What people are saying about "Good Day 2"
Good Day 2
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 11 years ago
@Drow is OP: People protecting someone vulnerable to close-combat!? It's like they're a team or something.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_293890]@B4ldur[/url]: She was picked in the International Eastern Qualifiers alongside a Shadow Fiend recently, and that team kicked some major ass.
about 11 years ago
@Drow is OP
Dagon Nyx
dead before the fight starts
about 11 years ago
Old as dirt. Still fun like hell :)
Drow is OP
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_293368]@adsgadgadag[/url]: You do realize that BKB and gap-closing matters shit when her team is right next to her, right? Face it, you can't do anything against her. Drow is overpowered.
about 11 years ago
Let's turn that around... name one pro-game were drow was picked in the last six months that was not atoD-mode... That's how good this hero is if your team is competent enough to deal with a carry that has no escape or stun... gank her and she will do nothing... Also Blink-Dagger and Brains
about 11 years ago
@lol noobs:
Also, frost arrows don't work through BKB, which makes them useless.
about 11 years ago
@lol noobs:
Yeah it's not like gap-closing abilities exist in Do-
Oh wait, they exist.
about 11 years ago
Why would I complain? 4 of the past 5 comics haven't even been about DOTA. Whether or not they were funny is a different matter, but at least I understood the context.
lol noobs
about 11 years ago
@any melee hero: You mean the heroes that can never get close to Drow without getting pelted with arrows that slows them down to a crawl? LOL.

@...: Too bad you're never going to stand next to a competent drow player.
about 11 years ago
@lol noobs: She loses all of her damage if you're standing next to her.
any melee hero
about 11 years ago
@lol noobs: Any melee carry. Period.
lol noobs
about 11 years ago
Seriously, you noobs only say that Drow isn't OP because you can't play her.

Very well then. Name more than 20 heroes that counter Drow. If you can't name them, then she's overpowered.

Too bad you can't name them, because they don't exist.
about 11 years ago
Thanks for adding a video explaining the comic at the bottom :) Otherwise this would've just been a humanoid gopher writing a letter.
Bill's Beard Talking
about 11 years ago
Fucking phantom lancer, that motherfucking cloning dipshit is always fucking annoying as hell.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292390]@B4ldur[/url]: Best comment so far, this explains the Drow! Drow is terribly easy to shut down, you just need to know how to do it. ;)
about 11 years ago
Drow is only OP in random pubscrub games because people are too stupid to deal with her... Same goes for Cancer Lancer... She's never picked or banned in pro games because she's shit-tier if people know how to play
lol drow
about 11 years ago
drow is fine l2p
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292201]@waka[/url]: Are you an idiot? Everyone who claims that Drow isn't OP are obviously shit talking. Only shit talkers say that to get a rise out of people, and that's why nobody likes dotapls.
Crom Hellsgream
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292220]@Naumhagatos[/url]: <-- Creepy stalker detected.
about 11 years ago
No, Jo.

Who said you are in control of your site. Or your... Life?

Remember of us, Jo.


WE are watching you.

oo¬ oo,-
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291666]@Bindal[/url] what the heck are you talking about? all I see from last comic is dotapls refuting your statement that drow is OP. shit talking? take a look at the comments in the last page and look at your posts here again before you say that to someone else.
about 11 years ago
good one ^^
although the example vid features noob level over 9000
The Trooll
about 11 years ago
Draw more tits
Torry Spelling
about 11 years ago
You lied. That video wasn't funny at all.
about 11 years ago
I'm still on the LoL kick. I see some fun stuff is coming from DotA now, though.
Benny Tops
about 11 years ago
Top quality, per the usual Jo, in both comic and comment.
Anyways, do what you love, we love what you do.

To those who rag on Jo. Lighten up please. Maybe if you do the research, you may stumble across something wonderful, a new game to play, art, whatever. Just try.
See you at the tops.
My two pence
about 11 years ago

114,054 304,918 Dota 2
23,738 49,181 Team Fortress 2

May 15th. 10AM GMT+2

@Fatcsandstats: You were saying...?

