What people are saying about "Treant Protector Guide"
Treant Protector Guide
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 11 years ago
IDK, Treant is actually really fun for me. Heal/damage block, a slow that doesn't break invis, an invis that can last up to a minute, and a stun that breaks through magic immune. I've ganked too many people as treant.
@lol wat
almost 11 years ago
Hahahaha... Dirt league general!
Watch some professional games dude. And please don't steal farm from your carry.
A Dorf
almost 11 years ago
FUN as in Dorf Fortress 'FUN'?
almost 11 years ago
yeah max leech first cuz it requires 140 mana at lvl1 whcih is more than half of your mana pool at lvl 8
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_295329]@Faelivri[/url]: On top of that, leech seed costs a good chunk of your very low mana, and as a nuke is pretty sub par (though in team fights restoring 300 Hp to all your allied over 3 seconds is nice)
almost 11 years ago
@lol wat: A skill that can block up to 560 damage, have a global range and gives a little HP regen is worth to max first.
lol wat
almost 11 years ago
Seriously, you have a kick-ass slow and heal for al nearby allies but you max out your tower healing skill?

Fuck you, you know what? Just fuck you.
lol wat
almost 11 years ago
Max leech seed first noob! Sweet jesus ... most misplayed hero in fucking history.
almost 11 years ago
I'd say Treant is a pretty decent pick.
His healing is OP as fuck and his ult wins teamfights.

Besides, playing support is never fun.
almost 11 years ago
Midguy, Treant works well when paired with a pusher like Nature's Prophet.
Crom Hellsgream
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_293807]@MBeast[/url]: Rock on man, supports win the game (because there's nothing more infuriating than a 5 carry team)
almost 11 years ago
I actually didn't know that Living Armor could heal damaged towers. Reading this inspired me to play Treant and try it out. Won five straight games with him and had a really good time doing it. But then, I'm one of those weirdos who actually prefers playing support.
almost 11 years ago
The problem with treant is that (as a support) none of his abilities are good enough to warrant picking him over (say) tidehunter.
However, he makes a fun mid hero. His has invis, he has slow, and he's hard to lane against solo because of his ridiculously high base damage. And he needs farm.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_293398]@kommo1[/url]: Yeah it's also the only website that my anti virus program sees as "dangerous".
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_293396]@ssss[/url]: You know, flaming rainbows are pretty awesome. That, or you just saw a drag queen on fire.
almost 11 years ago
This website is the only one in the entire web, that freezes my whole computer for several seconds.
almost 11 years ago
dont worry, I got this.

we need moar comments. maybe we can reach 150 before a new strip comes.
almost 11 years ago
@Mature Adult.
I cant. ate too much sugar and I keep seeing flames. and rainbows.
Mature Adult.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_293327]@ssss[/url]: It's late go to bed kid. Stop taking people who say they don't get it seriously. Everyone gets this easy one. You, being a child, simply can't differentiate between trolls and idiots. But you'll learn eventually. Now sleep.
almost 11 years ago
i dunn geddit. lol.
almost 11 years ago
but nooo, you just cripple yourselves trying to remain ignorant AND COMPLAINING THAT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND.
not to mention this isnt supposed to be "funny". just look at how the word 'fun' is used in the context. this is just to jab at how booooring treant's job is.
almost 11 years ago
also lol at the people who cant understand.
would 'you' have "fun" just healing towers instead of doing something like killing other heroes? if you had even the slightest understanding of dota(as in, you know you fight other heroes and destroy their base) this one would make sense.
almost 11 years ago
meh, treant was a lot better when he had 3.4 str gain and had eyes of the forest. now most of his skills are quite lackluster and pretty bland.
almost 11 years ago
Treant can cast spells whilst invisible.

Dagon 5 people from invisibility.

almost 11 years ago
@Barf Now: Are you suggesting the comics about the rating system/ comics about CM taking mid from pudge werent funny?

If you don't have a VERY BASIC knowledge of the game, then yea don't bother looking at em... just don't complain because you dont get comics about a game you don't play xD
almost 11 years ago
Am I the only one who plays him just to eat tangos and laugh as he apologizes Dx
almost 11 years ago
Radiance + MoM. Does no one else use that build anymore? D:
Crom Hellsgream
almost 11 years ago
He is fun to play because he's the only dick who can cast spells and remain invisible...Slark doesn't count, he's a bitch.
Barf Now
almost 11 years ago
Why can't everyone else who don't care about DOTA comics just treat it as the filler it is for not DOTA fans? I find them either to boring (oh this hero sucks/is OP and that is funny somehow) or to reliant on game knowledge to be funny to anyone not playing the game
almost 11 years ago
Jo quick make Random LoL DoTa2 crossover, make the troll war begin. They shall all die and your loyal viewers like me then get to see Engie-chan in a bikini maybe?
Troll NOW!!
almost 11 years ago
Jo needs make comics about a Wii U game, that way nobody will get the jokes and there will be less dotafags arguing with lolfags.
almost 11 years ago
At least nobody wants league of legends comics
almost 11 years ago
Jo, I should probably take this comic with a grain of salt but I really can't help but wonder if this is how you really feel about tree. He requires a lot of awareness to play optimally.
almost 11 years ago
Dota master race reporting in.

