What people are saying about "Budget"
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about 11 years ago
Morale of the story: Just stack enough intelligence, so while you will have the double damage buff, you won't need a divine rapier!
Random Dude
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334748]@TheBaron[/url]: You sat on comics?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334747]@Josef[/url]: Yeah, I can sat that all these comics about a game I don't play are getting boring.
about 11 years ago
I remember when this comic used to be about many different video games....
about 11 years ago
What's up with all the people writing "your" while meaning "you are"?

Grammar - You should love it <3
about 11 years ago
if your mentally challenged, let me explain the whole strip:
a support character wants to grow out of their class, so they try to buy the strongest item. but looking at how much it costs, they settle instead for accessories.
(just like typical RPG games).
about 11 years ago
or really, no need to have that much inside knowledge.
if you've stuck through nerfnow, you should already know that CM is a support, and I dont think you need to know dota to know what a "support" typically does.
then just look at the whole strip and you'd understand.
about 11 years ago
I don't understand why people complaining they don't get this strip. The joke here pretty much apply to any MOBA game. If you played LoL, just replace Crystal Maiden with Soraka and Rapiers with Infinity Edge.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334740]@Bindal[/url]: You should, its a great game
about 11 years ago
Heh, poor CM!
about 11 years ago
Oh, look. ANOTHER comic that isn't funny unless you play Dota 2. Which I don't.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334732]@dealwithit[/url]: So your saying DotA 2 suck because it's not easy to get the best Raw damage item in the game #Logic
about 11 years ago
At this point, people think this is all you play
about 11 years ago
...nope...don't get todays joke either...
about 11 years ago
Ahaha, because of you Jo, I actually do pick Crystal Maiden most of the time. She might be slow as a slug but oh boy, what a "true carry" she can be :D just kidding, she is still kinda fun to play
about 11 years ago
its interesting to note that level 5 dagon is THE MOST EXPENSIVE item in the game actually.
about 11 years ago
Hey, look on the bright side: A Null talisman is a good start for a Dagon.
about 11 years ago
No i dont... i saw you playing axe with dagon, what a jerk
about 11 years ago
Before buying The Rapier to kill things, you need to think about how to defend from focus fire.
about 11 years ago
"37200? Who has that kind of money?...I true carry, I hope".

-Sigh- So sad, and yet, so true.
about 11 years ago
And suddenly instead of going for mass rapiers, she will go for mass dagons instead.
about 11 years ago
Hey, on second picture CM look like her skull is normal.


But on first one she look great, even if non-human.

Speaking of non-human, we want more nekomimi!
about 11 years ago
Is it strange that the pages with the merchant guy make me want to play Borderlands?
about 11 years ago
The first step to a Dagon 5.