I know, this is the situation just now, but there are ~140K players online now on the top 2 games, vast majority being on Dota2.
about 11 years ago
all of his comic are all good they don't suck at all. As long he got something in his mind to draw that all i want. if he want dota comic i ok with that. He want to draw tf2 i ok want that to.
Just a daily reminder
about 11 years ago
Dota 2 is for losers.
about 11 years ago
The thing is I just don't get hardly any of them. I don't know what a "lane" or "carry" or "support" is in this context. Other comics about games I haven't played (like Starcraft) I can get because I know those TYPES games, but I don't know these, and I don't have a strong desire to.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291730]@Techgineer[/url]: And for those who don't? I don't even know what a MOBA game IS let alone how it works. It's just not something that ever caught my attention between all the other games I play. I'm not trying to say "no more DOTA comics" (well, I did a while back, but that was a bit mean...)
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291615]@Zero[/url] Secondly, people seem to be under the delusion that TF2 is "easy to understand." The reality is that TF2 is an fantastic, popular and old game that most of the internet has tried at one point or another; they get the joke because they know the game already.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291615]@Zero[/url]: Uhm, that's a load. Firstly, anyone with even a passive knowledge of MOBA games should be completely able to understand every single one of Jo's DOTA2 jokes. They've all be completely simple; with some like his "Death Prophet" comic all but spelling it out for you.
Jeremiah Fink
about 11 years ago
I guess Earthshaker found the #cureforlancer.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291656]@waka[/url]: first of all stop over-exaggerating. just take a look at the "dota pls" guy on the previous comic who shittalked me for no reason whatsoever and then you have the nerve to tell me a guy like that does not deserve to die? really?! come on.
about 11 years ago
the annoying thing I can see sometimes in fellow dota fans comments are "please draw more dota 2", but its at least infinitely better than "please stop drawing dota 2".
just ask joe for more TF2/starcraft/mario/whatever you want rather than tell him to stop.
about 11 years ago
if you dont want to try then dont. just ignore the comic strip currently.
at least we're not giving death threats like you guys.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291653]@Bindal[/url] are you blind? did you miss all the previous comments where the non-dota fans kept on muttering that dota is trash and the people who like it should die? and their advice to play it, is so that you can understand the jokes. people complain they dont know? well try the game to understand.
You kittens me?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291653]@Bindal[/url]: Have you read the comments on Dota based comics. It is full of people saying they don't like it and draw something else.
about 11 years ago
@Andrew Hall: it's actually the dota fanboys whining about the people who don't like dota.

if you like to play dota, fine, go fuck yourself and have fun with it, but don't force it on others.
Michael C. Hall
about 11 years ago
Guess what the lovely thing about webcomics is, people? If you don't like people whining, you can just leave!

But if you DON'T, please quit whining about whining. Most people whine until they leave and realize how much better other comics are. If some of you would leave, you would understand.
Andrew Hall
about 11 years ago
Guess what the lovely thing about webcomics is, people? If you don't like Jo's, you can draw your own!

But if you DON'T, please quit whining. Most people whine until they try to do better themselves and realize how much work it is. If some of you did tried it, you would understand.
about 11 years ago
TOPLEL le funni dota comix are so funny XD :D
about 11 years ago
One of the things about Nerf Now is that you need to know a thing or two about the games that Jo covers. Their will be people out of the loop, but that's not a bad thing. It wouldn't be wise to do so if you wanted to become popular or widely liked, but it's not a bad route to take.
about 11 years ago
One of the fundamentals of comedy is that if you need to explain the joke, then you have failed, and almost every single Dota2 joke has required an explanation either from you or from the comments. Joking about current events is one thing, requiring everyone to know every Dota2 character is another
about 11 years ago
The inherant problem here is that Dota2 has like a hundred characters all with completely unique abilities and backstory that you need to know to get the joke. TF2 has, what, nine? They have no backstory and their costume/weapon tell you all you need to know.
von Boomslang
about 11 years ago
I'm gonna go against the grain and go "this one's good". The joke works even without context ("And they were proven wrong"). ALso, sweet mother of god, I have no idea how that was even possible.
about 11 years ago
My god i love this comic, i've beeing reading this webcomic since 2010 i think i never commented, greate comic, i love earthshaker!
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291590]@FuckWhinners[/url]: blablabla lol kill yourself dota fanboy
about 11 years ago
Thanks from Moscow for your comixes, Yo.
I look your works for about two years or about and 90% of them are nice or very nice for me.
Fuck whinners, bring them to the hell and let devil fuck them forever.
Good day, comrade.
about 11 years ago
Na, dota still licks taint.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291497]@Venomancer[/url]: I think he put that in his post to show he was responding to that, not to agree with it. Keep up the good work, Jo. Your comic got this many viewers by drawing what you like, so stick with it.
about 11 years ago
B-b-but... PL is so easy to counter it's not even funny. They even stopped picking him in pro games because of that and he has <50% winrate there.
about 11 years ago
I like the Dota 2 comics, I also like the non-Dota 2 comics. I never thought it was too hard to enjoy both sides, not just one or the other. :<

