.

almost 11 years ago
@Tue Elung-Jensen: Yeah, I know pal. I'm also waiting for tomorrow and get into FFIX:AR. Man! It's gonna be a real sweet weekend!
almost 11 years ago
Therefore, that's why the undead were not involved with the conflicts of the Horde yet. In the game itself was pretty clear that Undercity is prepared to defend itself if attacked.
almost 11 years ago
She even asks for help, but has denied your request. With that, she herself begins to draw their own plans (which remain secret even to the players).
almost 11 years ago
This fact is actually discussed in the lore of the game, in the book Tides of War: The Lady Sylvannas, Queen of the Forsaken, is worried that the Alliance can attack Undercity while the rest of the Horde is concerned with other matters.
almost 11 years ago
Half on each side? I wish - most of the servers in my battle group consist of mostly alliance and low pop horde. Waiting with hold breath for FFXIV tomorrow now :)
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
half the suscribers are on each side, that's a good one.
almost 11 years ago
and this is why I hate the whole faction system in MMO's there will never be a winner and it is just a cheap way to get PVP into the world without really putting much thought into it
almost 11 years ago
Oh you bastard... Otherwise, Alliance can totally whoop Horde's ass right now, buttttttttt (butt haha) Horde had chances to beat Alliance too...
Oh why Thrall, Why are you so anti-climatic.
almost 11 years ago
FIRST!!! Sorry guys, it's been so long that I couldn't resist! =D