Detecting high levels of bothered booty.

I am pleased.
almost 11 years ago
nerfnow comments r better than the comic
but without the comic there would be no comments
almost 11 years ago
Finally back to Dota, was ready to remove my bookmark of this site.
almost 11 years ago
I find him really fun to play. Cant explain what exactly but it gives me satisfaction. Maybe because im a tree and i kill people :D
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_293011]@Rooftrellen[/url]: Sure, but it's close enough to a stun for me to call it one. And yep, refresher orb is unlikely, but it can still happen. 4.5 seconds of people having to stand still and not attack is pretty good in itself though, it only needs some damage on top of it to improve its usefulness.
almost 11 years ago
This comic brought to you by DEPENDS!

It is like these ads are directed right at me!
Treant Protector solution
almost 11 years ago
Make Overgrowth GLOBAL.
almost 11 years ago
I know why people complain so much about this comic. Its because they payed to read it.
almost 11 years ago
Treant OP
almost 11 years ago
I miss Engi-tan, can you atleast implement her into your Dota 2 comics?
almost 11 years ago
Jo, I am only here to see your tears because Minetti didn't it. Show us.
almost 11 years ago
Don't forget going invis so you can stand next to trees and sap EXP!

almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: I agree with you, Jo, I can't play carry so well now because once I started playing support I care too much about the team :D
almost 11 years ago
Random Fan
almost 11 years ago
@ Nerf Now
Hey I really like the comic I read it every week, but dude seriously? Some of these "fans" of yours are a rather horrible bunch. I don't know how you put up with this shit. Keep up the funny though!
A Game Within a Game
almost 11 years ago
Ahh, the Treat Protector's mini game: The Tower Tycoon
almost 11 years ago
You don't use living armor on towers, you use it on allies.

No seriously, 7 instance of 80 damage block plus 13 hp regen per second? That is like 600 bonus hp on demand.

Every lane is now immune to ganks.
almost 11 years ago
Yay, another shitty dota comic!
almost 11 years ago
Step 4: Forget to level ulti and throw QPanda's chances of getting to get into Internationals
almost 11 years ago
Is that a fish fillet sammich she's carrying?
And today's comics sounds like they leaked some Tower Defense into Dota (or whatever this is).
almost 11 years ago
I was expecting Skullgirls comic, tbh. Oh, maybe next time.
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!

I blame engie-tan for Beowulf winning.

Now the Skullgirls tumblr tag will be flooded with porn of naked man. Now only bisexual people won't be weirded out by that tag.

Well PC version is kinda scheduled.
What happens everyday on NerfNow
almost 11 years ago
I don't know if they posted this, but have you seem this Jo?

almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_293026]@Ninj77[/url]: 1) No PC version 2) No Minette :P
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Now that's a really nice pic of Minette, indeed!

Why no make more strips about that game, Jo?
almost 11 years ago
@Salty Mcsalt: I posted a last Minette pic on my twitter. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15508817/MinetteSpecial2.png
Salty Mcsalt
almost 11 years ago
Hey Jo, could you do a RIP comic on Minnette for us mourning her defeat? Beowulf couldn't be more generic of a pick imo.
almost 11 years ago
@PONIES!: He once had bees.
almost 11 years ago
If you solo a lane and armour yourself you can have a bit more fun. Also[url=#user_comment_292993] @OleJ[/url], it's not a stun, they can still cast spells (entangle). Also a "support" is unlikely to get a Refresher Orb without copious amounts of early game ownage. Why can't Jo draw about Dota2? He enjoys the game, and drawing
almost 11 years ago
another dota2 comic, didn't even read it because it probably sucks like the rest
almost 11 years ago
@Just cook it right
No, I'm not! I mean... No he's not!
almost 11 years ago
Well, treant protector is a support, so he's not supposed to have high damage... But he's quite effective at supporting. Get a refresher sphere and you can lock the entire enemy team in a 9 second stun. Also, he can heal towers. That's pretty good.
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
I'm bored with Dota 2 strips. There are more games.
almost 11 years ago
Hey did you know the tree looks like twilight sparkles home? Seriously, dude must be hostin a brony party inside him.
Liro Raeriyo
almost 11 years ago
Hey also, can i just say that the total removal of ponies made bronyfags fuck off... this made me happy because every other fucking word they say is usually something related to MLP which is very VERY fucking annoying. (im lookin at Dota 2 / TF2 right now)
Just cook it right
almost 11 years ago
Newbies just dont' know Treant Protector is cerry.
Liro Raeriyo
almost 11 years ago
TF2 REFERENCES IN MY DOTA COMICS!?!... guys GUYS!!! dota references in every TF2 comic from now on!
Random Dude
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292865]@dealwithit[/url] this is the reason why you suck
salt delivery
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292953]@BEOWULF[/url] yeah yeah, don't rub it in. Even if Beowulf was my 3rd choice.
Delta Echo
almost 11 years ago
@LOL XD: Funny that, I don't play DOTA and I got it perfectly. Then again, troll I am not...
almost 11 years ago