In other news, Phantom Lancer walked into a bar. There was no counter.
about 11 years ago
Now now.

Jo's done a good job last week. He gave us variety, and I see a real effort making jokes everyone can understand.

So shut the fuck up.

This one DOTA comic is good.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291497]@Venomancer[/url]: well it's 300000 faggots compared to 49000 normal people.
about 11 years ago
Uh, I guess I get it, kinda. I get the feeling it's a lot funnier for people who actually play DotA.
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
Video was hilarious. The comic was good but I don't think it was quite as good as the video, although the giant pencil in place of the totem did make me laugh.

Ignore all the fools who think they have the right to dictate what game you make your comics about. They'll whine about anything...
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291497]@Venomancer[/url]: The answer is 42 PUNK
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291460]@Factsandstats[/url]: How is 300 000 less than 49 000? :/ Not sure how your math skills are but they need to improved But I didn't know Earth Shaker could do that much damage with his ulti. It always seemed so weak to me. Now I know why. Good to know actually. Broodmother as always is rather useless.
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
Wow, why is my comment gone?

"I did this once back when it was still a Warcraft 3 mod. Good times."
about 11 years ago
Please draw what you want to draw. Fuck all the whiners wanting specific content. :)
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291449]@Alex[/url] So you're only here for comics for yourself and can care less what others might like? If you think like that, you already lost everything in Nerfnow. Why can't people just enjoy some fun comic strips without resorting to never getting another comic from here again?
about 11 years ago
Dota 2 has had the most players than any game on steam all year. Oh and that's ingame :]
about 11 years ago

/more people play TF2 then DoTA 2.
about 11 years ago
It's spelled "whining". [url=#user_comment_291414] @EVI[/url]: the alternative is indefinitely financing Jo's dota hobby... why do I have to do that again? If he stops making comics I like then what exactly do I lose if the site goes down?
about 11 years ago
"And I'd thank if you guys (outside the trolls) could keep the whinning about whatever I choose to draw at minimum. :)"
Diplomat like a chemical weapon...
about 11 years ago
Hah, Earthshaker is probably the hero that require the least anmount of items to be good. 2 Items: Blink Dagger and Aghanim's Scepter (Value of 6350 gold).

Reason why I love him so much.
about 11 years ago
How stupid can people be, what game comics you want then? You're not happy with anything.
about 11 years ago
Holy crap... That's one hell of a good way to use Earthshaker's ultra... Considering he doesn't even had Aghanim Scepter, that was nice...
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291429]@Gerroh[/url]: this is me giving a fuck...
about 11 years ago
Jesus fuck, people, it's a webcomic. It's not always going to have shit you like. Stop acting like you deserve full reign of this, this is Jo's art here.
about 11 years ago
Now we need one with Tidehunter writing a letter to Maelrawn.
about 11 years ago
So, prevent Jo's ads from coming, stop giving him money so he'll bend to your command and do what YOU want?
Then the site goes down and never returns.

Good job, that showed him, eh? >.>
about 11 years ago
Oh come on guys. Jo recently did a couple of comics that weren't about Dota 2, stop whining. I don't like Dota 2 either, but at least he's changing it up every now and then.
about 11 years ago
Hey, Jo, here's a challenge for you--do a strip for those who think 'everyone plays' ought to be a yardstick for the game you pick.
Do a Solitaire strip. :-)
about 11 years ago
Heh. The comic was clearer than the video, to be honest. :-)
Nothing wrong with the comic anyway--even if you don't play the specific game, it's a easy Evil Overlord List ref--"My Lord, he is but one man alone--what can *he* do?" "This. *BLAM*"
about 11 years ago
Well at least I can keep using Adblocker if he keeps up the DOTA comics. Use it with firefox in order to block AD's and show you don't want dota!
about 11 years ago
But... I wanted some OTHER comic!!! <:´-(
about 11 years ago
I would love to see a comic like this with Invoker, but instead of someone else, he writes to himself.
about 11 years ago
Carry = heavy
Support = sniper, medic
about 11 years ago
You can log in, it's just a bug with Google check in (for me at least) which they should fix.

Also, they should fix the overlapping photo notes bug, Zacharial overlapped Enther's note which claimed the comic, with one that shares the comic. blocking notes, NOT COOL.
I can't log in
about 11 years ago
And I still don't know what "carriers" and "support" means here.
about 11 years ago
@nerf enthusiast 69: Mister troll, I respect your position on the internet, and will grant you this ONE victory... If you go away now plz?
about 11 years ago
@nerf enthusiast 69: nope.avi
nerf enthusiast 69
about 11 years ago
nerfnow has stepped away from its true roots, as indicated in the title. jo should start going back to them by creating comics with nerf guns in them and nerf review comics. anybody else agree with me?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291337]@dfasfa[/url]: your mom was one the worst things i shot on with my dick in first person BAM
Sensible Man
about 11 years ago
See? THIS is a good joke. People can understand it because every single game ever has that one class who's supposed to stay behind lines, not do much damage, and just support people who are going out to fight, and them doing something useful in combat is funny in an ironic way.
about 11 years ago
Screw DOTAlikes!
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291329]@fgsdgs[/url] look who's talking, I myself still got vague ideas about TF2 from time to time without really knowing the context/relying on the comments to make sense. and as for dota 2, there's dozens- I mean hundred's of free keys floating around. I myself still got 12 keys that I can give if you want.
yan who never played tf2
about 11 years ago
just go take a look at the steam stats, and DO tell me than "everyone plays tf2" more than dota
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291329]@fgsdgs[/url]: Nope, far from everyone plays TF2. Dota 2 has way more players according to Valve statistics and I, in example, don't play TF2 at all because I consider it to be one of the worst FPS games ever.
yan who never played tf2
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291329]@fgsdgs[/url] : now that's complete bullshit. as someone who almost never plays any fps games, I don't get more than half of the tf2 jokes, even the most recent ones, yet I don't complain about it and try to search a bit for an explanation. and about your "everyopne plays tf2" logic, I don't even...
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291329]@fgsdgs[/url]: Everyone plays Dota2, and even if they don't they would still understand every Dota2 joke. Now TF, on the other hand. Not everyone plays that one.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291325]@Pyrovision[/url]: Everyone plays TF2, and even if they don't they would still understand every TF2 joke. Now Dota 2, on the other hand. Not everyone plays that one.
about 11 years ago
Keep the Dota comics coming. They are great.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291307]@Nope[/url]: The "select few" being more players than TF2 sees. But for TF2 comics that isn't a problem, right? Or is it because you actually play that one yourself and the comic is supposed to be just for you?
about 11 years ago
I laughed at chewbacoala
about 11 years ago
Still gonna bitch about DotA 2. Only those that play the game understand it. It's and inside joke, but it comic form. It's not funny unless spoken to a select few
about 11 years ago
Excuse you, he's just as balanced as everyone else. Just gank him first while he's weak, and you don't have a cancer late game.
Guilherme D'ravem
about 11 years ago
Mi Mi Mew... Jô just draw about DOTA2 now, I'll write something long and boring agains that and presume that someone will care u.u
about 11 years ago
more fanservice or I never read again !!1!!1!
about 11 years ago
Hey Jo, had to say, don't pay any attention to these whiners. I'm not a particularly large DOTA 2 fan (I play more League of Legends), but even those with no experience in MOBA games can get the joke. Keep drawing whatever you want, I (and your other TRUE fans) will always love it.
about 11 years ago
No idea what the joke is here, but lipstick spider totally makes up for it.
This Guy
about 11 years ago
And the variety ends...
about 11 years ago
Well...it was good while it lasted...
about 11 years ago
Also, why you no make Dynasty Warriors comics Jo?
about 11 years ago
Aren't trolls the only ones that whine?
draw dota1 shit fucker
about 11 years ago
Mo idea who the guy in the last panel is suppsed to be because valve fucked up 90% of the heroes.
about 11 years ago
This one's a joke that a League player could get just as much as a Dota player, considering roles. Really, people will bitch if they want to, and there's little to do about it. All my support, Jo, you've earned my respect at least.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291232]@Lunchguy[/url]: Dear Twins, today was a good day, they did not have a TP scroll....
about 11 years ago
I love this comic. Keep it up!
I R Confused
about 11 years ago
What in the nine hells is going on in this strip?
about 11 years ago
You can draw whatever you want. But don't complain when the viewers react.
about 11 years ago
another dota comic, didn't read lol, it probably sucks anyways
Troll NOW!!
about 11 years ago
AWww boo hoo why don't you make more TF2/Ponies/FC3:BD/Whatever
*insert a long complaint full of swear words and grammatical mistakes*
And that's why you suck and I'm never going here again.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291232]@Lunchguy[/url]: Huskar. That is all.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291232]@Lunchguy[/url]: Someone gets a sweet new item, temporarily drops their force staff to get their item, and Blood Seeker just so happens to be nearby.
Broodseekuru prayeru
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291232]@Lunchguy[/url]: Buying refresher and playing against a Centaur with really bad ults.
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291204]@RatherRidiculouslyRandomRacistRacer[/url]: Yea that would be awesome. Not sure how a bloodseeker player could have a good day though :P
about 11 years ago
When i read something i dont like i keep reading until i find something i like or im tired and go look for something else.