almost 11 years ago
Who else finds it funny that Treant Protector has been banned in some comp games now, while Drow barely sees any action?
Stop whining
almost 11 years ago
Jesus christ stop whining if you want him to draw whatever the bollocks you want then just pay him to make you commissioned stuff, otherwise stfu and suck it like a boss
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
@salt delivery: I know. :/
almost 11 years ago
@not again: dat truth
not again
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
I don't much care for the dota 2 comics.

I did, however, enjoy the surreptitious My Little Pony joke.
almost 11 years ago
I think its fun as hell to watch a 3 man gank being unable to kill that low life crystal maiden before her Ultimate tears them to pieces xD
salt delivery
almost 11 years ago
Hey Jo.
Minette lost again.
almost 11 years ago
The joke does make sense to non-DOTA players; I don't play DOTA and I get it. Basically, Treant is a turtling Engie in TF2; would have to be insanely skilled/lucky/hacking to win solo, but is very much CREDIT TO TEAM!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292909]@Abacabaca[/url]: Smaller photonotes goes on top.
almost 11 years ago
order, because mine comes before his in alphabetical order.

So how does it works?
almost 11 years ago
So, Nerfnow!!/Jo, how's it working? How do the system decide which photonote comes up on top when two photonotes overlap completely?

I make one, someone makes one over it, it overlaps. Good. But then I make a new one over his, and then mine is still under? It's not about the name's alphabetical
almost 11 years ago
yo jo draw it hard
almost 11 years ago
I genuinely enjoy playing Treeant Protector, I've always thoroughly enjoyed being a heavy support in just about any game I get the opportunity to be ^^

Plus, all the annoying noises the enemies make when you heal your turrets up to full health make it soooooo worth it :D
almost 11 years ago
@LOL XD: Oh, shut the fuck up. The comic explains the fucking joke in a 3 step manners.
almost 11 years ago
Covers my new note entirely. I make it fit so perfectly I can't access my note, and he shouldn't be able to access his, if his not was being buried under mine, but why is my note, the most recent, being put under the other note? What decides Note Priority?
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292845]@Whatever[/url]: Bro, you need to learn 2 english.
almost 11 years ago
Hey Jo, I REALLY need to have you check the photonotes bug.

See, I've been getting my notes covered by other notes, so I tried to get them back by either posting a new note over theirs, or trying to delete my old one and repost over it. But then, the other's guy, despite being older... cont.
almost 11 years ago
I dont remember him being op : /
almost 11 years ago


There's no funny joke.

This comic doesn't even make sense to people who don't play Dota.

almost 11 years ago
Weird, Treant Protector is my favorite hero just because of that.
Miss Berry
almost 11 years ago
Build Mask of Madness and Crit and enjoy tree ganking fun :3
Ded wrong
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292845]@Whatever[/url] Ded wrong Fun | is | Bugged That's a sentence.
almost 11 years ago
Being able to heal a tower? That seems op.
Treant Protector
almost 11 years ago
This is how you have fun http://dotabuff.com/matches/196867624
almost 11 years ago
"Fun with Treant Protector is currently bugged and not working."

That doesn't seem like a sentence. Even if 'have' is stuck at the beginning. Actually, especially then.
almost 11 years ago
How is playing with tree not fun? I always seem to enjoy myself when my teammates don't ride up my ass about needing to support when I'm doing just that.
Crystal Manden
almost 11 years ago
I love supporting because I like people taking advantage of me and being rude. MAKES MY DICK ROCK HARD.
almost 11 years ago
I like to support.

Nobody calls for my role, choose my "champions", and doesn't focus on hard farm. That and...

almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292831]@Anon1[/url]: Not really. Supporting can be very active. I find hard carry the most boring because you need to farm too much.
almost 11 years ago
Woah. I was expecting a comic on Steam TCG. Come on Jo, keep it up to date!
almost 11 years ago
Supports are always the most boring...