Keep up the good work, i have enjoyed every single strip, even the ones i had to research to understand, I enjoy learning new things, even if it's just for teh lulz.
about 11 years ago
Oh, you draw too much of one thing.
Oh, you need to know the game.
Oh, you don't do things the way i want, you are not paying attention to your fans.

When i see to much of one thing, i just enjoy the continuity.
When i don't get the joke, i do some research.
about 11 years ago
Jo should make a comic where Riki and BH checks the inventory of enemy heroes to see if they can gank them, only to nope it out of there when they see the support (Venomancer pls) is full of sentry wards, dusts and holding a gem.
about 11 years ago
Loving the huge pencil.
Just keep doing Dota 2 comics Jo, it's nice seeing someone do 'em.
about 11 years ago

Also draw what you want to draw there are haters everywhere, if i dont get the joke i just wait for another comic.
about 11 years ago
Haha, did the pencil become a running joke?

Bloodseeker should write to his god in blood though.
about 11 years ago
So Screw the titles and if you feel like drawing DoTa2 then draw DoTa2, if you want to draw TF2, I would be happy and such,but you get what I mean I hope.
about 11 years ago
Joe, look I am going to say this and I hope everybody hears it. If you do a pokemon comic they will all say you are not mature if you do Starcraft they will say sell out, tf2, the start of nerfnow would make you unoriginal, DoTa2 makes you hard to understand... To Be Continued
about 11 years ago
Hey, at least I GET this one, having played some LoL.
about 11 years ago
I like that there is varied comics for varied audiences, but I get the feeling this is slowly becoming a 100% Dota comic.
about 11 years ago
If a joke requires explanation then it's bad but not so if it requires context. As has already been pointed out here, almost every game comic requires you to have some knowledge about the game to understand the joke.

Keep up the good work!
about 11 years ago
Echo slam best
dota yay
about 11 years ago
Also, BF+Daedalus Shaker STRONK.
Random Dude
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291065]@Dealwithit[/url] You suck, deal with it.
about 11 years ago
"Oh my god, this strip requires outside context!"

... Any video game comic strip requires outside context, just that we're already familiar with the majority of the context.

And if you take the time to just learn what the joke is, you can appreciate the joke. It's worth it.
about 11 years ago
Been there, done that, very satisfying to do that.
about 11 years ago
Not whining about what you draw, but this really require too much contest to get, unlike other more generic dota strips (Enchanteress/Enchanter f.y.i.).
And no, I don't care enough about dota to bother getting this context. But your art is very good as usual.
about 11 years ago
@True Nerfnow Fan: A few people who don't play a particular game do not account for the entirety or even the majority of Jo's fans. If Jo wants to make comic strips about DotA then comic strips about DotA will be made.
about 11 years ago
Look two things I hate a lot dying caner and SPIDERS!
about 11 years ago
But Jo, the first comic like this was actually called "Risk / Reward". This one can't be "Good Day 2" if there was no "Good Day"!
about 11 years ago
Oh big es ult never gets old
True Nerfnow Fan
about 11 years ago
And it was going so well with the non-dota strips...

I guess Jo truly don't care about his fans anymore.
about 11 years ago
This one was AWESOME. I laughed for several minutes.

These "good day" strips are really good, you could probably make some for the TF2 whiners if it really matters as well.
So many whiners
about 11 years ago
Don't read the comic if you can't handle the awesomeness of DOTA
about 11 years ago
This made my day, thank you n.n
about 11 years ago
If dota is not fun, Jo wouldn't waste his time making dota comix. Right?!
about 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: That's a very good point. It's awfully hard to make jokes about videogames without referencing the games themselves.
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291020]@Ninj77[/url]: I don't know this game aside from reading NerfNow and got the joke without watching the video. I was amused. Just because you don't get the joke, doesn't mean it isn't funny.
about 11 years ago
Broodmother's spiders, PL's mirror images Profit's treeants and most likely a pair of lycan wolves and whoever enchantress conscripted this time all increase earthshaker's ult damage.
Honkrauser VII
about 11 years ago
HONKMOTHER > earthmother, honk!
p.s. roboticist needs bananium, honk.
about 11 years ago
Lol very nice vid but I'd like to point out that earthshaker was level 20 while everyone else was 13 and the score was like 40-13? Never the less a very entertaining video.
Cdr Zero
about 11 years ago
Just writing to say 'keep up the good work'. I enjoy reading all your comics and don't mind what it's about, because they're all enjoyable.
about 11 years ago
idk why so much hate to your comics ...... you even put a video to show some context ..... gamers and their circle jerk jokes (if i dont paly it i dont like it) .... really good comic and btw people for every joke you need to know some background .... even for tf2 comics
about 11 years ago
Was 100% Brood's fault in the video.

As far as whiners, who gives a crap, most comics don't have comment sections anyways..

Fuck em
about 11 years ago
I dont like comics about a game I'll never play
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291020]@Ninj77[/url]: I disagree. Niche humor (in this case videogame) will always require people to know the medium to some degree. If the joke require absolutely NO game knowledge, I mas as well not make the strip about videogames.
about 11 years ago
I don't play DOTA but I still find the idea of a support going on a rampage pretty funny.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_290984]@Ganjalf[/url]: -Sigh- It seems so, pal. And Jo, I don't usually complain but... a joke that needs an external source so people can understand it; sorry pal, but that's a perfect example of a joke that isn't funny.
about 11 years ago
ES is still a tauren technically in WC3 due to the model and its lore.
different now in dota 2, he looks like a koala/gorilla as you can see in joe's link.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291012]@Sauce[/url]: Well, Earthshaker isn't based off a WC3 hero then?
about 11 years ago
The Awesomenauts parallel to this is Genji's Cocoon Explosion.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291012]@Sauce[/url]: Ah You're right. I don't remember every Wacraft 3 hero. However, the parallel to being a tauren is enough, to me at least.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291010]@JackTheManiac[/url]: Wasn't Cairne Bloodhoof the Tauren Chieftain? I'm pretty sure Earthshaker was Raigor or something like that.
about 11 years ago
Why not draw Meepo tho?!
about 11 years ago
As long as you try and make it accessible for non dota players, it's good for me. Plus, many of us played WC3 but not DOTA, so making parallels with the character's WC3 counterparts is a good way to do that. See my other comment below.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_290995]@Nope[/url] good, working as intended.
about 11 years ago
Have fun with your Dota, I'm out now.
Xin, the Ember Spirit
about 11 years ago
Gimme battlefury and I'll show that prick how its done.
about 11 years ago
Also I like how his totem is now a pencil.
about 11 years ago
Now that's well done Jo. Easy comic to understand, plus the Earthmother comment helps someone who played Warcraft 3 to understand this it's Caine Bloodhoof's DOTA counterpart, "Random furry orange-yellow blacknose dude".
about 11 years ago
Welp, back to DOTA it seems.